Showing posts with label 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10. Show all posts


Apollo 10 Crew Heard Space Music On Dark Side Of Moon Says @NASA Recordings, May 1969, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of event: May 22-23, 1969
Location of event: Dark side of Moon

The Science Channel recently released two videos on Youtube about Apollo 10 astronauts hearing mysterious music noises on the dark side of the moon. The crew of the space module were orbiting the moon and then were to return, but on the dark side they heard something that made them say it sounds like "space music." They question if they should tell NASA or not about it. On of them stated, "I think we should think about that a little bit." This shows that even NASA astronauts hid some information from NASA out of fear of reprisal on their career in some way. 

Their conversation was hidden for forty years, but lucky for the public, it was in the NASA files. The recording went like this...

"It sounds like, you know, outer space-type music." 
"You hear that? That whistling sound? Whooooooooo!" 
"Well, that sure is weird music!" 
"It's unbelievable! You know?" 
"Shall we tell them about it?" 
"I don't know. We ought to think about it." 

Scott C. Waring


Structures on Moons Surface Found In Apollo 10 Photo, May 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Photo Source:

This object on the moon was discovered by Streetcap1 of Youtube. At first glance the two object look to be hovering, but are actually structures in the crater. These structures of what I call the white ceramics. Shiny white structures that have a surface like that of white ceramic. The photo was taken during the Apollo 10 mission. SCW


Thank You Everyone, UFO Sightings Daily Hits 10,000,000 View Mark This Week.

I have to say I am really blown away by all the attention this site is getting. Two years ago when I made it, I was getting 5 views a day...and three of those were from me! 

I just wanted to say thank you to each of you and tell you how grateful I am to you. It makes me glad to know that others out there are seeking the truth about the existence of aliens, and nothing and no one is going to stop them.  

If you talk about your belief or encounter with UFOs or aliens and others laugh...stand your ground. Don't let them mock you. Be confident. There are millions of others like you and I. You are not alone. You stand with the faith of a ten million plus army behind you. Never give in...never give up. SCW


UFO Orb Fleet in Michigan July 10, 2012, Reported On Fox News.

Date of sighting: July 10, 2012
Location of sighting: Northern Michigan, USA

The US military is trying to make residents believe that the UFOs they saw were just flares. Don't believe them. If you listen carefully to the eyewitness you will hear they said they traveled fast across the sky…flare do not do that. Flares fall. Case closed. This was a real UFO sighting. SCW

On July 10, 2012 residents in several towns across northern Michigan witnessed a fleet of UFO orbs hovering in the night sky. The military has claimed the lights were flares being used in a training exercise. This is ridiculous explanation of course, as the orbs hovered in place, in formation, and never descended to the ground. The looked nothing like flares, and of course, the exact same orbs are appearing all over the world.


 UFO Orb Fleet Sighting in Michigan: A Mysterious Encounter on July 10, 2012

On the evening of July 10, 2012, residents across northern Michigan witnessed a phenomenon that would go on to perplex and intrigue not only locals but also the national media and UFO enthusiasts worldwide. A fleet of glowing orbs, appearing suddenly in the night sky, captivated onlookers as they hovered in formation over several towns. The sighting was reported on various news outlets, including Fox News, sparking a debate that continues to this day. The U.S. military attempted to quell the growing speculation by explaining the lights as flares used during a routine training exercise. However, this explanation only served to fuel more controversy, as eyewitnesses were quick to point out inconsistencies in the official narrative.

According to the witnesses, the orbs did not behave like conventional flares. They were stationary for an extended period, maintaining a tight formation, before moving rapidly across the sky. Unlike flares, which descend gradually and flicker as they burn out, these orbs remained at a constant altitude and brightness. Several residents, familiar with the characteristics of flares due to previous military exercises in the area, were adamant that what they observed was entirely different. The lights did not descend or flicker; instead, they moved horizontally with precision and speed, suggesting intelligent control.

One eyewitness, who preferred to remain anonymous, reported that the lights were “unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” They described how the orbs hovered silently over a nearby field before accelerating across the sky in unison. The witness, who had previously seen flares during training exercises, was certain that these lights were not flares. “They didn’t fall, and they didn’t flicker. They just hovered, perfectly still, and then shot across the sky like they were on a mission.”

The military’s explanation that the lights were part of a training exercise involving flares was met with skepticism from both the witnesses and the wider public. Critics pointed out that flares typically do not remain stationary and are subject to wind drift, making it nearly impossible for them to maintain a formation. Moreover, the lights were visible across a vast area, from multiple towns, which would be unusual for a localized flare exercise.

The controversy surrounding the sighting quickly gained traction in the media, with news outlets and UFO enthusiasts dissecting the military’s statements. Some pointed out that the military’s response was inconsistent with the timeline and descriptions provided by the witnesses. For instance, the military claimed that the flares were part of a routine exercise conducted at a designated time and location, but the lights were reported outside of this window and over residential areas far from the military training grounds.

