Showing posts with label structure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label structure. Show all posts


dead Alien And Jabba The Hutt Found In Mars Rover Photo, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 7, 2018
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo:

I found a few alien bodies on the surface of Mars in a gigapan photo today. One alien, I colored it green...above...looks semi human like, reptilian with arms and legs and similar head to some degree. 

However I also found Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars. The Jabba body laying down as if it had died and layed down. The eyes, head, mouth, nose are all similar to that of the character in Star Wars. Also the body is equally long and shaped. But what really sends me is that there is a hand...that looks exactly like the hand in the photo of Jabba the Hutt. It sounds to me like the person who wrote Star Wars had some inside information. 

Oh, sometimes the link says error...just renew the page a few times until its visible. Is just fine. 
Scott C. Warin


NASA Makes Asteroid Bennu Photo Smaller! Also Pyramid and base, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018
Location of discovery: Asteroid Bennu
NASA Source:

I found some strange things in this new HD photo of Asteroid Bennu. First off, NASA deliberately made the asteroid look farther away, smaller so the public could not see the details. I show this in the above gif. Just add light and focus and we clearly see the actual photo is much smaller! They lied to us! Are you surprised, because if you are, then you its because you don't visit my site enough. 

Second I found a pyramid that has a triangle shadow. 

Third, near the edge of the asteroid is a square structure with window or entrance openings along its sides. 

Fourth there is a tall structure in the upper right side of the asteroid. 

So...why did NASA want to make asteroid Bennu look smaller and farther away than it really was? Because they didn't want the public to know that alien structures exist on it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

PS, Please share this help support me and my work. Thanks, SCW

Grey Metallic UFO Hovers Over Trees In Florida Baffling Eyewitnesses, Nov 3, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 3, 2018
Location of sighting: Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #96128

This awesome video was submitted by Youtuber UFO Institute. The video shows a military helicopter and a strange grey metallic object. The UFO does hover in place and seems unafraid that people can see it. Although I wonder if the eyewitness tried to get closer or not. Excellent video. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
White cloud turning into gray black object milliary helicopter super quiet flies by seconds afterwards. White cloud turning and moving fast turning rising then slowly moving down then disappears after military helicopter fly's by very quiet.


Angelic Being Seen On Mars Near NASA Rover In Three Photos! Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 362
NASA photo 1:
NASA photo 2:
NASA photo 3:

While scanning over photos from Mars, I found an energy being on Mars near the NASA rover. The rover took three photos of this being as it was moving past. The being is pure white light. 

I thought maybe this was a reflection...but how? Its an overcast sky, yes, Mars has clouds...a lot on this day. Then I thought it might be gamma radiation hitting the surface of the planet...but three times in a few hours? Thats like the same guy winning the mega lottery in the same day...the odds are way out there. So...this object had to have come into the photo, had its own light source and lingered for a while while changing the photos attest too. Its alive!

So why didn't NASA go to investigate? Fear...of what its close proximity to the rover might do...shut it down, cause glitches, take control...ect. 

Scott C. Waring


Many Alien Structures Found On Moon Using Google Moon Map, Sept 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2018
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Method: Free Google Moon Map

Here are some amazing structures found using Google moon map which is a free program to use. She found a lot of structures and most of them are close to one another. Watch this video and then hope on Google Earth Map, switch it to moon mode and copy past the coordinates below to see them with your own eyes. 
Scott C. Waring

Sandra Elena Andrade states: 
Large buildings in the craters of the Moon were discovered by the Argentine researcher Marcelo Irazusta. The images are very clear. Some with a pyramid shape. Their forms show that they were built by intelligent civilization. Coordinates: 
23 ° 24'39.31 "N 10 ° 29'28.30" E 
26 ° 6'7.99 "N 9 ° 15'40.48" E 
25 ° 6'51.89 "N 7 ° 59'20.55" E 
26 ° 4'22.56 "N 7 ° 59'12.30" E 
18 ° 50'37.52 "N 24 ° 25'24.01" E 
18 ° 58'19.42 "N 25 ° 52'28.65" E 
19 ° 18'59.60 "N 26 ° 31'39.05" E 
22 ° 41'27.95 "N 25 ° 46'18.22" E


