
AI Focused UFO over Phoenix, Arizona, July 2020, They Are Watching! UFO Sighting News.


Here is a sighting from 2020 and wow does ai sharpen it. Not only  that, I take the ai version and have it sharpen it a second time. What I saw was just like I imagined alien drones would look like close up and personal. AI allows us to see the truth, but the real question is...are we ready for the truth?
Scott C. Waring 


AI Enhanced UAP Video of Tom Delonge Of Blink-182 UAP Photo, UFO Sighting News.


Hey all, I was looking over Tom Delonge Instagram posts and noticed one where it looks like he got out of a car and started recording this glowing object in the desert. The UFO begins to hover over another car, with a beam of light coming down, hitting the cars back trunk area, then the UAP shoots away. Tom is a bit shy at telling us the details of where, when and if he recorded it or not, but he has often stated that he has friends high up in the government that shows him and gives him videos of top secret UFO sightings. 
Scott C. Waring 

Please hit subscribe and like, link to Tom Delonge UFO here at https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoPsVUttJLc/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


AI Focuses Alien Base In Cross Shape, On Earths Moon! UFO Sighting News. 👽👽👽

Date of discovery: reposted it in Nov 2018, but I found it in 2015 Location of discovery: Earths moon 

I just had to focus this alien cross shaped base with ai and wow...ai didn't let me down. This structure just popped! The structure looks to be 2.5-3.5 miles across and it has a dark black jewel roof at its center with what looks like white ribbon on its top. AI is the new tech of the future, we either embrace it or we fall behind. 

 I found a large X or cross structure on the moon. The area is broken up into sections, but clearly each section makes up a part of the cross. Not far away I found many other structures of odd shapes and sizes. I found that this old photo from which this came was taken long before photoshop existed, therefore it remained unedited. If you click on the non official source (1st link) it works fine, but if you click on the official NASA link below it, you will find a NASA page with old lunar photos...of which all the links have been destroyed. NASA took the information from my site in 2015 and used it again, yes I said again, to edit their photo index. At the moment is says, "Service unavailable." It always says that. They are keeping vital information about aliens from reaching the public and from reaching the governments of other countries. Scott C. Waring

AI Focuses UFO Over Brazil Drops Two Objects, Feb 2011, UAP Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 11, 2011 
Location of sighting: Sao Paulo, Brazil

I really wanted to run some screenshots of this UFO though ai, and quickly realized that this really was a UFO as it came into focus. AI helps some photos get focused and cleaned up so that we can see the true detail. Sometimes AI can't, so I have to go through about 20-30 sighting photos before I find one thats focuses. AI is the tool of the future for all UFO researchers world wide. 
Scott C. Waring 


AI Enhances Image of UFO Over New Jersey Sept 14, 2020, UAP Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Monday, Sept 14, 2020 
Location of sighting: New Jersey, USA 

On Sept 14th, thousands of eyewitnesses saw a UFO over New Jersey area. The UFO which was about 30 meters across and hovered over various parts of the city. People were seen on the freeways pulling their cars over to the side of the road and watching this UFO in the distance. The object has a glowing light for a center, similar to the military TR3B, and strangely enough...it's not a disk, but a triangle. That fact that the event took place is obvious from all the videos currently being uploaded as we speak.

AI has focused two screenshots here of the video and it clearly shows a cigar shaped spacecraft. Now is the spacecraft alien or is it US military...thats the harder question to answer. 
Scott C. Waring


AI Enhanced Photo of UFO Over Penza, Russia On Jan 10, 2023, UAP Sighting News.


Date of sighting: January 10, 2023 but redone with ai focus 2024.
Location of sighting: Penza, Russia 

I ran this through ai to focus it and it was strange, the ai sees the uncloaked parts and doesn't see the semi transparent part. At first glance you might think this is fake, but it's not and here is the proof, most people who fake make perfectly level UFOs. This one is tilted, just like Nuclear Physicist Bob Lazar of Area S4 said UFOs do when they move in a direction. This is 100% real and it's just fantastic that it was seen in Russia! So few sightings make it to Russian news, so this is one rare gem. It's easy to make out the metal disk hull and the upper dome area. Classic disk at its best. Scott C.Waring - Taiwan 

 News states: (google translated) A UFO was seen over Poim yesterday. An unknown flying saucer circled over the village for some time, and then disappeared from view. The picture was taken by a local resident, there is hardly any doubt about the lack of ability to work with Photoshop.- This is where the Bath Bridge, where Rinat Murakov ... she hung right above the yard, healthy. And then, while the boy began to set up the phone, she had already begun to fly away and turned out to be small. And she's so big... It looks like extraterrestrial intelligent beings are closer than we think...


