Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts


Black Disk Seen Near Military Radar Plane, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Oct 9, 2020, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 9, 2020
Location of sighting: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Source: MUFON #111757

A person caught a black disk on their phone this week when taking photos of a Awacs radar plane. The disk is huge and was moving very fast, because it was only in a single photo during a burst. This is 100% proof that aliens are interested in US military technology.  
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: was taking photos of an AWACS plane that was flying over my house Captured object in "live action photo: on my I Phone. The picture also has the 1.5 seconds before the actual photo was taken. However I don't know if this function is included when sharing the photo or if its just the still photo. I have 4 pictures the object is only in the first. When the live action photo is played on the IPhone the object is moving very very fast from East to West in the Northern sky.


UFO Drops Off Whale In Wrong Place, Found On Grass In Oklahoma, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: A reader just sent me an article from 2013 in London of a whale life like sculpture...What the hell? Looking just like this whale, the wrinkles and colors match exactly.

Date of event: January 25, 2017
Location of event: Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA
News source:

It looks like a UFO dropped it off in the middle of nowhere, but as a reader pointed out, its a sculpture that was made life like. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

News states: 
Muskogee| A city worker made an incredible discovery while cleaning up a public park on the banks of the Arkansas river: he found a 40-foot long humpback whale laying lifeless, hundreds of miles away from its natural habitat.

The worker discovered the beached whale around 9:00 this morning, just after arriving to work.

Thinking that the cetacean could have been left there as a creepy prank by some neighborhood youngsters, he contacted the Muskogee Police Department.

The investigators rapidly dismissed his theory, as no traces of vehicles or machinery large enough to carry it were found near the animal.

They admit that they don’t know at the moment, how the marine mammal found its way in the park.

“We found no signs suggesting that the animal could have been placed there by humans,” said Lt Darrell Remmington. “For all we know, it probably probably got lost and swam up the Arkansas river until it got stuck for some reason.”

A team of biologists from the University of Oklahoma has already arrived on the site to examine the whale and collect some samples.

They will perform various tests and analysis on the remains of 25-ton cetacean to try and determine how it made its way to Muskogee. (More at source)


UFO Seen On Forest Cam, Then Alien Seen Walking Around In Oklahoma, Oct 3, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 3, 2016
Location of sighting: Guthrie, Oklahoma, USA
Source: MUFON #79614

This UFO was seen this week over Oklahoma and was caught on a trail camera. The UFO  is in the distance, and then sitting on a upside-down wheel barrel is seen a black object that looks like a person in a black space suit. It looks like aliens are taking notice of Guthrie and for them to leave the ship means there is some important research to be done there. Also for the person to use a suit, it tells us their body cannot survive on Earth in our normal conditions. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Attached are pictures taken on a Moultrie trail camera. The wind had been blowing and camera took lots of pictures. I was deleting pictures when this human form caught my eye. This object is less than 200 ft from our house. We have nothing that would look like this thing on the back. I am sending two pictures taken in the same minute. First shows it is there and the second shows it is gone. Also attached in a picture of an item in the sky too big to be a bird and not the shape of anything I have ever seen in the sky. This object was taken about 7 hours after the first one here again there and gone in about the same minute. These pictures were taken on the 3rd of October 2016 and not seen until this morning which is 10/5/2016. The hunan form is on the right side of picture by the wheelbarrow. The item in the sky is also to the right maybe 35 degrees it is a black object. I believe the camera is set at 12 mega pixels. These were not visually seen my me or my spouse. Only the pictures.


Multiple UFOs Observe Oklahoma Tornadoes As Seen On TV News, May 2013.

Date of sighting: May 2013
Location of sighting: Oklahoma, USA

Eyewitness states:
Interesting footage from a TV news item which seems to show multiple objects watching the Tornadoes across the Great Plains. UFOs or something else, as always you decide. Footage credit Michael Davino.


UFO Sighting - Oklahoma City, USA - 05/03/2012

Date of sighting: May 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Oklahoma City, USA

This is an unusual UFO sighting caught from a plane over Oklahoma City. The UFO tilts at times so you can see its top and bottom. It looks like a classic disk shape. If you look carefully at its bottom you will notice three rounded lumps. Bob Lazar (scientist from Area S4) said these 3 objects are its method of propulsion that create a energy field around the craft to allow it to slide from place to place quickly.


UFO filmed from Mount Scott, Oklahoma - April 16, 2012

Date of sighting: April 16, 2012
Location of sighting: Oklahoma, USA

An UFO was accidently filmed between Lake Lawtonka and Mount Scott in the Wichita Mountains near Lawton in Oklahoma on April 16, 2012. Video filmed by Simon Foreman.


UFO Enters Atmosphere Over Oklahoma, Divides Into 2, Startles People, March 2012 TV News.

No tails, no debris...only two glowing orbs!

