
Huge UFO shoots away on house cam, Margate, Florida Jan 22, 2024, UAP Sighting News.👽👽👽

Date of sighting: January 22, 2024, 19:25 
Location of sighting: Margate, Florida USA
Source: X account @isaiasroldan009

Hey all, check this out. A follower of mine on X tweeted to me to show me this video he captured at home in Florida a few months ago. He stated that he and his wife noticed a dark shadow over their home in the back yard so he checked his front cam because he didnt have a cam in the back yard and he focused it upward, just as he did, the huge dark shadow shot away...as if it knew it was being recorded. The shadow appears to be that of a disk, notice the dark round front area, and the flat back is due to the propulsion system causing a disturbance. Awesome and rare footage from Florida. 100% proof that aliens not only watch but notice if we are recording them or not too. 
Scott C. Waring - Utah

Eyewitness Isaias Roldan on X platform, https://x.com/isaiasroldan009 please visit him and support him by following him. 
Thanks all, 
Scott C. Waring

Huge UFO Shoots Away on House Cam in Margate, Florida: UAP Sighting News

On January 22, 2024, at 19:25, an extraordinary event took place in Margate, Florida. Isaias Roldan, a local resident, captured footage of a huge unidentified flying object (UFO) shooting away from his house cam. The sighting has sparked considerable interest and debate among UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. Here’s a detailed look at this fascinating incident and an exploration of five other notable UFO sightings in Florida.

The Margate Sighting

  1. The Incident: Isaias Roldan, who frequently shares his observations on X (formerly Twitter), under the handle @isaiasroldan009, noticed a peculiar dark shadow over his home. Both he and his wife observed the phenomenon from their backyard, prompting Roldan to check his front cam, as he lacked a camera in the backyard.

  2. The Footage: The video, which quickly gained attention on social media, shows a dark, disk-shaped shadow moving rapidly across the sky. As soon as Roldan aimed his camera upward, the shadow shot away at incredible speed, almost as if it was aware of being recorded. The footage clearly depicts the round front area of the disk and a flat back, which could be attributed to the propulsion system causing a disturbance in the air.

  3. Public Reaction: The sighting has generated significant excitement, with many considering it solid evidence of UFO activity. The video has been widely shared and analyzed, with various theories emerging about the nature of the object and its propulsion system.

  4. Eyewitness Testimony: Isaias Roldan’s firsthand account adds credibility to the sighting. His quick thinking to use his front cam to capture the event has provided valuable footage that could contribute to our understanding of UFO phenomena.

  5. Scott C. Waring's Commentary: Renowned UFO researcher Scott C. Waring highlighted the incident on his platform, emphasizing the importance of the footage. He pointed out that the behavior of the object suggests it was aware of being observed and recorded, a characteristic often reported in UFO sightings.

Other Notable UFO Sightings in Florida

Florida has a rich history of UFO sightings, with numerous reports spanning several decades. Here are five other significant sightings in the Sunshine State:

  1. The Gulf Breeze Sightings (1987-1988):

    • Location: Gulf Breeze, Florida
    • Details: The Gulf Breeze sightings are among the most famous UFO incidents in Florida. Starting in late 1987, local contractor Ed Walters reported multiple encounters with UFOs, providing photographs that showed disk-shaped crafts with bright lights. The sightings continued into 1988, drawing national attention and leading to widespread debate. Skeptics argued the photos were hoaxes, but many witnesses corroborated seeing strange lights and objects in the sky.
  2. The Miami Airport Incident (1995):

    • Location: Miami International Airport, Florida
    • Details: In March 1995, several airport employees and pilots reported seeing a large, cigar-shaped object hovering near the airport. The object was described as metallic and made no noise. It remained stationary for several minutes before accelerating at high speed and disappearing. The incident was investigated by both the FAA and independent researchers but remains unexplained.
  3. The Orlando Lights (2002):

    • Location: Orlando, Florida
    • Details: In December 2002, numerous residents of Orlando reported seeing a series of bright lights moving in formation across the night sky. The lights moved erratically, changing direction abruptly and forming complex patterns. Witnesses included local law enforcement officers and military personnel, adding credibility to the reports. Despite extensive investigations, no conventional explanation was found for the sighting.
  4. The Pensacola UFO Flap (2010):

    • Location: Pensacola, Florida
    • Details: In 2010, Pensacola experienced a wave of UFO sightings, with dozens of residents reporting strange lights and objects in the sky over several months. The objects were described as glowing orbs that moved silently and with great speed. Some witnesses reported seeing formations of these orbs performing coordinated maneuvers. The sightings prompted local media coverage and investigations by UFO researchers, but no definitive conclusions were reached.
  5. The Tampa Triangle (2013):

    • Location: Tampa, Florida
    • Details: In July 2013, multiple witnesses in Tampa observed a triangular-shaped UFO with three bright lights at each corner. The object hovered silently above the city before accelerating and disappearing. The sighting was captured on video by several witnesses and received extensive media coverage. The triangular UFO, often referred to as a "TR-3B," has been reported in various locations worldwide, adding to the intrigue of the Tampa sighting.

Implications of the Margate Sighting

The Margate UFO sighting, along with other notable incidents in Florida, has significant implications for our understanding of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and potential extraterrestrial life.

  1. Technological Insights: The rapid acceleration and maneuverability of the object in the Margate sighting suggest advanced propulsion technology. Studying such footage could provide insights into new forms of energy and transportation that go beyond current human capabilities.

  2. Scientific Curiosity: These sightings fuel scientific curiosity and drive further investigation into the possibility of extraterrestrial life. They encourage the development of better observational tools and methods to study UAPs systematically.

  3. Public Awareness and Interest: High-profile sightings like the Margate incident increase public awareness and interest in UFO phenomena. This can lead to greater support for scientific research and government transparency regarding UAP investigations.

  4. International Collaboration: UFO sightings are a global phenomenon, and sharing information and resources internationally could enhance our understanding. Collaborative efforts between countries could lead to more comprehensive data collection and analysis.

  5. Potential Contact: If these objects are indeed of extraterrestrial origin, understanding their behavior and technology could be crucial for future contact scenarios. Preparing for potential communication or interaction with extraterrestrial beings would be a significant step for humanity.


The UFO sighting in Margate, Florida, captured on January 22, 2024, by Isaias Roldan, represents a compelling case of unexplained aerial phenomena. The clear footage and the object's behavior add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that we are not alone in the universe. This sighting, along with other notable incidents in Florida, highlights the importance of continued investigation and public engagement in the study of UFOs.

As we advance our technological capabilities and expand our understanding of the cosmos, sightings like these serve as reminders of the vast and mysterious nature of our universe. They challenge us to remain curious, open-minded, and diligent in our pursuit of knowledge. The implications of these discoveries extend far beyond the thrill of the unknown; they hold the potential to reshape our scientific paradigms, technological advancements, and philosophical perspectives on life beyond Earth.

Scott C. Waring's commitment to documenting and analyzing these phenomena underscores the critical role of dedicated researchers in uncovering the truth. By sharing these findings with the public and encouraging broader participation, we move closer to unraveling the mysteries of the universe and understanding our place within it.