AI Focused Photos of Two Asteroids With UFOs Orbiting Them! UAP Sighting News.


I decided to run these two different asteroid through the ai program and quickly got blown away my what I saw. Not only are these tiny things orbiting the asteroids, but they are not moons at all as NASA would have you believe, but instead or alien craft orbiting and controlling the trajectory of these asteroids to guide them safely past earth. The UFOs are watching out for all life on Earth, protecting the lesser species of the universe until they are able to protect themselves one day. Good to know right?

Hey, if you can please like, subscribe and share this info, thanks Scott Waring.


AI Focused Parasite or String on Mars, NASA Links, UFO Sighting News.

Please subscribe friends, we need your input on these things, thanks. Source: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/multimedia/raw-images/FRF_0495_0710895621_433ECM_N0261004FHAZ00206_01_295J 

 I used ai to focus the photo and put it into natural color again. When it did, I saw that the string-like parasite creature was now pink and white. I also noticed what looked like a mouth similar to an ant and an eye with a visible eyeball. Now the tentacles are very similar to that of a parasitic organism often seen on earth so I believe this creature burrowed from below the ground briefly and then dug back under the surface for safety. 
 Scott C. Waring

AI Focuses Cigar UFO Over Thermal, California May 14, 2022, UFO Sighting News

Date of sighting: May 14, 2022
Location of sighting: Thermal, California, USA
Email report: Sent to scwaring@yahoo.com 

Hey all I just wanted to take a screenshot and ai focus this UFO that was reported to me back in 2022, and wow! I was blown away by what ai showed me. This is a real alien cigar UFO and it's never before been seen this clear until today. Watch the video till the end, because the ai enhanced version is at the end. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
Saw a very large cigar shape object hovering floating in the sky over the mountain. Airplane flew towards the object but as it got closer the airplane disappeared because of the distance but the cigar shape was huge so I could easily see it.


AI Focused Black Knight Satellites, Up Close And Personal, UFO UAP Sighting News.


Hey all, I was asked on X and Youtube by many people to put the Dark Knight satellites through the ai program and see what happens. Well I did and it sharpened them a lot and brought the surface of the space craft into focus. It is said that these satellites are tens of thousand of years old or older. That they cannot be approached or they will paralyze the oncoming spacecraft. Tell me your thoughts of what these are and why they are in Earths orbit and why did NASA move the links three times before giving up?
Scott C. Waring 


AI Focuses UFO Over Las Vegas, Nevada On Feb 23, 2021, UAP Sighting News. 👽


Guys please subscribe and visit the eyewitness Franc Pierre at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otyF8dBkHP4 

Ok, this is from 2021 in Las Vegas. I took a few screenshots of this strange dark UFO moving across the sky that Franc Pierre recorded and wow, it sent chills down my spine. This was not what I thought I would find. It's a rare jellyfish UFO and it looks bio-mechanical in form. Meaning it's part biological and part machine. It even changes shape as it moves...and at one point it looked like a dragon with its head looking outward...in the last screenshot in my video. Scary looking stuff, but 100% real. As I said, AI doesn't prove a UFO is real or not, it only cleans up the photos, so we as researchers can analyze them. But thats why I'm here...to tell you if this is or isn't a real jellyfish UFO from my decades of experience. Yes...it is real. 
Scott C. Waring - Utah

AI Focused Photo of Tom Delonge Of Blink UAP Photo, UFO Sighting News. Video.


Please hit subscribe friends. I wanted to look at the Tom Delonge photo due to him saying that he has inside information, video and photos of actual alien craft so much so that he wants to make a movie about it. I admit this photo looks legit to me, but ai doesn't tell us if it's real or not, it only focuses and sharpens the image. It's up to us to decide for ourselves if it's real or not. 
Scott C. Waring


AI focused, UFO over Colima's Volcán de Fuego On June 13, 2016, Photos, UAP Sightings Daily.