Date of sighting: March 13, 2012
Location of sighting: Oklahoma, USA

I love how the media struggles to identify the things that are unidentified. They grapple at straws from space junk to lighting, yet in the videos from March 13 we see clearly that it is neither. The object is not a meteor because it does not have a tail and travels to slowly. Also the object becomes bright for a split second and divides into two similar glowing objects without any other debris. SCW



Police Cam Catches UFO Over Texas on Feb 2012, Three NEWS VIDEOs.

Date of the sighting: Feb 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Little River, Texas (also seen in Oklahoma and Kansas)

On Twitter the reporter stated that the movement of the object looked to precise to be meteor. Notice there is no tail as you would see on a meteor, but instead it is mostly circular. Seen over three states this object was never seen falling but instead shooting across the sky as we might expect a UFO to do. Check out this news video plus the original video from the police cam that caught it.


Tulsa, Oklahoma UFO Glowing Green On Video. May 2011, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2011
Location of sighting: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Usually I don't post older UFO sightings but this one is special and its was found by a UFO research who is a bit famous in the UFO community. Her nick name is Sheilaaliens and she stated "I stumbled upon this interesting little clip by chance! I'm almost certain it's not been uploaded to youtube until now." Look at this strange green glowing UFO. Many people have offered the idea that many lighting storms were actually caused by UFOs. That may be and this video seems to confirm that theory. This UFO is one of the most beautiful with its neon green. Some may offer to say its a green laser, but I have 3 100mw green lasers and they are not capable of sending out a broken beam and at such a slow speed. The object is going slower than the speed of light or we might not have seen it. Incredible sight. SCW

If you recorded a UFO sighting please upload it to YouTube and put the date and location in the title, but note; you must put the words "UFO Sighting," into it's title so it can be easily found by UFO researchers.
UFO Sightings Daily


News Update: City Talks About UFO Transported in Cowley County, USA Dec. 2011


Date of sighting: Dec 11, 2011
Location of sighting: Cowley County, Oklahoma state line, USA

COWLEY COUNTY, Kansas - Residents in Cowley County are still talking about a mystery craft, seen being towed down US 77 Monday. Sitting inside Lindly's Appliance Store, Kammi Root is used to seeing large machinery towed down US 77. But what she saw Monday afternoon is something she won't soon forget. "There was this funny sphere that went through on this big trailer and my first thought was, 'That looks like a UFO,'" said Root.

A huge 32 foot craft, wrapped in tarp, was as mysterious as the transport company who called Sheriff Don Read for help. "They told us that it was an aircraft and that they had explored other ways to transport it but this was the best way for them to do it and they asked us not to say a whole lot about it," said Read. After all, the massive load's shape would certainly draw enough attention on its own.

"People were calling in saying, 'Oh they think they found a flying saucer. It looks like a flying saucer to us and we don't know for sure what it is,'" said Donetta Godsey with the Winfield Daily Courier. For nearly an hour, officers helped maneuver the craft through Cowley County. "The biggest thing that we had to deal with was down at the roundabout we had to remove a bunch of signs and markers because the load was so long it couldn't make the corner," said Read.

Meanwhile, onlookers struggled to wipe the shock from their faces and the questions from their minds. "What was that funny thing that was on that trailer that looked like something from somewhere else?" said Root. So what in the world was it? Undersheriff Bill Mueller says it was an experimental aircraft from Northrop Grumman, possibly a new unmanned drone. It still has a ways to go. Its final destination is Maryland.


UFO or Drone? Carried Upon Trailer Near Oklahoma State Line, Dec 2011.

Date of sighting: Dec 11, 2011
Location of sighting: Oklahoma State line.

Perhaps this is a man made craft created from back engineering alien tech or perhaps this is a UFO that was  discovered in a field somewhere. 

Eyewitness states:  Object Photographed With Cell Phone: Brief Details Of Sighting: "My sister and her boyfriend were heading back to Arkansas City KS coming from the gas station-casino on or near the Oklahoma state line, when they noticed the object being towed. A state trooper escorted it and black truck followed". Could it be this?  

Another Eyewitness took video and states this: This very large craft was driving through Ponca City, Ok just before noon on (12-11-2011). It was escorted by a convoy of about 15 marked and unmarked law enforcement vehicles headed north. 

The Winfield Daily Courier stated this: 
"Alien invasion? — An unusual looking object traveling through Cowley County was the cause of much conversation and speculation Monday morning. Hauled on a large flatbed truck along US Highway 77, area residents got a look at a 32-foot-wide dull gray wrapped apparatus shaped like a flying saucer and featuring flashing red lights. Reports were that the object is a Navy drone which, after wings are attached, will fly off aircraft carriers. One location of concern was the bridge north of Winfield which is only 35 feet wide. Local emergency management officers along with members of the Ark City and Winfield Police Departments and Cowley County Sheriff’s Department were on hand to control traffic as the aircraft proceeded on its way to Maryland. (Donetta Godsey/Courier)"
