Location of discovery: Dark side of Earth's Moon
Eyewitness states: "GO FULL SCREEN. Proof of life. UFO's on the far side of the Moon, near Mare Moscoviense, dozens of cylinder shaped objects parked on crater edges. Some 1000 ft. long. Ground structure and some level of industry. Is this an origin of life planet? Or are they mining?"
It is true, I myself went to the Mare Moscoviense crater using Google Moon to confirm this and I found it to be 100% real. Know this, you need to zoom in a lot. Near the crater there are a lot of dark tiny craters. If you pick about a dozen to zoom in on and fill up the screen with one, you will see these tiny white sphere buildings and some are tube shaped. They are there, and are not pixillation. The screenshots above are not from his video but from me looking at Google Moon at the edge of that crater. SCW