Date of sighting: June 13, 2016 
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico 
News source: http://inexplicata.blogspot.tw 

 Ok so I used a photo from 2016 and it came out 100% focused and it's true...it's a real UFO. The disk is thicker in the center area where there are two windows visible. Also the craft has some unusual blue tenticles on the upper left. Very odd looking UFO but still a classic design. This is 100% proof that aliens do have a base below Colima Volcano which is active and too dangerous for humans to climb. 
Scott C. Waring 

 Inexplicata states: Mexico: A "Flying Saucer" over Colima's Volcán de Fuego Mexico's Criterio Hidalgo (from Pachuca, state of Hidalgo)has reprinted a photograph of an alleged UFO captured by Webcams de Mexico (which has acquired a worldwide reputation for its captures of unusual phenomena over the Popocatepetl Volcano). The text reads as follows: "A new UFO photo has gone viral on social media, shown near the Volcan de Fuego in the state of Colima. Through its Facebook account, Webcams de Mexico displayed the photograph last Friday, showing an object crossing the sky near the fiery colossus. The photo asks the question "what could it be?" in order that users may leave their comments about what appears to be a flying saucers."

AI Focused Photo! Alien Structure On Asteroid 2011 MD, UFO Sighting News. The UAP Is Scanning Us!


I ran these photos of asteroid 2011 MD through and it revealed a cube monolith on it. The object is glowing, so obviously it's some kind of energy powered device that directs the asteroid into the correct direction and also scans planets with intelligent life. We are not suppose to know aliens do this, but now...we have 100% proof that they do. Aliens exist, they are watching us, they are recording us like we are some science experiment. It's time the public knew the truth. 
Scott C. Waring 

Please hit subscribe. My 2011 post about this asteroid at https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2011/06/nasa-gives-4-day-warning-of-asteroid.html


AI Focuses Photo of Jupiter moon Amalthea, Looks Like Deathstar, UFO Sighting News. 4K video.


Please hit subscribe friends. Guys I found this years ago and I used my original photo, the NASA link is going 404 error and was moved or deleted. However here is a similar photo of two different moons taken by Voyager 1 probe so maybe you can help me by finding this original photo on the NASA site if it still exists. This moon is a an alien space-station, thats why NASA took it down. Jupiter has 95 moons and some are artificially made. 100% proof that aliens exist in our solar system. 
Thanks, Scott C. Waring Similar 


New video: AI focuses Mars Rabbit, But NASA Deleted Links! UFO UAP Sighting News. 👽🛸👽 NASA Erases Scientific History!


Hey please hit subscribe on my Youtube channel and like, it helps me so much, thanks SCW. 

Now I found this the Mars Rabbit back in 2004...or NASA announced it, then they deleted the links, so I searched and found them again in 2012, However today, the links are gone...deleted by NASA who clearly are trying to erase scientific history and evidence of this animal on Mars. However I did find a site with the original photo Wikimedia Commons...so I will place the like here for all to look at. Without the original...it may be impossible for ai to focus it 100%. 

Ancient House On Mars, FOCUSED WITH AI, UAP - UFO Sighting News. 4K Video!


Hey all, I found this back in 2014, but wanted to have ai go over it for more detail, and detail it gave! I knew it was a structure, but the original NASA photo was just too blurry, ai fixed this. If you can, please help me by subscribing to my channel and hitting the like and bell button or sharing. 

Thanks all, I couldn't do any of this without you. Scott C. Waring 

 Original link to photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/155315


Huge UFO shoots away on house cam, Margate, Florida Jan 22, 2024, UAP Sighting News.👽👽👽

Date of sighting: January 22, 2024, 19:25 
Location of sighting: Margate, Florida USA
Source: X account @isaiasroldan009

Hey all, check this out. A follower of mine on X tweeted to me to show me this video he captured at home in Florida a few months ago. He stated that he and his wife noticed a dark shadow over their home in the back yard so he checked his front cam because he didnt have a cam in the back yard and he focused it upward, just as he did, the huge dark shadow shot away...as if it knew it was being recorded. The shadow appears to be that of a disk, notice the dark round front area, and the flat back is due to the propulsion system causing a disturbance. Awesome and rare footage from Florida. 100% proof that aliens not only watch but notice if we are recording them or not too. 
Scott C. Waring - Utah

Eyewitness Isaias Roldan on X platform, https://x.com/isaiasroldan009 please visit him and support him by following him. 
Thanks all, 
Scott C. Waring

Tiny UFO escorting asteroid safely past earth in NASA radar image, July 6, 2024 UAP Sighting News.