
Feb 8, 2012 UFO Near International Space Station Caught on Live Cam, Paranormal News.

Date of sighting: February 8, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit, near ISS

This is a great capture by Streetcap1 of Youtube. He is notorious for watching day and night the International Space Station live cam and recording it. Here he has another fantastic capture near the ISS yesterday. Why are UFOs near the ISS so important? Because if it was space junk the ISS would have declared it and prepared to move the ISS or ready ejection pods just in case as they did last month. However, none of that happened and this object went unreported by NASA to the public. Streetcap1 is on NASA like a duck on a June bug.

Watch ISS Live Cam here but turn on your screen recorder just in case you see a UFO: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/iss_ustream.html

UFOs seen over Perth, Australia Using Night Vision on Feb 4, 2012.

Date of sighting: February 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Perth, Australia

I love how night vision can see what the human eye cannot. This is a great example that was caught over Australia this week. Watch the orbs as they flash, change directions, slow down and speed up.


Philip Schneider was building a underground base for USAF when he found an alien base, where he killed one.

Dear Viewers,

Philip Schneider claimed to be a former US Government Geologist and Engineer, who was involved in producing the underground explosions which were required to facilitate the building of various underground military bases, as well as submarine bases for the United States Government. He claimed to be one of only three people who survived the infamous Alien/Human War at Dulce and Los Alamos, where 66 Government Agents and Workers supposedly lost their lives in August of 1979. For the last two years of his life he gave lectures about supposed classified information, including UFO's to the media and general public. Philip Schneider was found dead in his apartment on January 17, 1996. Many people claim that he was murdered right before he was to publish a massive disclosure in a book he was writing, that disappeared from his home on the day he died. RIP Philip.

Jump to 16 minutes into the video to hear him talk about drilling in Dulce and discovering an underground alien base and how the aliens killed 66 workers and soldiers and how he killed one.

Russian TV News: Glowing UFO Over Chelyabinsk, Russia on Feb 3, 2012, Video of craft.

Date of sighting: February 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Chelyabinsk, Russia

Stated By NTV News (Translated)
Inhabitants of a small Ural town worried about the problems of extraterrestrial civilizations. A few days ago they saw in the sky, an unidentified flying object, and since have not felt safe. No UFOlogist in the county was anxious to answer the questions people had. However, their glowing balls over the taiga is very interesting. An eyewitness and neighbors talk about what they saw and felt with our correspondent Artem Kolodkin.

UFO Seen in Pune, India Skys on 4 Feb 2012, cell phone video.

Date of sighting: February 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Pune Bhosari Area, India

Eyewitness states: "This video was captured on 4th Feb 2012, from Pune Bhosari Area, around 6 in the evening. As it being thru a MOBILE, the quality is not what we can expect, but the UFO was in the Shape of Digit 8."

UFO sighting over Aveley, Essex, United Kingdom Feb 2012, Video News.

Date of sighting: February 2012
Location of sighting: River Thames toward Kent, England

Eyewitness states: "This was taken a few days ago on my mobile phone, and lasted around 5 minutes, my phones memory lasted just over a minute, any remaining "would be" footage would have shown it hover out of sight in the direction towards the river thames towards kent. The UFO was hovering over an housing estate. Me and my partner both witnessed this event and it freaked my girlfriend out, Im a little more open to "other life". I would be interested if anyone else has footage and what it could be?"


Glowing Orbs divide into twos! Baltimore Maryland, US. 2012 Video News.

Date of sighting: Jan 2012
Location of sighting: Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Watch as these glowing orbs divide themselves into twos. Yes they do that. One orb can produce a dozens or more in just a few minutes. 

Newly released video of giant UFO over Taiwan, Jan 2012 News.

Date of sighting: January 10, 2012
Location of sighting: Tainan, Taiwan

I know, I reported on this sighting already last month, however this updated post is a newly released video of the UFO in the cloud that has never been seen before and its in much higher detail that the one I reported last month. I say this is a UFO, due to the old "O'hare Airport incident where hundreds of eyewitnesses saw a grey UFO take hover for 15 min the suddenly take off and as it passed through a cloud, it left a hole...meaning its propulsion system creates holes in clouds. The hole over O'Hare was there for 15 minutes! Take a look at this video from Taiwan and tell us what you think in comments please. SCW

UFO Cloaked In Cloud Over Lisbon Airport, Feb 2012, 4 Photos.

Date of sighting: February 2012
Location of sighting: Lisbon, Portugal

This is the second report for Portugal about this UFO cloud. This must be the same UFO as in Oerias because this is only 20 km from the city of Oeiras (same day sighting). This time its over the Lisbon airport. 

You think these are only clouds? As many of you already know, back in Sept 1957 a soldier took photos of a metal ring UFO over the military airport and as he was taking photos, the ring was making a white cloud around it until it was fully hidden from the camera. Click here for the photos and report. 

UFO Passes Over Homes In Portugal, Close Up Video, Feb 5, 2012 News.

Date of sighting: February 5, 2012
Location of sighting: Oeiras, Portugal

This was seen flying over a neighborhood in Portugal this week. Flying low over the homes perhaps to scan their inhabitants. UFO's use a several kinds of cloaking, this one is their cloud cloak. They can make it and fully engulf the ship in less than 1 minute. Watch out for them. They think they can outwit you.