Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts


Email Report: UFO Seen At Brooklyn Bridge During July 4, 2013 Fireworks Display Caught On Live Cam On 60 INCH TV!

Date of sighting: July 4, 2013
Time: 09:21:34-10:00:04 
Location of sighting: Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, New York, USA

This is an amazing email report from a reader that captured a UFO close up on live cam. What I mean by close up is not just that it was close to the camera, but M.C. was watching the live cam on a 60 inch TV! Very cool and totally blew me away.  He found it again in the please often check the cam archives when searching for UFOs. This is an incredible discovery and more proof that UFOs are interested in our firework displays. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
Well me and my girl were watching live streams again trying to watch the fireworks over Brooklyn when the cam moved left and we spotted something that looks like a UFO. The thing sits there for 24 seconds with out even moving and looks like its less then 50 feet from the building. M.C.


UFO Shots Dangerously Close To Passanger Jet Over New York, June 9, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 9, 2013
Location of sighting: McDonough, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: 
This Ufo sighting was filmed by one of our own guys in his backyard. One of our LooknowTV content producers was filming various planes in his backyard, in McDonough, New York while with his wife on Sunday, June 9th, 2013. After watching this tape he noticed a white round object passing the wing of the plane. At the start of the tape you can see bugs, and in a longer version of the tape at the same location, we looked at a bird, which you can clearly identify. So the bugs & birds in the same video taped on the same day can be ruled out. This object appears to be at a high altitude. We tried to figure out what this object could be using the process of elimination. We even looked into the lens flair theory, but if you have a trained eye and work with cameras often, you can clearly tell this object is a solid object and not a visual artifact produced by a person. We are still stumped over here. Maybe you can help us identify what it is. In our opinions this a genuine Ufo sighting from one of our very own.


Mysterious Pond Circles Appear In Eden, New York on March 2013.

Date of discovery: March 2013
Location of discovery: Eden, New York, USA

These unusual holes appear much like crop circles do in fields around the world. How these circles were formed is mere speculation since there is no direct evidence to the cause. Many UFOlogists have noticed the incredible similarities to crops in fields and hope that these circle in the pond may be evidence of alien craft having visited the area. A simple night vision cam set up in the back yard could have caught it, but most people don't want to pay the $20 to pick one up and plug it into their computer, focusing it out their window. And the extra security it offers is also a benefit in the long run. SCW


Three Glowing UFOs Over Brooklyn, New York On Dec 3, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: December 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Brooklyn, New York, USA

Warning: harsh language in video. 

Eyewitness states: 
This seems totally crazy but we saw strange lights over Brooklyn again tonight. This time over the corner of Vanderbilt and Dean. There were three orbs glowing like fire and again flying in formation. Each of the three finally stopped at the same point in the sky, hovered, and then disappeared. They made no noise, however, several people in the street did notice and stopped to watch. If anyone else saw this or has any idea what it is please respond. (Please note - we are referring to the three glowing, slow moving orbs that are visible, the fast moving object at the beginning of the recording is glare from the streetlight.)


UFO Fleet Over Westhampton, New York On October 19, 2012.

Date of sighting: October 19, 2012
Location of sighting: Westhampton, New York, USA

Eyewitness states (email report)
"It was my mothers birthday roughly around 945 pm and my sister came running inside on her way out to tell us 5 ufos were flying over our home...when i ran out i saw 5 giant orange orbs slowly moving east across the sky!!! Completely in shock i took one still picture of the ufos and went to the video to record the event...the kicker was that the ufos only appeared as white dots on video...u can clearly see them but wow...they all started dissapearing..on camera too!! After they all dissapeared into thin air i reviewed the pictures and only one picture showed the white ufos and the rest showed orange orbs!!! I have an edited version of the video but i dont want you to think i messed with video so here is the full unedited version and u can hear my whole family in awww!!! I believe i caught a group of boomerang ufos!!! U tell me."


Nets guard Deron Williams saw a UFO above Manhattan during Sandy, Nov 2012.

