Showing posts with label July 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July 2020. Show all posts


Small UFO Seen Lifting Off Ground Near Chicken Coop, Michigan Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 1, 2020 1:44 AM
Location of sighting: Michigan, USA

A strange craft was flying past a chicken coop in Michigan and got caught on security cam footage. The UFO is about 1 foot across and looks like a drone, but aliens also have UFOs of the same size, so its possible it could go both ways. To me its defiantly a UFO because the object is checking out a chicken coop at 1:44 AM. Who would do that other than an alien? And the fact that it was landed in the drone operator would risk getting a drone stuck in the tall dry grass and loosing it. That makes me know this is 100% alien in origin. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
While checking security camera footage after loosing another chicken to an unknown creature that likes to just take the rear end out of our chickens. At 1:44 am I noticed this object taking off and flying over the camera. We live in a very rural area of Michigan, with no reason for any drones to be flying around. I wonder what it is? 

A Strange Encounter: The UFO Sighting Over a Michigan Chicken Coop

The Incident

In the early hours of July 1, 2020, an unusual event occurred in a remote area of Michigan that has left many scratching their heads. It was 1:44 AM when a security camera, installed to monitor a chicken coop, captured footage of an unidentified flying object (UFO) hovering near the property. The footage shows a small craft, roughly a foot in diameter, that appears to resemble a drone. But upon closer inspection, the object’s behavior and context of the sighting suggest something far more mysterious.

The property owner, who prefers to remain anonymous, had recently installed the security cameras after a series of bizarre incidents involving the loss of several chickens. Each time a chicken disappeared, it seemed that only the rear end had been taken, leaving the rest of the bird intact. This pattern of predation was unusual, to say the least, prompting the owner to keep a closer watch on the area around the coop. What the camera captured that night was not a typical predator, but something entirely unexpected.

The Eyewitness Account

According to the eyewitness, who checked the footage the following morning, the small object was seen taking off from the ground and then flying over the camera’s field of view. The sighting occurred in a rural area of Michigan, far from any urban centers or technological infrastructure. The property is surrounded by dense forests and open fields, making the appearance of such a craft highly unusual. 

The eyewitness described their surprise upon seeing the footage: 

 "While checking security camera footage after losing another chicken to an unknown creature that likes to just take the rear end out of our chickens, I noticed this object taking off and flying over the camera at 1:44 AM. We live in a very rural area of Michigan, with no reason for any drones to be flying around. I wonder what it is?"

The area is known for its tranquility, and there had been no reports of drone activity or any other aerial vehicles operating in the vicinity. This raised immediate questions about what the object could be. While it was small enough to be mistaken for a drone, its presence at such an odd hour, combined with its proximity to the chicken coop, made the witness suspicious.

The Characteristics of the Object

The footage shows the object as it hovers near the chicken coop before taking off. The object appears to be metallic, with a smooth surface, and is roughly a foot in diameter. It moves with a level of precision and stability that one might expect from a high-end drone. However, there are some aspects of its behavior that stand out.

Firstly, the object is seen landing in tall, dry grass before taking off again. This is unusual because most drone operators avoid landing in such areas due to the risk of damaging the propellers or losing the drone altogether. Drones are typically flown over open fields, roads, or other safe landing zones. The fact that this object was seen in the grass suggests that it was not being piloted by a human who was concerned about these risks.

Secondly, the timing of the sighting is curious. The object was caught on camera at 1:44 AM, a time when most people in the area would be asleep. The rural location and the late hour make it unlikely that a recreational drone enthusiast would be flying at that time. The isolated nature of the sighting adds to the mystery, as there were no other witnesses or sounds that might have indicated a human presence.

Theories and Speculations

The sighting has given rise to several theories about the nature of the object. The most straightforward explanation is that it was, indeed, a drone. Drones have become increasingly popular and accessible, and their use has expanded beyond professional and recreational purposes. Some have been used for surveillance, while others have been employed for pranks or mischief. However, this theory raises more questions than it answers.

Why would someone fly a drone over a chicken coop in the middle of the night? The location and the time make it improbable that this was a random incident. If it was a drone, it was being operated with a specific purpose in mind. Was the operator observing the chickens, or was there some other objective? 

One alternative theory suggests that the object might have been an extraterrestrial craft. UFOs have been reported in all shapes and sizes, and some accounts describe small, drone-like objects that appear to operate autonomously. These mini-UFOs have been theorized to be scout probes, sent to gather information or perform reconnaissance. The fact that the object in question was seen near a chicken coop at a rural location adds to this speculation. Could it be that the object was examining the chickens or the environment for some unknown reason?

