Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts


Green Glowing Light Shooting Across Australia Is Actually An Alien Ship! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 14, 2020
Location of sighting: Western Australia

The Australian media has labeled this a possible meteor...but note...they said possible. More likely its a cloaked UFO that is deliberately creation a colored mist to make it appear like a falling meteor. Aliens have rules that must be adhered to if they are to visit alien bases on Earth. One is not to allow themselves to be seen by the public without creating an illusion to make it seem its something else than an alien ship. This green color is not alone here. When I enlarged it I saw a rainbow of colors, green, purple, and yellow. No meteor could do that in such perfection. I mean look at it, there are no small parts or pieces falling off of the tail. Its burning up but not falling apart. The tail is made from it falling apart, but if its not falling apart, then where is the tail really coming from? Its coming from an alien craft making it appear as a falling meteor. 
Scott C. Waring 


UFO Observers NASA Apollo 7 Module In Earths Orbit, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 4, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit
NASA Photo:

This UFO is in an old Apollo 7 mission photo. Its on the official NASA website so there is no possibility of it being faked. The object is hovering over earth, but close to the Apollo 7 module. Aliens are deeply interested in historical events and often have a drone or piloted craft observing from a distance to see first hand how it all takes place. The written history and the actual history are often slightly different and in some cases incredibly different. So aliens try to observe first hand. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Giant Alien Structure Sticking Out Of Jupiters Upper Clouds Is Miles Tall! @NASA link Oct 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 28, 2018
Location of discovery: Jupiters edge
NASA Source:

This is a giant green structure sticking up from Jupiters outer edge. This structure is 100% evidence that aliens currently occupy Jupiters surface and underground areas. The clouds were probably made on purpose to hide the current civilization structures that would normally be visible. This structure is probably hidden from view most the times but its cloaking device was probably malfunctioning from some reason. I am certain that this is not the only structure to be sticking out from under the clouds of Jupiter. We must keep looking for more. Look at the beauty of this green emerald building. Yes, I believe it to be the top of building sticking out. The outer edges cause these structures to become more visible than if we were looking at them at the center of the planet...where they would be invisible to us. Excellent discovery by UFOmania of Youtube. Some are claiming this is a UFO, but from my perspective and its lines and position...this appears to be a structure connected to Jupiters surface. 
Scott C. Waring


Three Green Orbs Recorded Over Lake In British Colombia, Canada, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 10, 2018
Location of sighting: Lake Country, BC, Canada
Source: MUFON #94181

This is an interesting report about three free orbs caught in a panoramic photo during sunset in Canada. One orb is alone further away, and two others are close to one another. Also on close inspection of each orb, they look identical far away, but each is uniquely different from the others. The patterns of green inside the orbs are each different, which rules out lens flare...also most lens flares are blue. 

Notice also that the orbs are green. They are revealed due to the angle of the sun, UFOs and camera. Although the human eye cannot catch all it sees, a digital camera can. 

There are many past reports of green glowing UFOs at night, so due to the pattern within each UFO being different and the UFOs being separated, I believe this sighting to be 100% proof of alien visitation to Earth. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
We spotted the "3 orbs" after viewing the picture on computer screen. The pics were made with a Samsung smart phone.


Trees Found On Mars In Global Surveyor Image, NASA Source! Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo 1:
Source photo 2:

I added color to make it easier to see, because psychology says black and white photos often confuse the mind on first glance.

I found this in the Mars Global Surveyor MOC images. This particular image seems to depict many trees on the Mars surface. These trees are similar to what you see when using Google Earth and looking over a forest, but this is Mars and it should be impossible, but here it is, right in front of us and with the link to the official NASA site as proof that it exists. 

Obviously there are large bushy trees on Mars. There is no geological formation that could explain these features. These are living, growing organisms on the surface of Mars. 

