
UFOs Over Palmira, Colombia on August 3, 2012.

Date of sighting: August 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Palmira, Colombia 

This is an interesting video from Colombia. As you watch this glowing object over their neighborhood, you will also notice that it is not alone. There are also sparkles all around it that look like small glowing orbs. 

UFOs Orbiting The Sun On August 4, 2012, Seen With NASA/SOHO images.

Date of sighting: August 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

UFOs were first noticed by Russian scientists many years ago, but NASA continues to not acknowledge the findings. NASA believes if you ignore it, so will the citizens. Wrong! Check out these new shots of the Sun and the UFOs caught by NASA/SOHO cameras. 


UFO in Toyama, Japan Hovers For Hours 1st August 2012

Date of sighting: August 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Toyama, Japan

Eyewitness states: "UFO sight view in toyama noticed at 3am till 7am in the morningshort video uploaded"


UFO Investigated By Plane In Switzerland On August 2012.

Date of sighting: August 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Switzerland

Eyewitness states: 
This is not a joke! My wife and I were watching the fireworks on the Swiss National Day in our garden when we saw an UFO. I filmed with a CANON EOS 600D. The craft was approached by a plane and moved away. You can see that in the movie. Also the way it moved can be seen. I put the sequences with the UFO together: Between the cut there were about 3 minutes where the UFO was not seen. It is probably disc or triangular shaped. So my wife told: "When we have the fireworks, they (theUFO people) think they can make a little trip without beeing seen." So this is no fake. I just upload it to be shared. It was filmed between 11pm and 12pm August first, the day where we Swiss celebrate the birth of Switzerland with fireworks. I compleatly forgot to watch the exact time when I filmed it.


Washington Farmer Discovers Mysterious Crop Circles in Wheat Field - Aug. 1, 2012

Date of discovery: August 1, 2012
Location of discovery: Wilbur, Washington, USA

Source: http://www.todaysthv.com/news/article/220445/70/Farmer-discovers-mysterious-crop-circles-in-wheat-field

WILBUR, Wash. (CBS/KREM) -- A farming couple in Lincoln County discovered some strange crop circles in the middle of their wheat field. The crop circle is a good distance from any roadway. What made it, or who, or how it got formed, the farmers just don't know. Greg Geib has farmed all his life. He has several thousand acres of wheat outside the town of Wilbur he'll soon harvest. Nothing much baffles him about the crop, but the sight of this does. He says, "You got to wonder to yourself, I'm not ruling out aliens but how they get this done. I mean it's quite a process." Last Tuesday he and his wife, Cindy got alerted to a strange formation of crop circles in their wheat field. Cindy asys, "Everybody has that question. Are they extra terrestrials or are they just a group of people that have a really good sense of humor and an odd hobby. We don't know." The couple found no tracks leading to them. The Geibs say this is the third formation that's appeared around the area in recent years. Like Greg, some people in town don't rule out something extraterrestrial. Others believe it could be local high schoolers. Martha Mengarelli drove 60 miles from Eprata to get a look. She thinks it could be wind caused. She says, "I think a whirlwind created the wind stream and created the circle. I don't know." The Geibs hope to begin harvest with their combines by the end of this week. Greg says, "I've heard stories from the neighbors saying that you get into those areas and it might just up and quit. Who knows what's gonna happen when we get there."

Pilot claims to see UFO at KCI Airport - Aug 1, 2012.

Date of sighting: August 1, 2012
Location of sighting: KCI airport, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

"KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Someone who says he is a commercial pilot has posted on a UFO website, claiming he spotted a UFO while flying into Kansas City International Airport on Monday night.
The pilot posted the sighting on UFO Stalker saying he was on approach to the airport from St Louis when he and his co-pilot noticed an unidentified object following their plane."

Source: http://www.kshb.com/dpp/news/local_news/commercial-pilot-reports-seeing-ufo-monday-at-kci-airport

Two Large Glowing UFOs Appear Over Florida July 31, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: July 31, 2012
Location of sighting: South Florida, USA

These are UFOs that aliens are trying to saddlery show themselves without looking like a threat or striking fear into people. What better way that a UFO that glows like a rainbow. Of course NASA being the undependable source of intel that it is states that the "They are technically known as iridescent clouds, a relatively rare phenomenon caused by clouds of water droplets of nearly uniform size." But we all know how NASA lies to the public and how its just another part of the NSA/CIA area of alien investigation. So honestly in my opinion these are two ships of the Akrij or their other name "W56." Meaning the 56 space faring species they represent. 


Wobbling UFO Confuses Astronomer in Melbourne, Australia July 30, 2012.

Date of sighting: July 30, 2012
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia 

Eyewitness states: "I have seen and recorded thousands of satellites but have never seen them wobble like this."

UFO Orbs Over New York July 30 2012, Video News.

Date of sighting: July 30, 2012
Location of sighting: New York City, New York, USA

The eyewitness states that there were five glowing orbs over the neighborhood but when he pulled his cell phone out to record them there were only 2 or 3 left. These soon vanished behind clouds.

Food For Thought. Did the alien group CTR establish the Mormon church?

Okay, to the far left you see a photo with a post about the FRIENDSHIP message that took place around the world but most known in Rocca Pia, Italy. This single thought has been on my mind all night so I have to let it out. In the details there are two groups of aliens. Those that care about helping the human race called the W56 (Akrij) and those that only care about making a profit called the CTR. When I heard about the CTR it sounded a lot like the ring and quote that Mormons use daily. Often my friends would wear a ring that has the letters CTR on it. They said it stands for "Choose The Right," but is it possible that the Mormon church itself was established by the alien group CTR? 

Lets look at it this way. Religion is a very lucrative business. The Mormon church requires every working person in the church to give 10% of their total income every month to the church or they risk being excommunicated. Thats some serious profit. 

A famous Sci-fi writer that I admire named L. Ron Hubbard once stated, "you don't get rich from science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion." Oh...and he did. He started the church of Scientology. Real profit, wouldn't you say. Just a thought is all. SCW