Date of sighting: November 2012
Location of sighting: Downtown Manhattan, New York, USA

Eyewitness states during interview

GQ: Was there a particular "New York moment" during the Hurricane? Did you see something that'd made you think, "That'd only happen in this city"?
Deron: Well, I don't know if you'd call this a "New York moment", but I definitely saw something I'd never seen before. The night all the power went out, I was standing out on my balcony, looking outside the window. Out of nowhere, I saw this big green flash across the sky. It wasn't lightning. It looked... It looked like a UFO.
GQ: Nice. What was it really?
Deron: A UFO. I'm telling you, man.
GQ: You really think it was a UFO?
Deron: I don't know, man. I'd never seen anything like that before.


UFO Caught Shooting Past Empire State Building On VIDEO, Day Time Footage, Aug 30, 2012.

Date of sighting: August 30, 2012
Location of sighting: New York, New York, USA

In this video a passing helicopter, probably a tour group were taking video of the Empire State Building in New York when something passed in front of it at high speeds. When the video is slowed down you can see that it is in front of the building not behind. Also the UFO is traveling at such a high velocity that the video camera recording it can not keep up so there is skipping moments in the video. That means the UFO was traveling faster than 30fps (frames per second) standard setting for video. SCW

On Youtube one comment was very deep and interesting about the subject stating: "There is a theory that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe hides, what it is, why we are here, it will all disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is a second theory which states that this has already happened."


UFO Fleet Over New York City On August 18, 2012.

Date of sighting: August 18, 2012
Location of sighting: New York, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: 
Strange lights emerging from power plant and up into outer space "NUTZZ" I wish I got the beginning of this on film.. So insane!! They're Here!!


UFO over the Statue of Liberty August 3rd, 2012, New York Harbor.

Date of sighting: August 3, 2012
Location of sighting: New York Harbor, New York, USA

Check out this amazing catch. This guy is using his cell phone to record a UFO flying near the Statue of Liberty. It appears like he is watching the live cam. I have seen the live cam many times myself and seen many planes go past but this is very strange. Perhaps it was only visible on camera and not visible to the naked eye. SCW

Live cam at:


UFO Orbs Over New York July 30 2012, Video News.

Date of sighting: July 30, 2012
Location of sighting: New York City, New York, USA

The eyewitness states that there were five glowing orbs over the neighborhood but when he pulled his cell phone out to record them there were only 2 or 3 left. These soon vanished behind clouds.


UFO over Orchard Park New York on July 4, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: July 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Orchard Park, New York, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: 
One of 3 videos I shot during the 4th of July fireworks in Orchard Park. At least 4 adult, 2 teen and 3 children testify to seeing a UFO... The teens that saw it were in the school park where most people were sitting to watch the fireworks, when they returned we asked if they saw the UFO they said yes so chances are lots more people at that event saw it. The video is darker than the actual lighting so unfortunately the visuals are poor. I did see it when it just came over the tree tops over my head then move on towards the field where it hovered but moved a bit from side to side. When I saw it over head I was closer and it was still dusk. It was a red diamond shaped light. The really weird thing that caught me is that it was shining a red search light down towards us for about 30 seconds then sped up to move over the field.

A quick note, I JUST saw a helicopter a few nights early while I was near Lake Erie beach, they patrol there at dusk. This UFO was not making any sound or behave at all like any craft I've ever seen. Airplanes and helicopters are so common, you are not going to look at one and wonder what it is. At first I thought this was a news helicopter capturing the fireworks display, it was low enough for me to see.


White UFO Seen Over Buffalo, New York On June 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: June 2012
Location of sighting: Buffalo, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"An HD video I shot that happened to catch some anomaly in the background. After further examination and editing software manipulation (zoom and slomo), this thing appears stranger than I originally thought. Had this uploaded in original format and someone suggested a bolide. But after a closer look it seems to have a diamond shape with a light or reflective material in the middle. Could be round as well, Thoughts?"


Alien Orbs Seen Over Brooklyn, New York On May 20, 2012 Video.

Date of sighting: May 20, 2012
Location of sighting: Brooklyn, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: "Watch right after I mover my finger. I was actually trying to film another much smaller strange bright light that I saw when something else flys by. You can actually HEAR it!!! Amazing, it was so fast I didn't notice it. This was about 3:50 pm EST."