Ancient Structure On Mars Is 1.8 KM Long! Found On Google Mars Map, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 9, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars coordinates: 10°20'41.53"S 75°11'31.99"W

I found this ancient structure on Mars using Google Mars Map. According to Google ruler, the structure is .35 km tall and 1.84 km long. That is one massive building. There are also two roads or ramps that lead away from the structure. The building has a flat smooth top, possible for landing something on top of. Defiantly gives astronomers a lot to think about with this one. 

Scott C. Waring


Alien Statue And Building Found On Mars In NASA Photos, May 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo 1:
Source photo 2:

This alien statue on top of a hill was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube this week. It has a rectangle head, and a hat or ears that flop over like a rabbit or stocking cap. Clearly has signs of intelligent design. 

Also he found a structure on top of a hill in another photo. The roof of the structure is turned diagonal so debris and sand will fall off easily. Also is a large open window ware below the roof. Absolute evidence that aliens once thrived on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Tower Found On Planet Ceres In Juling Crater, March 24, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 24, 2018
Location of discovery: Juling Crater, Ceres 
Source photo:

I found a structure built into the edges of Juling Crater on planet Ceres today. The building is clearly ancient, yet still standing strong. 

NASA tried to hide this structure by adding too much light to the photo. Its an old trick that NASA has used for decades and no longer works. All I did was ad some darkness to the photo, and the structure appeared. As you can see, the photo is now in focus, as is the structure. Why does NASA deliberately add light? They do that to drown out the detail so the public will never know whats really out there. 
Scott C. Waring


Star Wars Jabba The Hutt Face Found On Mars!!! March 16, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 16, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:
I found as few items in this Mars surface photo that I thought you would be interested in. One was a skull face or elderly face on the side of a rocky structure. 
Another below, is a fallen statue that closely resembles the old egyptian statues found near the pyramids of Cairo. It  closely resembles the Egyption god Thoth, with a bird head, and here with lowered wings. 
Directly below that is another fallen statue, but this time it semi resembles a human. Its full body is visible, its head, neck, chest, belt, legs and feet. There was even a large head that resembles Ja


UFO Near Clouds Over Hungary On Feb 11, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 11, 2018
Location of sighting: Hungary

This UFO was caught using an infrared camera during the day. ColourUFO of Youtube caught it. He is an expert that catches UFO orbs on almost a daily basis with his infrared camera. The advantage of using a camera like this is that it can see light that they human eye cannot, thus any cloaked craft will become visible. 
Scott C. Waring


Japanese Rocket Followed By UFO On Jan 18, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 18, 2018
Location of sighting: Japan

During the recorded launch of a Japanese rocket, a UFO was seen flying past the rocket at high altitude. This being a no fly zone to keep aircraft safe is further proof that this was an alien craft. If you compare the size of the UFO with that of the rocket, you will see the UFO is over 20X the size of the rocket. Thats big! 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Today states:
rocket to put a commercial planetary observational satellite into earth's atmosphere. The launch went perfectly, but during the launch a strange mysterious craft was filmed. This UFO was flying at the same altitude as the rocket. It was moving along with the rocket as it started it's orbit arround earth. What was this object?


Black UFO Comes Out Of Thin Air Near Volcano In Mexico, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 4, 2018
Location of sighting: Popocateptl, Mexico

Seen by Orlando Bosca of Youtube, this dark black UFO was seen appearing out of thin air near the mouth of the volcano. The UFO moves away quickly, compared to clouds around the volcano. 

