
UFOs Shooting Around Our Sun, Oct 8, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 8, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Method: SOHO/NASA cameras
Camera: Stereo Behind EUVI 195, 

NASA has never to date given any explanation for these UFO orbiting our sun, which first came to the worlds attention from Russian scientists several years ago who declared there are earth size UFOs moving around our suns corona at speeds that are impossible for such a size object and flight patterns which suddenly have 90 degree right turns. That is no natural phenomenon. SCW


UFO Discovered In Comet ISON Tail Heading This Way, Oct 4, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 4, 2013
Location of discovery: Comet ISON heading toward Earth

Here we see a glowing object the is orb like in appearance and directly behind what NASA calls Comet ISON, but I call it a group of UFOs. The UFO in its tail has a coloration that matches that of the comet on purpose so that it can blend in with the comets tail and not be seen by primitive civilisations...namely us. SCW

Glowing UFO Drops Off Green Glowing Alien, Then Comes Back For it, Oct 2013, Michigan Cam, UFO Sighting News.

Click photo to enlarge.

Date of sighting: October 2, 2013
Location of sighting: Southeast, Michigan, USA

Updated Oct 10, 2013: Original Video was deleted by owner because of complaints about music copyright, this is the same video, but on music he stated. 

While watching this recent UFO video, I noticed several things that no one seems to talk about in the comments section. 1st, there is a disk moving in orbit around the glowing light (:30 into video). 2nd there is an alien like green glowing entity that appears at the :55 sec mark.

The 1st object (disk) actually shows up from the ground. In other words, the glowing UFO comes down from the sky and the disk (:45sec) moves up towards the light. To see this you must increase video to "full screen" mode and 480p resolution.

The 2nd object was an alien green entity that appears at the :55 sec mark. Apparently very tall, looking to be 4-5 meters or more. It looks around and then cloaks itself. At one point when it looks to the left of the screen, we can make out its facial features, eye, nose and bumpy back of head, neck, shoulders hand, chest and legs.

Overall the video is looks real because of these factors; its 7:16 min long, the eyewitness gives a much longer description than I posted here so check it out, eyewitness thinks the green is from a laser and has no idea its an alien, eyewitness doesn't notice the disk rise to UFO orbiting it.

This alien has been recorded before in England. I reported that a green glowing entity (smaller than this one) was photographed walking around a yard. Click hear to view that UK alien post.


Eyewitness states:

I captured this footage on my home security camera on the night of Oct 2, 2013 around 11pm in the evening in my front yard in Southeast MI, and I'm about 8 miles north of an air national guard base. Sorry, I can't provide any more location than this. I don't want my neighbors to get upset from unwanted UFO hunter traffic.

The UFO appears to be scanning the ground with a green laser (the laser beam can be seen on the trees too). The laser beam clearly starts small from the object & fans out into a larger cone as it gets closer to the ground. In my opinion, impossible for someone to be on the ground creating an inverted cone back to the object, & then to be able to track & follow the object's every move at the same time.

Below photo shows alien coming back to UFO (4:45 mark).

I'm also planning on repositioning one of my security cameras that is currently pointing north in the upward direction in the hopes to gather more footage if the object decides to come back. This north direction would be pointing toward my pond in my backyard. It would be interesting to capture one gathering up water (for what purpose? I'm not sure), but I've heard reports of them using our water.

I'm hoping this thing comes back for another visit soon because it seems friendly too me. Maybe, It'll drop off a superhero flying suit next time!


Two UFOs In NASA Photos Which Is Has The Word "Unidentified" In Its URL Name, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit (NASA Archives)

Look carefully at these glowing disks. They have a mist like aura around them, much how millions of eyewitnesses accounts describe them. They glow blue, much like eyewitness accounts in the past have described. Bud what you aren't thinking about is that these two glowing UFOs are very close to the NASA module...watching the NASA mission and letting them know...not only are humans not alone in space, but it belongs to them! 
Click on photo to enlarge. 

