
Alien Base Entrance Discovered On Google Mars Map, July 20, 2012 Close Up View.

Date of discovery: July 2012
Location of discovery: Mars at 45°56'46.91''N, 23°32'15.49''E

While looking over Google Mars I came across an entrance to an underground alien base. This may be an ancient base long since abandoned, but thats anyones guess. This area has a square like shape and you can make out the shadows which show it getting deeper and deeper on its right side meaning it is sloped. The shadows angle matches that of the nearby mountains and rocks so this is not an mistake in the satellite photo, but rather a real ancient entrance to an underground facility of some sort. To find the object just copy and past this into the Google Mars search area, 45°56'46.91''N, 23°32'15.49''E and you will be taken to it. You must zoom in to see it better. Very cool and easy for anyone to check out. SCW

UFOs Downtown Los Angeles 7-17-2012

Date of sighting: July 17, 2012
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"Again they show up at the same time (9pm) but diffrent place near DTLA my camera battery died out at the end, but 3 of them start circling DTLA and one passes the U.S. Bank Tower building it just flew by it am sure people saw it that were working there that night they mean no harm they are just here on a field trip lol."


Two UFOs Seen During Air Show In Chile, July 17, 2012 Video News.

Date of sighting: July 17, 2012
Location of sighting: Chile

This is some great footage of two UFOs that were caught this week at an air show in Chile. The first one is a cigar shaped black object (11 sec into video) and the second is a white cloud orb (18 sec into video).

UFO Orb Glowing Over Ohio On July 18, 2012, VIDEO News.

Date of sighting: July 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Brown County, Ohio, USA

Eyewitness states:
"I'll probably edit this to show the 'good parts.' I have been observing constant UFO activity in Brown County, OH for the last year, starting during the summer of 2011. The types range from these brighter, almost pulsating objects, to other objects which seem to flicker a kaleidoscope of colors while moving (though the movement is almost imperceptible to the naked eye). I observed what you see in this video in the early morning hours (around 5:30 AM) here in Brown County, OH. As long as the skies are clear, I can literally record or photograph such phenomena on any given night."


UFO around Griffith Park and Silverlake Los Angeles 7-16-2012

Date of sighting: July 16, 2012
Location of sighting: Griffith Park, Los Angeles, California, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"So I somehow had a gut feeling I was gonna see a ufo that night so I went out to the rooftop the first thing I see are UFO's lol this is just the first part one hoovering around Silverlake glowing neon green,red,white,yelloiwsh and thats the first minute of it i slow motion it I see another UFO right next to it a red one wtf??? and the blinking one is moving at a slow speed circling Griffith park left and right for like 15 mins. remember this is just the first part ill upload the 2nd part where he LANDS ON GRIFFITH PARK MOUNTAINS I was reviewing this video over and over it ill post this one and I'll make a review about it myself. anyways hope u liked what u see one this first part really the first ufo I saw it was a UFO because like an hour later it wasnt there anymore.."

Below shows a close up view of the UFOs.


UFO Has Contrail In Mars Sky, Recorded By NASA Photo, July 2012 News.

While browsing through some Mars photos I came across this one NASA photo that seems to have a UFO flying in the distance. I was unsure at first so I enlarged it and the tail and the contrail-like trail behind it confirms that it is an alien ship. The photo is on a NASA site and the source is below. SCW

Below close up has be enhanced in CONTRAST only.

Source: http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/584/2P178208022EFFAE03P2264R7M1.JPG


Mysterious Bright Objects over the Jinan Olympic Sports Center Stadium, China. July 15, 2012

Date of sighting: July 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Jinan Olympic Stadium, China

UFO Orb Fleet in Michigan July 10, 2012, Reported On Fox News.

Date of sighting: July 10, 2012
Location of sighting: Northern Michigan, USA

The US military is trying to make residents believe that the UFOs they saw were just flares. Don't believe them. If you listen carefully to the eyewitness you will hear they said they traveled fast across the sky…flare do not do that. Flares fall. Case closed. This was a real UFO sighting. SCW

On July 10, 2012 residents in several towns across northern Michigan witnessed a fleet of UFO orbs hovering in the night sky. The military has claimed the lights were flares being used in a training exercise. This is ridiculous explanation of course, as the orbs hovered in place, in formation, and never descended to the ground. The looked nothing like flares, and of course, the exact same orbs are appearing all over the world.

Source: http://www.9and10news.com/story/19013541/mysterious-lights-over-northern-counties-explained