
Six Tail Comet Is Called Impossible By Astronomers, Possible Alien Craft Detected, Nov 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 2013
Location of sighting: Between Mars and Jupiter

A UFO or odd asteroid that is located between Mars and Jupiter has confused astronomers. This Asteroid appears to have six streams letting loose material into space! This photo captured by the Hubble telescope has been deemed by NASA as being weird indeed. Here is a link to the original photos http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/arch... 

News Release From NASA (snippet).

RELEASE: 13-321

NASA's Hubble Sees Asteroid Spouting Six Comet-Like Tails

Astronomers viewing our solar system's asteroid belt with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have seen for the first time an asteroid with six comet-like tails of dust radiating from it like spokes on a wheel.

Unlike all other known asteroids, which appear simply as tiny points of light, this asteroid, designated P/2013 P5, resembles a rotating lawn sprinkler. Astronomers are puzzled over the asteroid's unusual appearance.

"We were literally dumbfounded when we saw it," said lead investigator David Jewitt of the University of California at Los Angeles. "Even more amazing, its tail structures change dramatically in just 13 days as it belches out dust. That also caught us by surprise. It's hard to believe we're looking at an asteroid."


Ring UFO Recorded By NASA On Nov 5, 2013, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 5, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at International Space Station, ISS
Time: 4:51 am 
NASA Link: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/40481898

Click on photo to enlarge
Click on photo to enlarge

This UFO was recorded by NASA themselves and is on the link above. The link has 2 hours of video on it and if you jump to about 1:35 you will see this UFO directly on the NASA video. This UFO looks a lot like the March 1996 "Tether Incident." During the Tether Incident the donut UFOs pulsated and throbbed as if alive. This however does neither, but does look the same in appearance. 

Some of the comments below the NASA video addressed their concerns about the UFO.

One concerned person states; "Once again, the appearance of an unidentified flying object in orbit, NASA disables broadcast (((. I want to ask NASA - Where the HD video quality with the ISS? How much can you translate such a bad signal? What are you trying to hide? The truth? People already know the truth and conceal the truth does not make sense! Give people the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the Earth and the cosmos in a good quality pictures!"

Some of the comments on the Youtube video also addressed similar concerns. 

One person states; "I agree they are alive... but I also think they phase in and out of our reality... they maybe a quantum species that are not effected by our gravity due to them having vary little mass and in constant flux."

Another person states:  "I believe these objects and many of the others seen in near Earth orbit are biological, I think they are like jellyfish or other such creatures. We know that there are life forms that live at ocean depths that would kill nearly everything else because of the intense pressure, I see no reason why there could not be creatures that survive in the absence of pressure as we have in space. Life has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to occur in virtually every condition we know of."


Iguana Found On Mars By NASA Curiosity Rover, 3 Photos, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Photo above is of iguana on Mars, upper has altered contrast to see eye, mouth, nose.

Date of discovery: November 2013
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: NASA Curiosity Rover, Sol 153

Photo link: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?s=153&camera=MAST_

1# photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=0153MR0848024000E1_DXXX&s=153

2# photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00153/mcam/0153ML0848025000E1_DXXX.jpg

3# photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=0153ML0848021000E1_DXXX&s=153

This week an iguana was found in not one, but three NASA photos taken by Curiosity. Outlandish...not by any means. To say its just a rock would be very closed minded to the evidence at hand. 

1st off this is not the first animal found on Mars, actually there have been about 10-15 to date. I even found a rock that moved four times in four photos...then vanished on the fifth. 

2nd, this mars iguana looks back and cocks its head in a manner fitting that of a...iguana. 

3rd, not only does it have a body, but look closely and you will see its lower neck skin, its mouth line, nostril hole and even an open eye with a large brow over it. (I added contrast in the top mars lizard photo for you to see its eye and moot more easily).
Photo below shows normal iguanas on Earth
4th, if an animal were to live on the red planet, it would be logical that it would have to be small and tough enough to survive in its surroundings. And don't ask me what it eats...I don't live on Mars!

