Showing posts with label monkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monkey. Show all posts


Monkey On Mars! Amazingly Weird and Strange Discovery In Rover Photo! NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.

NASA source:

Gigipan source:

I found this money a few years back and never could find the original NASA source until today. The original does have the monkey. Some people have said it looks real, but someone could have tampered with the gigipan photo, but since I found the original and the monkey is in it...this is 100% proof that the photo has not been tampered with. But now we have other problems. Is the rover on Devon Island in Canada? Are there monkeys on Devon island? Maybe, but not sure. Maybe NASA brought the monkey to experiment on it in the Martian environment. Maybe it could be a form of animal life on Mars. Who knows? The only way to find out, is for the public go there. 
Scott C. Waring


Question; Could NASA Successfully Fake The Rover On Mars? Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

NASA photo drilled rocks:
NASA photo fake Mars:

Many readers have suggested that the Mars Curiosity rover is not on Mars, but actually on Devon Island in Southern Canada. I have to admit that we have seen a lot of evidence that intelligent life was in those Mars photos, but in truth, I see that there is so much in most of those photos that it couldn't possibly be a place on Earth. How could such unusual artefacts exist on Earth and were never discovered by anyone? 

It seems that the evidence that the Mars rover is not on Mars at all is growing. Here is some of the reasons it may not be on Mars.

1. In the color photos, 90% of time NASA puts it into FALSE COLOR, a red filter to make the photo look like a red planet. This may be a psychological trick to convince the public it really is Mars.

2. Every time other countries send a rover or satellite to Mars, it is either destroyed in Earths orbit, on landing, and a few minutes after landing. Did America sabotage those Russian missions to keep a secret?

3. We found animals, a hairy monkey, squirrel, lizard, rat, rabbit, bison and two gorillas. Its a freaking zoo on Mars if its really there.

4. The real color of the sky is blue in original color NASA photos and there were white clouds! That should not be possible on Mars...and yet, its in NASA photos. 

5. If you look at Devon Island on Google Earth, you see two HD photos of NASA scientists in suits and driving the Mars rover. Evidence that they are using Devon to record Mars raw footage.  75°26'0.98"N   89°51'14.99"W

So, tell me your thoughts about the NASA rover in the comments below. Where is it and why would or would not NASA fake such a mission?
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Great Account Of A UFO That Made A Cloud Back In 1966 Over New York, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: summer of 1966
Location of sighting: Syracrus, New York, USA
News source:

This is a great account of seeing a UFO that had created a cloud. I too have seen such things twice, once over Rapid City, SD when four large glowing balls created perfect cloud tunnels that never broke apart or drifted away...all starting above my parking lot and disappearing over the horizon...then glowing balls the size of a B-1 bomber began going down each tunnel one by one every 20-30 seconds, each time starting on a different tunnel. That was the summer of 1989-1990. Saw about 25 of these before I was late and had to race to EAFB where I worked on B-1s & KC135s. Its a SAC base.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Photo above is from UFO Sighting Over China on 2014

News states: 
It was the summer of 1966. Julia and her daughter Anne decided to go to the mall, as both were anxious to do some back-to-school shopping. Little did they know they would have a cloud UFO experience.

The two were driving on the highway from Corning to the Arnot Mall in Horseheads, and were headed to a Southern Tier area known as Big Flats.

Julia glanced up and noticed an odd-looking cloud in the clear, blue summer sky and alerted her daughter about the strange cloud. Julia said that the reason the cloud was so unusual was because it was a sort of “puff.” Anne described it further by saying it looked like a huge cotton ball.

“That cloud began to dissipate and as it did a large saucer shaped object became visible.” Julia said after she pulled the car off the road onto the shoulder.

The two women marveled at what they were witnessing. “If you were to hold a soda bottle cap out at arm’s length you’ll have a good idea how big it was as it hovered there in the sky,” Anne explained.

After watching it for a moment, it suddenly got bright and just vanished in the clear blue sky.

“I’ve never seen anything like it before that day and I haven’t seen anything like it since,” Julia said.

