Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts


UFO Cloud Over Greensboro, North Carolina On Nov 29, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Above photo has added shadows only. You can even see the bottom of the ship, the dome top and the thin dome bottom.

Date of sighting: November 29, 2015
Location of sighting: Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
News source:

I wanted to see the detail of the cloud so I added some shadow to it and I began to see a domed bottom area of the UFO. The UFO itself looks gold but is covered in thick layer of cloud. The shading cut through it about 80%. Its a well known fact among UFO researches that UFOs frequently create a thin layer of cloud around their ships in order to observe humans closer without frightening them. 
Scott C. Waring News states:
GREENSBORO, N.C. – Has a “UFO cloud” been spotted in Greensboro? Check out this photo that was sent to FOX8’s Chad Tucker that features a cloud that bears a striking resemblance to a UFO. Joseph Stewart‎ sent the photo on Sunday and said the “flying saucer-looking cloud” was spotted near Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground Avenue in Greensboro. “It may not make the news, but I thought it would bring a smile,” Stewart‎ said on Facebook. “Have a blessed Sunday.”

Above screenshot has added shadows only.


Golden UFO Was Made By Artistic Species, NASA Photo, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Is this screenshot above close enough?

Date of discovery: June 7, 2015
Location of discovery: Between Earth and moon
Source photo:

Take a close look at this one guys. Its a gold/bronze metal and its a design that remarkably artistic. From past UFO reports, back to the 1965 area of time, I have read about tiny orbs that circle some UFOs. Their purpose is unknown to me. Finally we get a nice photo from NASA themselves of such a UFO, but usually there are several orbs. SCW

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:
I have turned the object 90 degrees on several frames to get a better idea of it's construction. The first two frames have a 180 degree turn. This only appears on one photo to my knowledge.


Massive UFO On Mars, Near Two Gold Faces! March 28, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 28, 2015
Location of discovery: South of Jojutla crater, Mars
Google Mars coordinates:  79°42'46.23"N 167°20'7.02"W
 Do you see the gold city face above and below? Aliens think on a higher level than us and they can see it. Low level thinkers will not see it. 

 Below you see a alien figure laying down...massive structure build in alien form. 

This is a fantastic discovery by a Youtube user. It shows a massive UFO parked on the surface of Mars, below Jojutla crater. I checked the the map and found the coordinates to the object. I can confirm the object is there. Just copy and past the coordinates into Google Mars. I also found some structures not far below this round alien ship. 

I also found two gold faces and another alien structure inside of a crater nearby. There are massive deposits of gold on the surface of Mars in this area. It looks like 20-24k gold sand. Its no wonder why  NASA wants to go to Mars, there is a crap load of gold there and other minerals of extreme value. But the frosting on the cake is the alien tech they will find in ancient structures. SCW


Golden UFO At Space Station On Live NASA Cam, Aug 29, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 29, 2014
Location of sighting: International Space Station

This golden disk was seen yesterday on the live NASA cam. The solar panels are moving and you can see them pass in front of the UFO, which tells us the object is behind the space station. Streetcap1 of Youtube caught it and says NASA "must have been on their coffee break." Meaning the editors missed this UFO and it escaped the unscrupulous NASA screening process to edit out anomalies. SCW


UFO In Canada Lands In Field Then Buzzes Over Neighborhood, June 4, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 4, 2014
Location of sighting: St Polycarpe, Canada
Click to enlarge.

This is a unique video of a UFO that was recorded in Canada just three weeks ago. The eyewitness speaks only French, but tries hard to explain where he saw it, when he saw it and what it looked like. If you want to see the UFO  in the video then jump to the 3:25 mark. What I do understand is that he believes that this UFO was far back in the distance landed near a line of tall trees, but then recorded it close up a bit later. Really cool and this golden oval orb is amazing. SCW


Golden Sphere 2 Meters From Walls Of The Space Station, Jan 7, 2014, UFO Sighting News, Similar To Russian Sighting of 1981!

Date of sighting: January 7, 2014
Location of sighting: International Space Station (Earths Orbit)
Eyewitness: Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily

I was taking a look at the ISS when I began to listen to some of their conversation to see what they were talking about. As I was listening, I saw this golden orb about a meter or less hovering about 2 meters from the walls of the space station. As I watched the solar panels behind it were moving and we could clearly see the orb was between the camera and the solar panels. As the solar panels moved away form the orb...meaning the orb now had a blue background so it stood out more...suddenly NASA cut to blue screen. But I did notice just 5 seconds before they cut to blue screen that the camera was begging to pan out...making the orb seem to move further away. Did they see the orb and cut the video? I believe so. I recorded this video, I know its real and I can vouch for its authenticity. Below the video I will put an astronauts sighting of a similar golden orb back in May of 1981, which he states, "one or two seconds later, a second explosion followed somewhere else and two spheres appeared, golden and very beautiful."

Source: Michael Hesemann, International UFO Congress (2002)
Saljut VI Mission 1981

Many cosmonauts have seen phenomena which are far beyond the experiences of earthmen. For ten years I never spoke on such things. The encounter you asked me about happened on May 5, 1981, at about 6 PM, during the Saljut Mission. At that time we were over the area of South Africa, moving towards the area of the Indian ocean. I just made some gymnastic exercises, when I saw in front of me, through a porthole, an object which I could not explain. It is impossible to determine distances in Space. A small object can appear large and far away and the other way around. Sometimes a cloud of dust appears like a large object. Anyway, I saw this object and then something happened I could not explain, something impossible according to the laws of Physics. The object had this shape, elliptical, and flew with us. From a frontal view it looked like it would rotate in flight direction.

It only flew straight, but then a kind of explosion happened, very beautiful to watch, of golden light. This was the first part. Then, one or two seconds later, a second explosion followed somewhere else and two spheres appeared, golden and very beautiful.

After this explosion I just saw white smoke, then a cloud-like sphere. Before we entered the darkness, we flew through the terminator, the twilight-zone between day and night. We flew eastwards, and when we entered the darkness of the Earth shadow, I could not see them any longer. The two spheres never returned.


Alien Base Discovered On Google Mars, March 18, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Update on March 21, 2015: Added six new large photos, including shot of the gold near castle. Castle and gold are still there on 3-21-2015 and have not been deleted yet by Google.

Date of discovery: March 18, 2013
Location of discovery: Above Australe Mensa, Mars
Coordinates: 85° 45' 17.10"S   1° 20' 26.88"W

I was looking over Google Mars and discovered these ancient structures. It is obvious that Google tried to cover up the area near it and thats why I took a closer look. I also found a large patch of gold, but forgot to measure it. Looks to be about 2km across and 550-750 meters high. To find it, go to the search box and type, "Australe Mensa." Then move upward, if you still can't find it, turn on my video while looking on Google Mars and it will help. Once you find it, rotate the map upside to view it better. Scott C. Waring