Now another reason that will probably convince you this is real is the fact about how NASA has labelled the URL to these UFOs. The word "UNIDENTIFIED," is in the center of the URL address, which means NASA also called them  UFOs or unidentified flying objects. Now if the photo came from NASA with the original link and NASA calls it unidentified, you should be completely convinced that these are alien craft. 

First off, NASA photos from long ago were mostly not edited, meaning they don't lie like modern airbrushed photos do. Second the govt source of NASA labelling it as so has basically announced that UFOs are real and these are two of them!

Also understand these are photos not meant for the public to see, but instead NASA gave a large part of its old archive to Arizona State University (ASU) for students to study and examine. Apparently NASA fogot to check all the photos, meaning some may have alien evidence much like this one. SCW


Glowing UFO Seen Over Island Nation If Cyprus On Sept 27, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 27, 2013
Location of sighting: Limassol, Cyprus

Eyewitness states: 
As i was walking around my neighborhood on September 27th 2013 i saw this strange light hovering on the sky which also changed colors to green. At first i thought it was a plane but as it got closer this thing was quite big and was hovering on the sky for about an hour and 5 minutes.


UFO Follows Virgin Galactic Into Orbit To Observe, Sept 2013 UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 12, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit

I looked at the original video posted by Virgin Galactic and yes it is there. Jump to 2:09 of the video to view the UFO and its trail. SCW

News states: 
Strange anomaly on the tail footage of the Virgin Galactic Rocket Engine test flight released on 09-06-2013 it couldn't be Comet ISON this thing makes a drastic course correction and is leaving a huge visible trail. Original Video Credit: Virgin Galactic.

Original Virgin Galactic Video Below! Go To 2:09 into the video please. 

Alien Base Discovered In NASA Moon Photo In Crater, Oct 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 2013
Location of discovery: Crater Inghirami C,  Earths Moon

This structure seems to show a highly reflective object with a lot of straight lines and right angles. This would indicate that because of the structures artificial appearance and how much it stands out from its environment, that it is indeed an alien structure on our moon. SCW


UFO Sighting, Spacecraft Into Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico, September 30, 2013

Date of sighting: September 30, 2013
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico

This live cam is actually...almost live. It takes photos not video, every 10-15 seconds. Sometimes you have to force renew the page to get the new photo so often. Below are two links to two different views of this volcano. Its night time now, and the cam is all black...wait a few hours and you may catch a UFO. I see them there every 3-5 days. I check daily, but this is someone elses video and catch. SCW


Astronaut Major James McDivitt UFO Discovered In 1965 Gemini NASA Photo Archive, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 2013, but photo taken in June 1965 
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit
Click on photo to enlarge. Full photo at source only.

Eyewitness states: 
In June 1965, Major James McDivitt saw, filmed, and photographed an object, which approached the Gemini IV (3rd June -- 7th June 1965) capsule in which they were orbiting the Earth, passing over Hawaii. He stated: "It had a very definite shape - a cylindrical object - it was white - it had a long arm that stuck out on the side."

UFO Over Mercogliano, Italy Right Now On Live Cam, Oct 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2, 2013
Location of sighting: Mercogliano, Italy

Right now as I write this there is a UFO on a live cam over the city of Mercogliano, Italy. The cam seems to have photos that change every few minutes instead of actual video. This camera turns into infrared at night, which can reveal cloaked ships. The human eye cannot pick up light in the infrared spectrum so only the digital IR cameras can see it. I watched and for the last two days this UFO hovers over the neighborhood. I reported a similar UFO over italy on cam last year and within a few days that UFO stopped showing up. It's very likely that aliens do monitor our internet for information of them being detected or the knowledge we gain about them. Take a look at the cam link and tell us what your thoughts are about it please. SCW

In the below screenshot, you can see a disk-like cloud in about the same position as the UFO is at night. I took this a few hours later when it was daylight.