Now why would NASA want to hide trees? Because its a form of life and where there are trees, there are animals and insects. Thus, NASA finds this information to be a threat to national security, because other countries would race to get to Mars if they knew it was more habitable than once thought. NASA does not want competition to get to other plants. Did you hear NASA criticising Elon Musks SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket last week? They did saying it was just too small to be useful, but it didn't seem to discourage Elon Musk at all. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO At Rocket Launch In Baikonur Cosmodrome, Russia, March 21, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 21, 2018, but discovered today. 
Location of sighting: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Russia
NASA photo link:

While looking over some Russian rocket archives, I found a greenish UFO near a rocket upon its launch. This happened just a few weeks ago and as you can see, the UFO was semi transparent. It was cloaked, but the sudden burst of light from the engines reviewed its location for a few seconds. This is proof that aliens watch our technological growth carefully. 

Its also possible that America has keep the alien secret so long because they are using the alien this green UFO to observe and record activities of their Russia. The country with the best tech, controls the world. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Alien spaceship over Italy, video shows green halo in the sky, Jan 9, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  January 9, 2017
Location of sighting: Italy

The green area of the UFO is the outer edges of the craft, the dark center is not a hole, but a window area or solid area that can be turned clear for observations.  The photo below shows the clear area on top of the UFO in the Rocca Pia, Italy case that lasted for decades. This new video makes me think the aliens below the castle at Rocca Pia are becoming interactive with humans again. This is good news.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states on Facebook:
UFO sighting of 9/1/2017 at about 19.38 hours. I don't know what was and what it is to call it but it is very strange. I was always in the company of my girl Angelica Scupola. Here's the video you do your considerations and especially tell me what I saw.


Swarm Of Orbs In Canadian Home Caught On Security Cam, Oct 28, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Canada

I watched this in full screen and slowed down the motion to 25% and wow, it just blew my mind. I really didn't think I was going to see real orb entities, but these are real. There is no mistaking them. There is an entire swarm of these beings moving about the house and in orb form. Extraordinary catch. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Please watch in 720p More orb activity, it never stops . Thanks for watching! The time & date stamp is wrong, this was filmed October 28th, 2016.

Green Orb Caught While Recording the Moon, Nov 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 19, 2016
Location of sighting: unknown observing moon

This orb is an interesting color, but oddly is the equal size of the moon, so no wonder the woman was surprised. As you see here looking at the moon and then moving downward, the size is the same. This is proof this is not a star, because there is no star as big as the Super moon right now. This object is obviously a UFO observing her, and possibly has woken her telepathically to come out side. 

This has happened to many UFO eyewitnesses. One such similar experience was the famous actor Dan Aykroyd. It was in the late 80s when Aykroyd woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly telling his wife, “they’re calling me, I want to go outside”. Of course, his wife asked who’s calling him but Aykroyd’s only response was to insist on going outside. He was told to go back to sleep and he did. The next day, the media was swamped with reports of people all over upstate new York, Quebec and Vermont, of people having the intense urge to go outside at three in the morning. When they did go outside, a massive pink spiral was seen above the great lakes.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
At 1am I went outside to have a smoke and while recording the moon. When i tilted the camera down in front of me this Green glowing Ghost orb was in front of me. Freaked the heck out of me.


Green UFO Caught Over Cajarc, France On March 28, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Cajarc, France
Source: MUFON #75501

This green UFO was seen in France this week and it looks like its cloak was revealed because of the angle of the setting sun in the distance. He saw it with the naked eye, and followed it with his camera. Excellent catch of a light ship, 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states:
I was taking pictures of French mountains with a friend, using long exposure time, on a small path close to the town, when I saw a strange light among the clouds. I first thought it was the moon but then I remembered it was a day of new moon. Besides, it was moving slowly, back and forth laterally. I was fascinated, I did not know what it could be at all, but it was beautiful, so I took a picture. It is a 10 seconds exposure so the object is blurry because of its motion. The light around it looked unreal, as if it was a very powerful but very far object, above the mountains. That is why I thought then it was an UFO. My friend was amazed too. Gradually, the light became dimmer, and the object vanished in the dark in a few seconds. All that remained were clouds. We got home.


