
UFO In England Darts Into Clouds on Jan 2012 Video.

Date of sighting: January 11, 2012
Location of sighting: England

A woman from the United Kingdom filmed a UFO video that allegedly shows UFO lights in the sky among the on January 11, 2012. The two orbs that seemed to move briefly across the sky before disappearing were visible for just a moment before disappearing.

If you recorded a UFO sighting please upload it to YouTube and put the date and location in the title, but note; you must put the words "UFO Sighting," into it's title so it can be easily found by UFO researchers.

UFO in hands of USAF at Air Base, photos Jan 2012. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Groom Lake (uncertain)

Look at this photo that at first I assumed was a fake because the tail has a shadow, but the UFO does not. I made a mistake, the shadow from the tail is moves to the opposite side with the tail…thus the UFOs shadow would not be visible since it falls on the opposite side of the Jet. This C-17 is a cargo carrier and could carry another aircraft on its top if it was mechanically fitted with a strong enough clamping device. If its real, its a real ballsy move by the pilots to sneak in a USAF aircraft that was built from alien technology. The USAF does have some craft similar to this. I'm talking Project Aurora.

If you recorded a UFO sighting please upload it to YouTube and put the date and location in the title, but note; you must put the words "UFO Sighting," into it's title so it can be easily found by UFO researchers.


UFOs Fly Over UK House, Boys Record it, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Crest Woods, Wales, UK

Eyewitness state: "Just to be clear here. This is not a hoax, but a genuine sighting that cannot truly be explained at the moment. The lights appear to be located either above the Crest Woods, in front of Crest Woods or just behind and above Crest Woods. This was filmed around 3 am and lasted longer than 6 minutes. The witnesses are utterly reliable as they are not UFO fanatics. I admit that I am a bit of a UFO hunter. What makes this credible is the evidence of the boys. 3 am UK time on 3rd of January 2012. Good film and good witnesses to an unexplained event."

If you recorded a UFO sighting please upload it to YouTube and put the date and location in the title, but note; you must put the words "UFO Sighting," into it's title so it can be easily found by UFO researchers.

Tulsa, Oklahoma UFO Glowing Green On Video. May 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2011
Location of sighting: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Usually I don't post older UFO sightings but this one is special and its was found by a UFO research who is a bit famous in the UFO community. Her nick name is Sheilaaliens and she stated "I stumbled upon this interesting little clip by chance! I'm almost certain it's not been uploaded to youtube until now." Look at this strange green glowing UFO. Many people have offered the idea that many lighting storms were actually caused by UFOs. That may be and this video seems to confirm that theory. This UFO is one of the most beautiful with its neon green. Some may offer to say its a green laser, but I have 3 100mw green lasers and they are not capable of sending out a broken beam and at such a slow speed. The object is going slower than the speed of light or we might not have seen it. Incredible sight. SCW

If you recorded a UFO sighting please upload it to YouTube and put the date and location in the title, but note; you must put the words "UFO Sighting," into it's title so it can be easily found by UFO researchers.
UFO Sightings Daily


Glowing UFOs Over Los Angeles, CA On Jan 24, 2012, PHOTOS.

Click to enlarge.

Date of sighting: January 24, 2012
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Last night on live cam these glowing objects were moving over the city of LA. I disregarded it as an airplane or helicopter at first, but the objects never moved away, but instead only hovered and glowed more or less intensely.
1st taken at 00:23:41=12:23 am
2nd taken at 04:52:12= 4:52 am
3rd taken at 05:02:42=  5:02 am

After nearly 5 hours…the UFOs in the cam were still there.

Results So Far of "How Will Alien Disclosure Happen?" Poll.

These are the results of the poll currently, but remember the results may change in the next 6 days. So far, its looking like "Alien motherships will appear over worlds largest cities," is far ahead, but a at a close second it the belief that "Freedom hackers will unleash the truth." 

UFO Disk Near International Space Station on Jan 23, 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 23, 2012
Location of sighting: International Space Station

This video was recorded off the live NASA cam this week by Youtube user Legend35ot. Lucky for the public, this guy has been keeping an eye out for UFOs on the live cam. He has recorded a  lot and this has to be his best catch ever. Every piece of evidence is a piece of straw…that will one day break the camels back. You hear that NASA…we're coming for you.


Life spotted on Venus Says Russian scientist, Jan 22, 2011.


Date of announcement: January 22, 2012
Location of alien life: Surface of Venus.

MOSCOW: Several objects resembling living beings were detected on photographs taken by a Russian landing probe in 1982 during a Venus mission, says an article published in the Solar System Research magazine. Leonid Ksanfomaliti of the Space Research Institute of Russia's Academy of Sciences published a research that analysed the photographs from the Venus mission made by a Soviet landing probe, Venus-13, in 1982. The photographs feature several objects, which Ksanfomaliti said, resembled a "disk", a "black flap" and a "scorpion".

All of them "emerge, fluctuate and disappear", the scientist said, referring to their changing location on different photographs and traces on the ground. "What if we forget about the current theories about the non-existence of life on Venus, let's boldly suggest that the objects' morphological features would allow us to say that they are living," the magazine quoted Ksanfomaliti as saying. 
Click Photo To Enlarge.
UFO Sightings Daily

Cloud Orb Caught On Video Over Vienna, Austria on Jan 10, 2012.

Date of sighting: January 10, 2012
Location of sighting: Vienna, Austria

Sure this clip is short but sometimes when you see them, they don't stick around for long. These small white orbs are often seen buzzing in and out of clouds and if you watch on a day when the sky is blue so its easier to see them, you too may get the next UFO sighting on video. SCW

Three Glowing Orbs Over Long Island, New York On Jan 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Long Island, New York, USA

Eyewitness states: "This video was taken at New Years eve at 12:05 am Long Island, NY. The lights are passing behind the trees that gives the illusion that they are blinking like Chinese lanterns, but the lights stay in a fixed position. Chinese lanterns would never be able to do this on a windy day."