This UFO is similar to a UFO that was tracked by a US Navy radar plane a few years ago. This is clearly an alien craft. Its been long believed by many UFO researchers that this particular volcano has an alien base 5km below its surface. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Drone Found Crippled In Field On Mountain Of Peru, Jan 27, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January27, 2018
Location of discovery: Laurancahuani, Peru

This is an interesting discovery. A metal orb fell from the sky and landed in the mountains of Peru this week. Peru, being a hotbed of UFO activity compared to the rest of the world, leads us all to believe that this is a UFO drone. I agree with this theory. Governments always take these orbs away when they fall, with no clear explanation to what they are, or why they fell from nowhere. How can a UFO orb be harmed? Most likely it was one of two possibilities. One a military radar picked it up, some military radars interfere with the UFOs propulsion, leaving it crippled (you remember Roswell). The other possibility is a lighting strike when its shields are down. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Martin Mikuas of Youtube states: 
On Saturday 27 at 18:30 in the afternoon this fireball was seen in the Peruvian sky fell in the community of Laurancahuani, province of Azángaro in Puno. When approaching the place, the witnesses said that they felt a smell of electrode welding or electric welding, when performing movement a common sound of gas balloon was heard. The sphere has a weight of 40 kilos approximately, its circumference is 2 meters and it has 1 meter height with 5 centimeters. The depth of the impact is 30 centimeters deep and a diameter of 29 centimeters.


Ancient Fossil Evidence Of Teeth Found On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, Jan 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 26, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol

 I found this fossil in the newest Mars Curiosity rover photos today. The fossil closely resembles that of sting rays teeth found here on Earth (see below photo to compare). Most people who collect fossils like I do will quickly realize that these are teeth, and being so, are 100% evidence that life existed on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Ruins Found On Mars In Crater Show Complex Structure, Jan 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 15, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source:

This ancient structure on Mars was found by Jean Ward of Youtube this week. The structure shows right angles and even shows that it has an inner wall. The structures do look covered in Mars sand, which leads me to believe they are currently unused and have sat there for thousands or millions of years. A really mind blowing discovery.
Scott C. Waring

Jean Ward (eyewitness) states: 
This photograph (S1801249) was taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on 2006-05-16T14:29:18.02. NASA describes this photograph as "Moreux Crater central peak." I initially found what looked like a megalithic shape cut into the side of a mound on the Martian surface. It looks rectangular with parallel lines, 90 degree angles and the shadow from two sides indicates depth. However, after some analysis and feedback from my YouTube Channel viewer Dawn, we came to the conclusion that NASA rotated the photograph by 180 degrees. Also, the preview image NASA provides for this photograph in Google Earth shows this anomaly looking like a megalith lying inside a crater, this image is correct. Directly next to the megalithic block or container/structure there seems to be two underground entrances, i.e. a round opening and a square opening. Some odd pieces of something are scattered around the two entrances. To the left there is another megalithic looking block or container/structure with right angles and a 45 degree face. Dawn furthermore noticed another anomaly I overlooked in my initial analysis. Further up to the right there is another anomaly which looks like either an elaborate doorway or entrance to an underground base or habitat, mangled machine or a broken statue/s.


Alien Structures On Mars And Statues Found! Jan 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 14, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

Here are some structures I found in a Mars photo this week. The structure above shows a unique design on a tilted hill, which may be an abandoned alien UFO crashed on the surface. Below are a few statues, some with figures of the alien species long ago. There is one that is similar to the Egyptian sphinx, it is sitting in front of a rectangle structure (second photo down). There was also a round disk with a cross on it. The evidence of alien life is in most photos of Mars and other planets, but the work must be put in to find the details. 
Scott C. Waring


Two Alien Figures On Surface Of Mars In NASA Photo! Jan 11, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 11, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 
Source photo:

Are you having trouble believing in aliens today? Well then, have a look at these photos from the Mars surface. The photo above and below show two figures standing next to each other. Its impossible to tell if they are alive or statues, but I would say they are statues that have survived millions of years. One figure is short, fat and half as tall as the one next to it. The other figure has bended knees, as if sitting down, and looks to have its legs spread and its back to the other one. 

I also found a large detailed statue of a pig-like creature, and something that looks like a bowl shaped house with its roof ajar. There were also lots of rectangle or square entrances at the bottom of rocks, I only included two, but I saw many. 
Scott C. Waring