Green Glowing UFO Caught During Sunset In Yellowstone Park, Montana On Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 15, 2015
Location of sighting: Yellowstone Park, Montana, USA
Source: MUFON

This UFO report has a green glowing craft caught during sunset. I often say this, but I need to say it again, UFOs are most often seen during sunset. This green craft is very beautiful. Its not a disk, but a shape like no other. After she took the first photo, the craft hid in the shadows of the trees, but lucky for us, she caught it. Its very geometrical in shape and is tilted to one side. Check out the closeups I made below. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was out fishing in the Yellowstone River one evening when the pictures were taken.It was around 7:30 or 8:00 p.m. and I took a few of the sun behind the clouds but something kept grabbing my attention about that particular area.I kept feeling like I needed to take more pictures towards that direction. I noticed the object in one picture moving towards the cloud, and when looking at the picture before, I noticed it in the trees across the river from me. It has a strange green glow. I can't say what it was but I definitely believe that it's possibly a u.f.o. and I wanted experts to have a look.


Glowing Green UFO Caught Over Netherlands, May 16, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 16, 2015, Sat
Location of sighting: Groningen, Netherlands
News Source:
Blog source:

This green disk was caught off guard when the suns reflection was at the wrong angle and the cloaked  UFO was revealed for a few seconds. This happens a lot during sunset, but the clouds caused a false sunset like state and the UFO was seen. You can clearly make out the round disk with the raised center and what looks like a steam from the top of the craft. A similar UFO was caught in the aurora borealis several years back with the same shape, that other sighting confirms that this is an alien craft. SCW

News states: 
The Groningen blogger Harry Clipperton likes pictures of nature. On Tuesday he walked along a path in Onlanden, the border between the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe.

At home Groningen looked at his pictures and then discovered a UFO. Clipperton writes on his blog: Suddenly something flashed. At first I thought my device, but the flitskap was not up. There was not a drop on my lens. I decided it must have been lightning. But at home I see something strange in one of the photos that I made at the end of the lane trees. "

The UFO is, as the word implies, still unidentified. Whether it is a meteorological phenomenon, a meteor, a flying saucer or something else, is not yet clear. 


Person Catches Alien Walking In Trail In Budapest, March 25, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 25, 2015
Location of sighting: Budapest, Hungary
News Source:
News states:
The man submitting the report, who did not provide a name, says he was walking through the woods in the early afternoon of March 25 when he spotted the oddity standing in the middle of a trail.

“A bright sphere floated in front of him,” he reported to MUFON. ” I took out my mobile phone, and I did a photograph.”

The image shows a metallic spider-like object with four legs that appears to be holding a round, bright orange object.
The man says he can’t remember what happened after taking the photograph.

“I only know that the creature disappeared,” he said, wondering whether it was an “alien”.

Image analysts tell Cryptozoology News that the picture was taken with a Samsung Galaxy S5 cellphone on the date originally reported by the eyewitness. It does not, initially, appear to have been doctored with image editing software, such as Photoshop. It is not clear why the man did not record a video of the alleged object.


Small Green Object On Moon, NASA Apollo 16 Mission, April 18, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 18, 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Mission: Apollo 16
Photo with object:
Photo without object:

I found this green object in a Apollo photo and when you look at photos with a lot of grey shades everywhere, even a tiny green object stands out. At first I thought this object was an emerald, however when I found other photos of the same rock...the object was no longer there. This means it had to have passed in front of the camera as it took the photo. Perhaps its some kind of biological life form that can exist in space. If a life form develops not needing oxygen, then whats can stop it from living in space? Nothing. SCW


Glowing UFO Drops Off Green Glowing Alien, Then Comes Back For it, Oct 2013, Michigan Cam, UFO Sighting News.

Click photo to enlarge.

Date of sighting: October 2, 2013
Location of sighting: Southeast, Michigan, USA

Updated Oct 10, 2013: Original Video was deleted by owner because of complaints about music copyright, this is the same video, but on music he stated. 

While watching this recent UFO video, I noticed several things that no one seems to talk about in the comments section. 1st, there is a disk moving in orbit around the glowing light (:30 into video). 2nd there is an alien like green glowing entity that appears at the :55 sec mark.

The 1st object (disk) actually shows up from the ground. In other words, the glowing UFO comes down from the sky and the disk (:45sec) moves up towards the light. To see this you must increase video to "full screen" mode and 480p resolution.