This discrepancy led many to believe that the military was either mistaken or deliberately attempting to cover up the true nature of the sighting. The fact that similar sightings of orb-like objects had been reported in other parts of the world around the same time only added to the speculation. In the weeks following the sighting, reports of similar lights emerged from various locations, including parts of Europe and South America, leading some to suggest that these sightings were part of a global phenomenon.

The sighting also caught the attention of several prominent UFO researchers and organizations. The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), one of the largest civilian UFO investigative groups in the United States, launched an investigation into the incident. They collected testimonies from witnesses, analyzed the available footage, and reviewed the military’s statements. MUFON’s initial findings indicated that the sighting did not fit the profile of a typical flare exercise. The organization suggested that the lights could be part of a larger, coordinated event, possibly involving unidentified aerial vehicles of unknown origin.

The Michigan sighting is not the first time that glowing orbs have been associated with UFO sightings. Throughout history, these objects have been reported in various shapes and sizes, often described as balls of light or glowing spheres. Some researchers believe that these orbs are a form of advanced technology, possibly used for surveillance or exploration. Others suggest that they may be a manifestation of natural phenomena that we do not yet fully understand. Whatever the case, the sighting in Michigan adds to the growing body of evidence that suggests these objects are more than just flares or misidentified aircraft.

The incident also highlights the ongoing tension between the public’s perception of UFO sightings and the official explanations provided by authorities. For decades, governments and military organizations around the world have been accused of downplaying or dismissing UFO sightings, often attributing them to mundane explanations such as weather balloons, flares, or aircraft misidentifications. While some of these explanations may be valid, there are numerous cases where the official narrative does not align with the evidence presented by witnesses and researchers.

In recent years, there has been a growing push for greater transparency and disclosure regarding UFO sightings and related phenomena. This movement has gained momentum with the release of previously classified documents and the acknowledgment by the U.S. government that it has been studying UFOs, now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), for several decades. The Pentagon’s admission in 2020 that it has been investigating UAPs as part of its Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was a significant step towards acknowledging the reality of these encounters.

Despite this progress, many questions remain unanswered. What exactly are these orbs, and why are they appearing in different parts of the world? Are they a form of advanced technology, possibly extraterrestrial in origin, or are they part of a secret military program that has yet to be disclosed? The sighting in Michigan, like so many others, leaves us with more questions than answers.

For the residents who witnessed the event, the experience was both awe-inspiring and unsettling. Many described a sense of wonder at seeing something so extraordinary but also a sense of frustration at the lack of a satisfactory explanation. The event has left a lasting impression on the community, sparking conversations and debates that continue to this day.

As with many UFO sightings, the truth about what happened in northern Michigan on July 10, 2012, may never be fully known. The military’s explanation of flares remains the official story, but for those who were there that night, the lights in the sky were something far more mysterious and profound. The sighting has become a part of the region’s folklore, a reminder that we live in a world where not everything can be easily explained.

In the years since the sighting, similar reports of orb-like objects have continued to surface from around the world. These sightings, often accompanied by video footage and multiple witness testimonies, suggest that the phenomenon is not limited to any one region or time period. Instead, it seems to be a recurring mystery that challenges our understanding of the skies above.

The sighting in Michigan serves as a poignant example of how UFO encounters can captivate the public’s imagination and provoke a wide range of reactions, from skepticism to belief. It also underscores the importance of documenting and investigating these events with an open mind, free from preconceived notions or dismissive explanations. Only through careful analysis and open dialogue can we hope to uncover the truth behind these enigmatic lights.

For now, the orbs remain a mystery, a tantalizing glimpse into the unknown. Whether they are visitors from another world, advanced human technology, or something else entirely, they remind us that the universe is full of wonders yet to be discovered. And as long as people continue to look up at the night sky with curiosity and wonder, the search for answers will continue.


UFO Sighting of cigar craft over Kirchen, Germany on April 10, 2011, Photos.

UFO Sighting ove cigar craft over Kirchen, Germany on April 10, 2011, Photos.

Location of sighting: Kirchen, Germany
Date of sighting: April 10, 2011

Click on image to enlarge.

When I was looking at live Internet cams of Germany I quickly spotted the odd white cigar shape UFO hovering over a city in the Kirchen mountains. I watched for about 45 minutes when the object began to fade.

I know a lot of people may believe its just a building on the ground but it is not and that is why I am including another photo of the same location, yet no UFO in it.

Below no UFO.

After 45 minutes of hovering the UFO began to change colors to more grayish and its form became more cloud like before it disappeared all together.

Note: The advanced technology that UFOs use to cloak themselves usually makes them appear transparent, yet when the sun is in the perfect position to the eyewitness, that cloaked vessel becomes visible. This is why most UFO sightings happen during sunset with the angle of the sun hitting the UFO from a direction that causes the bending light of the cloak to come out in a different direction, allowing those below it to see it for a few minutes.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