 The Context of UFO Sightings in Michigan

Michigan has a rich history of UFO sightings, dating back to the mid-20th century. The state’s vast wilderness areas, large bodies of water, and relatively low population density make it a hotspot for unexplained aerial phenomena. The famous 1966 Dexter-Hillsdale sightings, investigated by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, brought national attention to Michigan as a place with frequent UFO activity.

In more recent years, there have been numerous reports of strange lights, unidentified crafts, and mysterious encounters across the state. The rural areas, in particular, seem to attract these sightings, possibly due to the lack of light pollution and the clear visibility of the night sky. The sighting near the chicken coop is just the latest in a long line of mysterious encounters in Michigan, and it has reignited interest in the state’s UFO lore.

 The Debate Over Drones vs. UFOs

One of the central questions in this case is whether the object was a drone or a genuine UFO. Drones have become ubiquitous in recent years, and their presence has led to confusion in many UFO sightings. The technology allows for complex maneuvers and extended flight times, making it difficult to distinguish between a man-made drone and something more extraordinary.

However, there are several factors that set this sighting apart. The object’s proximity to the ground, its behavior near the chicken coop, and the circumstances of the sighting all point to something unusual. Most drones are not designed to hover near the ground in tall grass, especially in the middle of the night, in a rural area. The risk of damaging the drone or losing it in the grass would deter most operators.

Furthermore, the lack of any identifiable drone sounds in the footage suggests that this object might not be a conventional drone. Drones typically produce a distinctive buzzing noise due to their rotors, but no such sound was reported in this case. The absence of noise, combined with the time and location, makes the drone theory less convincing.

The Possibility of Alien Surveillance

If the object was not a conventional drone, then what was it? One possibility is that it was an extraterrestrial craft, specifically designed for surveillance or data collection. Small, drone-like UFOs have been reported in various parts of the world, often in remote or isolated locations. These sightings typically involve objects that move silently and exhibit behaviors that are not characteristic of human technology.

In this case, the object’s interest in the chicken coop is particularly intriguing. Animals have been the subject of numerous UFO encounters, with reports of cattle mutilations and other bizarre incidents involving livestock. Could it be that the object was conducting some sort of survey or experiment on the chickens? The eyewitness’s report of a mysterious predator that only took the rear end of the chickens adds a chilling layer to this theory. Was the object responsible for these attacks, or was it investigating them?

The Broader Implications

The sighting raises important questions about the nature of UFO encounters and their implications for our understanding of the world. If the object was an extraterrestrial craft, then it suggests a level of surveillance and interaction that goes beyond simple observation. It indicates that these entities, whoever or whatever they are, have a direct interest in our environment and possibly even in our food supply.

The sighting also highlights the challenges of distinguishing between human and extraterrestrial technology in an age where drones and other advanced devices are becoming more common. As technology continues to evolve, the line between the ordinary and the extraordinary becomes increasingly blurred. This case serves as a reminder that not all that appears to be mundane can be easily explained away.

The Eyewitness’s Perspective

For the eyewitness, the sighting has had a lasting impact. Living in a rural area, they are accustomed to the natural rhythms and sounds of the countryside. The appearance of the strange object has left them questioning what they thought they knew about their surroundings. The incident has also sparked interest in the broader UFO phenomenon, leading the witness to research similar cases and explore the possibility that what they saw was not of this world.

Their belief that the object was not a conventional drone is based on several factors: the time of the sighting, the object’s behavior, and the context of the recent chicken disappearances. For them, the sighting is a clear indication that something unusual is happening in their area, something that defies easy explanation.


The sighting of the small, drone-like UFO over a chicken coop in Michigan is a case that challenges our understanding of the unknown. Whether it was a sophisticated human-made device or an extraterrestrial craft, its presence in such a remote location at such an odd hour raises questions that are not easily answered. The case remains open, with no definitive explanation for what the object was or why it was there.

What we do know is that the incident has added to the growing body of evidence suggesting that we are not alone in our skies. As more people come forward with their own experiences and as technology continues to advance, we may one day have a clearer picture of what is happening in the world around us.

Until then, the strange encounter over the Michigan chicken coop remains a mystery, a tantalizing glimpse into a reality that is just beyond our comprehension. Whether it was a drone, a UFO, or something else entirely, the incident serves as a reminder that the world is full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. For those who witnessed it, and for those who study such phenomena, the search for answers continues.