The 2nd object was an alien green entity that appears at the :55 sec mark. Apparently very tall, looking to be 4-5 meters or more. It looks around and then cloaks itself. At one point when it looks to the left of the screen, we can make out its facial features, eye, nose and bumpy back of head, neck, shoulders hand, chest and legs.

Overall the video is looks real because of these factors; its 7:16 min long, the eyewitness gives a much longer description than I posted here so check it out, eyewitness thinks the green is from a laser and has no idea its an alien, eyewitness doesn't notice the disk rise to UFO orbiting it.

This alien has been recorded before in England. I reported that a green glowing entity (smaller than this one) was photographed walking around a yard. Click hear to view that UK alien post.


Eyewitness states:

I captured this footage on my home security camera on the night of Oct 2, 2013 around 11pm in the evening in my front yard in Southeast MI, and I'm about 8 miles north of an air national guard base. Sorry, I can't provide any more location than this. I don't want my neighbors to get upset from unwanted UFO hunter traffic.

The UFO appears to be scanning the ground with a green laser (the laser beam can be seen on the trees too). The laser beam clearly starts small from the object & fans out into a larger cone as it gets closer to the ground. In my opinion, impossible for someone to be on the ground creating an inverted cone back to the object, & then to be able to track & follow the object's every move at the same time.

Below photo shows alien coming back to UFO (4:45 mark).

I'm also planning on repositioning one of my security cameras that is currently pointing north in the upward direction in the hopes to gather more footage if the object decides to come back. This north direction would be pointing toward my pond in my backyard. It would be interesting to capture one gathering up water (for what purpose? I'm not sure), but I've heard reports of them using our water.

I'm hoping this thing comes back for another visit soon because it seems friendly too me. Maybe, It'll drop off a superhero flying suit next time!


UPDATE: Green Glowing Alien Seen Running Away From Family Just Days After Close UFO Sighting Over Neighbours Home, Aberdeenshire, Scotland Oct 23, 2012.

Above photo of Glowing Aliens and UFO seen by them.

Date of UFO sighting: October 14, 2012
Location of UFO sighting: Aberdeenshire, Scotland 
Date of Green Glowing Alien Photo: October 22 or 23, 2012

Thank you to Lee Morrison for informing us at UFO Sightings Daily about this new update. SCW

News States: 
A STUNNED couple yesterday told how they captured a spooky green man on camera at their home. Gary and Amanda Linney said the strange figure was spotted running away from their cottage as they experimented with a new camera. The bizarre snaps emerged just days after another family claimed to have filmed a UFO floating above their house about 25 miles away. Former policeman Gary, 52, said there was no explanation for the figure. He said: “It looks like a little green man running. It just disperses into the surface of the road. “If you look closely, you can see a head. It’s very surreal. I was a policeman and a pilot for 20 years and have never seen anything like this before.” Hotel owners Gary and Amanda, 46, from Collieston, Aberdeenshire, tried to recreate the picture but have never seen the strange light since. But they said they weren’t spooked by the images after experiencing a string of paranormal happenings at the Slains Estate house. Dad-of-three Gary said: “This wasn’t a reflection. We live in two old cottages and my children have seen orbs floating around and heard footsteps. It’s usually around the staircase.” Amanda, 45, said staff at their hotel – which is also thought to be haunted – suggested the ghostly figure may have come from there. She said: “I have no idea what it was. We have used the same setting, taken photos in the same location and in different locations and nothing has appeared again. “We have experienced a lot of strange things since we took over the place two years ago so the staff think something spooky had followed me home that night.” Last week, Morag Ritchie, of Fraserburgh, told how she was woken in the night by flashing lights outside her house. The 50-year-old claimed several members of her family saw a UFO. Her daughter Cara’s fiance, Scott Bower filmed footage on his phone. A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman could not explain the sighting and Grampian Police said there had been no reports of lights in the sky. Scottish paranormal investigator Malcolm Robinson is now reviewing the footage. He said: “That area has one of the highest concentration of UFO reports in the UK, particularly the Aberdeenshire town of Muchalls.”