5th, this iguana is looking back...watching the Curiosity rover to see what its going to do. 

6th, an iguana, at least on Earth, often do not drink much water in their life, but get their moisture from the air and their food source. 

So you ask, does Mars have life on its surface? Yes, of course it does. Life exists on Mars and this is something the USA has tried to stop the rest of the countries from finding out. The US shot down Russian satellites that were sent to Mars...one while it was still in orbit around Earth about to leave. Click here to learn more about that.

UFO At International Space Station Yesterday Caught On Live Cam, Nov 2013, -VIDEO- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 5, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at Space Station
Live cam: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/iss_ustream.html#.Unm02pGNmtY

This UFO was recorded on live cam at the space station yesterday. It seems to be a disk. In the photo above, the top part has the original photo and the bottom has the photo thats had more light added so that we can see the UFO more clearly. It looks to be a solid object out there, but is it some top secret military craft or an alien craft? SCW


Crop Circle Appears In Brazil Causing Stir In Small Village To Find Its Meaning, Nov 2, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 2, 2013
Location of discovery: Ipuacu, Brazil
Source: http://www.segnidalcielo.it/2013/11/04/brasile-crop-circle-compare-nella-citta-di-ipuacu/

News states: 
A crop circle has made ​​its appearance in the south of Brazil, exactly in the fields around the town of Ipuaçu. Journalists, TV and fans are interested in the appearance of the meaning of the formation that appeared on the night of Saturday, November 2, 2013. It sits within a field of wheat. The same journalists were consulted and interviewed many people, then the farmer and owner of the field who marvels of the appearance of this strange design. The Ufologist Brazilian Ivo Dhol said on local television that the training has a diameter of about 70 meters and a design too perfect to have been created by someone. The locals believe that to create this pictogram have been UFOs.


Alien Building Found On Mars Surface In NASA 115MB photo! UFO Sighting News Nov 2013

Date of discovery: November 4, 2013
Location of discovery: Chryse Planitia, Mars
Source: http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/ESP_014140_1975

I was searching for anomalies when I found this square structure. This photo I found it in is over 115MB is size...but comes in smaller sizes. Also if you want to find it, you will have to look at the upper 75% area to the left. No easy task on this photo. I also found a large face in a crater not far away, but its warn and most people probably could not make out the details. SCW

Source photo: http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/ESP_014140_1975

Alien buildings on Earths Moon in NASA photos, Oct 2013, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo: http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc_browse/view/M1114645692LE

This seems to be remnants of an ancient city. If you look at the right angles of the photo above, you see walls and even a square around another square. The straight lines going down however are just a photo anomaly, but the walls are the moon structure. The structures are at the venter-left side of the source photo. SCW


Cross UFO Caught On Live Cam Over UFO Hotspot Volcano In Mexico, Oct 29, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 29, 2013
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico

This is an amazing catch of a cross like UFO that is also caught cloaking on live cam. This footage was recorded at 13:53:50 or 1:53 pm. UFOs have been caught near around and over this volcano for many years. I myself have recorded 3-4 videos of these strange but cool UFOs over Popocatepetl. This particular catch was by a reader of ours at UFO Sightings Daily, who alerted us to his video he made and placed on Youtube. Outstanding catch and at this rate, it won't be long before contact is made. SCW


Glowing UFOs Seen Over New Orleans On Oct 18, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 18, 2013
Location of sighting: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Eyewitness states:
On October 18th while walking through New Orleans French Quarter with my camera, I overheard a few couples and groups raving about some weird objects in the sky so I looked and caught a quick glance at the unidentified objects flying up river somewhere. So I gathered footage till they disappeared into the dark clouds of the night. 


Anyone Can Summon UFOs Within Minutes With Practice, UFO Sighting News.

UFO Sightings Telepathic Communication With ETs Video Proof? The Men Who Summon UFOs! Fausto Perez, and Jim Martin Of CA Claim They Have The Power To Summon UFOs From Knowledge They Have Learned From Robert Bingham, The UFO Summoner! Incredible Insight And Exclusive Information On How They Do It!