Both mother and daughter assured me they remember the UFO incident like it was yesterday. (more at source)


Ghost Of 169 Year Old Monk Seen Roaming Temple On Security Cam! Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 17, 2016
Location of sighting: Republic of Buryatia in Siberia 
Source THE Siberian Times:

Wow, I love to visit temples here in Taiwan with my family and this is an amazing sighting I just wanted to share with you guys. 

A security cam caught footage of a ghostly person both sitting down on a chair and then moves to a meditation position in the center of a carpet. His body is still there, preserved in meditative position.

Meditation is something that is practiced by some aliens. For instance, Val Valiant Thor who visited the US president Eisenhower in 1957 was said to often meditate. So, the monk was practicing being one with the universe, and he is still meditating to this day in the same location. His spirit is so strong, it holds on to all that he loves, including the place he died.
Scott C. Waring

Siberian Times States: 
The remains of lama Itiligov in the Republic of Buryatia in Siberia are world famous because their exceptional preservation 79 years after his death seem to defy science. Some have long believed the lama remains alive in a nirvana-like state.

Now lama Damba Ayusheev, current head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha, has claimed two video images show the lama had moved inside his 'palace' Ivolginsky datsan, some 23 kilometres from regional capital Ulan-Ude.
One image shows a grainy figure in the foreground, while a second one, a day later, shows a similar figure close to or on a sofa. 

Lama Ayusheev insists he is not joking and has dismissed claims that the CCTV footage shows a security man in fatigues, holding two plastic bags.

'This is not a joke, that's for sure,' he posted. 'I see a figure of a man on the shot, as you do, and I know precisely there could not be anyone in the Palace of Khambo Lama Itigilov at this time. 

'There should be no-one there  at 20.05.51. The lama is in five or six metres down the hall on his throne, and this place [where the man stands] is at the front door.'
He posted a second picture apparently showing lama Itiligov was on the move again, this time by the sofa. The images are poor quality and he has not released full footage but said: 'There is no video, only a flash from the body on the shot.' 
'I was taken aback by this image, though somewhere in the depths of the mind I imagined such a possibility, but it still was not ready for this,' said Lama Ayusheev. (More at source)

Alien Skull And Body Found In Cave In Peru, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: unknown
Location of discovery: cave in Peru

The details are a little vague, but Brian Foerester of Youtube investigated some small bodies found in the back of a caver in Peru. The bodies look thousands of years old and they resemble an alien with a height of about 1-2 feet tall. Much like the blueish grey alien body in the old (real) KGB leaked video of a UFO crash back in the 1968. This is a short alien. So they are small, does that make them existing impossible? The shortest human in the world was 21 and a half inches. Did he exist? Of course he did, and of course intelligent aliens can too. Great video by UFOvni2012.
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Martian Soldier Found On Mars In NASA Photo, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

This statue was found by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube this week, and its a bipedal species that has on a uniform. The alien is wearing a suit and carrying some weapon of sorts. The most important question is, is it a statue, or was this person petrified (turned to stone) by a gruesome, yet powerful weapon?
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states:
Intriguing object which I spotted while going through the NASA archives. This one definitely looks artificial in nature and in my opinion is an ancient statuette. The odd thing about this one is that it does resemble an alien grey or possibly an insect type species of alien. I have processed and colorized this object in an effort to bring out all the details that I believe are there in the raw image, the only thing I have added is a foot, some of which is there in the original image but almost impossible to make out. Paranormal Crucible. 


UFO Over Fresno Could Be Sign Big Earth Quake Is On Its Way, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 10, 2016
Location of sighting: Fresno, California, USA
Source: MUFON #80359

It the photos above you can clearly see a flying disk over Fresno this week. The disk appears to be metallic and has a blur around it. The blur was explained long ago by Bob Lazar of Area 51, who said, the blur is associated with the propulsion of the craft. I agree, every points to this being an alien craft over Fresno, but its kind of brazen to be over such a high populate area, unless they examining the San Andreas quake line. This may be a sign of a very big earth quake coming. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was in my backyard in Fresno,Ca. I was taking random photos of the sky just before and during sunset. The weather was warm with scattered light clouds. I did not see the object in question I only saw the object on my photo after I uploaded it to my Mac iPhoto. I was very surprised and taken back when I captured another UFO on my photos. This clearly did not look like a typical plane. This object was ovals/disc shaped and solid black with no windows, wings and not sound. It must have travelled fast since I did not see it. I was the only person in my backyard. This happened on November 11, 2016 around 6pm or so. I have over 200 photos of UFO's that I have when I take random photos of the sky. Some photos have one other may have three objects. I do not have photoshop. I own a Nikon D3300. I have also included other photos to share.