UFO Orbs Over New York City On May 18, 2012, Video.

Date of sighting: May 18, 2012
Location of sighting: New York City, New York, USA

Web cams are amazing. They can catch and record everything that passes past them including UFOs. Here in the above screenshot, we seen several UFO orbs and other craft. Three of the orbs are in a triangle pattern…which cannot be three aircraft due to the unsafe distance to one another. After 9/11 every airport in NY is still concerned about safety. 


Daytime UFO over Wainscott, New York 24 March 2012 Video.

Date of sighting: March 24, 2012
Location of sighting: Wainscott, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: "I was outside with my dog, and I had seen several objects in the night sky which is frequent, I have reported these repeat occurences to MUFON..I saw a white star like object ascend over my tree line in the North West direction, where it then hovered. I was able to get two cameras from inside the house, when I returned moments later, the object was in same place. I have video footage, not that clear in some clips, but quite clear in others. This object was in the sky heading in an south Easterly direction for approx 1 1/4 hours. I called Mufon NY director,[moved name/CMS/der], and we reviewed all possible objects via Stellarium, and could find no such objects that matched. I was able to send him footage, as I was on the phone with him (I think I woke him up I called so sorry [moved name/CMS/der]!) I was able to maintain visual contact with this white star like orb. In that I had no more avail space on my camera memory card, I looked at object right before it disappeared behind treeline on adjacent side of property from where it had originated, and the object appeared to be reflective, and elongated, almost rectangular shaped. I do not have equip to document telescope visual, only my verbal description."


Donut Shaped UFO Seen Over New York City, Video March 13, 2012 News.

Date of sighting: March 12, 2012
Location of sighting: New York City, New York, USA

Watch carefully and you will see not one, but many UFOs in this video. The objects seem to take on the color of the clouds as they get closer to them. This is very similar to the UFO seen over Japan by some tourists bad in March 21, 2011 (Video is below).

Doughnut UFO over Japan (Mar 21, 2011)   


Disc Shaped UFO Passes Under An Airplane But Passanger Catches It On Video, New York, Feb 2012.

Date of sighting: February 2012
Location of sighting: New York, USA

Now this seems impossible, but last summer while UFO hunting I saw two events similar to this with my own eyes. The UFOs were 90% transparent and were moving slowly,  yet it was hard to keep on them because of the transparency. Impossible? No, I had about 2-3 seconds of video only, yet the star fish like shape that rotated like a wheel was there. The UFOs are using a cloak to conceal themselves, like the one in this video below.


UFOs Caught On Live Cam Over New York City, Feb 9, 2012 Video News.

Date of sighting: February 9, 2012
Location of sighting: New York, New York, USA

These images were captured on the NY live cam by someone and show long objects in the sky. 


Three Glowing Orbs Over Long Island, New York On Jan 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Long Island, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: "This video was taken at New Years eve at 12:05 am Long Island, NY. The lights are passing behind the trees that gives the illusion that they are blinking like Chinese lanterns, but the lights stay in a fixed position. Chinese lanterns would never be able to do this on a windy day." 


UFO Fleet Over Harlem, New York On Jan 12, 2012 - VIDEO. Same As Taiwan, Brasil, Arizona !!!

Date of sighting: January 12, 2012
Location of sighting: Harlem, New York, USA

This fleet of orbs was seen over New York this week and was recorded by many eyewitnesses. I will load a few of the videos below. The fact that so many videos of the incident exist rules out CGI. These glowing orbs have been seen around the world. Have a look below. 

"I actually saw this near Taipei 101 (Taiwan) on New Years minute but they were too far away to show up on my phone camera. They look the same to me, and I watched them (recording), there were about 20-30 and they disappeared after 3 minutes. I recorded me hitting two of them with my green laser...2 seconds after each hit...the UFO flashed a white light...very odd. Sadly...the UFOs were to far away to make out in the video. They are making their way around the world, last week this fleet was over Arizona and Brazil.SCW"

In below video, look in the far background lower area. Ignore the streetlight reflection, there are a fleet of glowing orbs in the far background...easier to see in FULL SCREEN MODE.