Mars NASA Rover Takes Close Up Photo Of Buildings On Hillside, June 23, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 23, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

 Bases on the moon...we all know they exist. Since starting this website six years ago, I have posted evidence after evidence of structures on other planets and moons. Mars seems to hold the publics fascination the most for some reason. 

I found a photo on the NASA site, but the original (click it above to view) is only 4kb in size. For those who don't understand digital sizes, this thing is so small that it could be a app icon on your cell phone. Fingernail I was wondering why? Why would they want to make such a small photo when all the other photos were 280+kb size? I took the photo and enlarged it and found that along the ridge of a hillside were dark structures with windows and doors. 

Now it all made sense to me. NASA had to release the photo to the public to say..."we didn't hide it, we released it to the public." This way they won't get caught for hiding evidence later. But we know that trick, and we are onto them. 

Scott C. Waring


6 Inch Alien Seen On Mars In NASA Photo, Absolute Proof Life Exists On Mars, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

The above photo is the original on the NASA site, but NASA calls it "FALSE COLOR" and doesn't state why they put photos into a false color. The photo below is auto focused and what Mars really looks like in colors. 

Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

This human-like figure is peering around the corner of a rock wall and I can make out its head, chest, shoulders, arm, leg, knee, and foot from this one close up photo. Paranormal Crucible says its about 6 inches...I agree. This is one of the species that once lived on Mars and is still living there now, but in lower numbers. The mysteries of Mars just keep revealing themselves one by one. 
Scott C. Waring

Interesting anomolie found by the rover, which looks like a little Martian. I have colorized the image and added eyes to the head so its easier to see, but everything is there in the original image, whatever it is it looks humanoid, reminds me of the Atacama Alien, about the same size too, this one is around 6 inches.


Fishermen Watch UFO Over Lake In Sau Pablo, Brazil On June 8, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 8, 2016
Location of sighting: Sau Pablo, Brazil 

This UFO was caught in Brazil this week and shows a UFO moving over a local lake at Sau Pablo with some fisherman watch it. The video is short, but is further proof that UFOs are more easily seen during sunset than any other time of the day. The angle of the sun and the position of the person and UFO make it perfect. 
Scott C. Waring 


Was John Carter Of Mars Inspired By An Alien Friend? Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Here is something thats been on my mind for several years. John Carter of Mars the novels or movie demonstrates a greater knowledge of aliens life than should have been possible in ERB day. Written in 1917 by Edgar Rice Boroughs, it shows a lot of accuracy in the anomalies that UFO researches are currently finding on the surface of Mars.

For instance, in John Carter of Mars, Boroughs writes about the "great white ape," something that most writers never would have thought about in an alien culture. UFO researchers have found many ape-like faces on Mars. I understand this is speculation, but the evidence is there to back up my claim. Just look at the ape faces in the photos above. 
Also on Earth there is only one intelligent species...humans and their faces have very little deviation among them, but on Mars, there are dozens of species that we have identified carved in stone...just like the novel John Carter of Mars. There are many competing species in the novel, each believing itself superior to the others, going to war with one another, destroying Mars in the process. 
The novel also takes place on a barren dry planet surface with almost no vegetation or did boroughs know what the surface of Mars was like in 1917? Was he an alien himself or was someone close to him an alien that inspired him to write this story? For a writer to speculate about future technology is easy, but for a writer to speculate about intelligent species on other worlds...that a different ballgame altogether.  Boroughs hit the nail on the head with his predictions, but how did he know? How many other facts in his novel about Mars is in John Carter of Mars? Only the future will tell. SCW