
Neil deGrasse Tyson Says Aliens Think That Humans Are too Dumb To Waste Their Time With, June 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of publication: May 30, 2014
Source: Fox News

Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson says that aliens know we are here, but they just don't want to waste their time with such a primitive species. I have to agree in part, but there are a lot of species of aliens that do care about humanity. There are hundreds of known human/alien contacted meetings with dozens of different descriptions of the aliens themselves, which leads me to conclude there are dozens that do care, otherwise why would they be here...vacation. Of course not. So to say there is no intelligent life here...he is right 100%, but to say that aliens don't want to waste their time with us...thats a different matter. Some are here to help us and are...right now, in tech fields around the globe. Trying to advance us in the fastest way possible...through technology which will one day raise our intelligence astronomical proportions. SCW

UFO Near Miss With Jet Over Tijuana, Mexico May 20, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 20, 2014
Location of sighting: Tijuana, Mexico

This footage of a UFO shooting past a plane is incredible. Not only can we see the UFO clearly, but the UFO passes behind the chemtrail of the plane. It seems that this is proof positive that aliens are highly interested in our pollutants we put in the air. SCW


UFO Seen Over Chile Near Beach, May 30, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 30, 2014
Location of sighting: La Serena, Chile

This beautiful UFO was seen this week over Chile and really has some amazing colors. The object rises and lowers and one of the three kids recording it says that it landed on an empty lot on the beach. The others are commenting about the color of the UFO. SCW


Alien Structures In Crater On Moon, Email Report and Photos, June 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2, 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source: Email report
Photo source: http://www.keithlaney.net/ApolloOrbitalimages/AS10/AS10-28-4014.jpg
NASA Source: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS10-28-4014

Eyewitness states: 
Hi Scott, I found what looks like a moon mining factory in a Apollo 10 shot. This is not the first evidence of moon mining for sure...note the factory like building on the left edge of the crater with two rows of windows and what seems to be a black smoke coming up, and what looks like a slide lift coming out of the factory going down into the crater to what may be a big mining factory. There is many other things too in the big photo. View it in full screen to see it best.

Alien Base Discovered Along Australia Coast, Email Report, June 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 3, 2014
Location of discovery: Australian Coast
Source: Email report
Eyewitness states:
June 3, 2014 South of the Australian coast, I was playing around on google earth and I found this. More on the video about the underwater base by Guam, this may be something similar. It looks like tunnels with huge rooms, all with a complete box shape. I'm not sure if im the only one who sees this, but it looks like a base to me. Thank you

Colorful UFO Over Puerto Del Carmen On May 12, 2014, -Email Report- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 12, 2014
Location of sighting: Puerto del Carmen, Lanzatote, Canary Islands
Source: Email report

Now this came in the email, however it didn't have video so I did a search and did find a UFO video on Youtube from that area and the UFO does seem to match its colors so I put it below. Hopefully the person will also send the original video URL soon and I will post it here. SCW

Eyewitness states:
I have recently returned from lanzatote and while there saw this beautiful coloured craft at first hoovering above the town before starting to move slowly at first before shooting out over the sea at speed. I have photos and video of this one video has sound as it passed directly over my head. If you are interested I can send. Sent from my Sony Xperia™ Mobile phone

Email report: UFOs seen over N Sacramento, June 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Although this report doesn't include a photo or video, its is very interesting and talks about the UFO splitting up and a fighter jet in the area. SCW

Date of sighting: June 2014
Location of sighting: 20 miles from Sacramento, California, USA
Source: Email

Eyewitness states:
Over Northern CA, 
These are the times we ave wittnessed this:
10:45 pm On a Friday.
11:28 pm on a Wed.

Last night at late night 2:30 am. was the most significant. A red "Dot"  light cruising  from North to South. Following a singular trajectory. Much like a "orbital path" we usually notice satellites in a orbital path of west to east. These have been different.

A red Object High in the sky, they would get to about 40 degrees past our apex and then it changed directions directly to the west a 90 degree turn. It traveled about 2 seconds west and reversed course to the east. (180 degree change)  then the one red object became 2 and they traveled outwards  both east and west for a few more seconds.  the Objects seemed to then rejoin each other then continue on to the south.

At that time there was a fighter from the Local AFB headed at the object with full afterburners lit. The fighter accelerated in an upwards direction until it was out of sight.  Then out of no where a (what can only be described as a Huge flashlight bean)  Lit up and went out. this last encounter had Beale AFB responding to it. This should prove that the red object seen are Not anything of ours.As Beale AFB has been known as the Northern Point for the test range of Groom Lake. (we have long history of seeing new toys first).

We will be setting up our cameras to attempt to capture footage of this. The interesting part is that there seems to be a patten of where these objects turn as it seems to be the same portion of the sky. (looking to be about 20 miles North of Sacramento) 


School Girl Records Glowing UFO Over England, June 1, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge. 

Date of sighting: June 1, 2014
Location of sighting: Northhampton, England 
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2648504/Moment-schoolgirl-films-mysterious-dancing-fireball-doing-loop-loop-outside-bedroom-window-it.html

News States:
This incredible video taken by a school girl captured weird dancing lights as they floated above her house for several minutes. Little Kaie Real, 11, filmed the strange sight when she spotted it out of her bedroom window on (1/6). Mum Fiona Fearon was out at the time, but Fiona said her daughters were playing with the laptop in the bedroom when they suddenly spotted the moving object outside the window and began filming. She said: "It's very weird. They were very excited by it. It looked like a ball of fire moving around in the sky. "It looked like it went crashing into the field and that's the end but there was no noise.


NASA Photoshops Supernova Over Stars, June 4, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 4, 2014
Location of sighting: Supernova
Source photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA17838.jpg

I was going through NASA photos as I often do and decided to look for some anomalies in this supernova. I didn't think NASA would use photoshop on such a thing, so this took me by surprise. I had to show you this, because a lot of people still don't believe NASA photoshops things in and out of photos. NASA believes the public is a bunch of fools, but I say we stand up to them and accuse them of what they have done...deceiving the public. SCW

Fleet Of Orbs Over Rome, Italy On June 1, 2014, -VIDEO- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 1, 2014
Location of sighting: Rome, Italy

A UFO conference was being held in Rome this week and as were walking around outside, a fleet of white cloud orbs came out to greet them. These orbs have the ability to sense a persons emotions and record them (gathered this from 1970s Carlos Diaz alien encounter in Mexico). SCW

Eyewitness states:
Spectacular sighting of a UFO fleet on the 1st UFO Conference organized by Danilo Iosz and Massimiliano Buttarelli Group Skywatcher Romano.


Crop Circle Found In Dorset, England On June 2014, Drone View, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2014
Location of discovery: Hod Hill, Hanford, Dorset, England

Eyewitness states:
We filmed this crop circle at Hod Hill near Hanford in Dorset. It's the first crop circle to be reported in June 2014 but not the first crop circle in Dorset this year, the other one being the Hambledon Hill crop circle near Iwerne in April.

Visit www.MrGyro.co.uk for more.


Structures Discovered Below Surface Of Earths Sun, June 1, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 1, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: SOHO camera EIT 284
Time: 13:06

I try to explain how the sun is controlled by aliens and how its not my imagination, however at times like this when structures show through the surface of the sun, I know people will pay attention. The first photo above shows structures in the form of pictures. Can you decode it?

Imagine a civilization the uses so much power that they can control the sun, its solar bursts and even live within it. Check out the photos below and tell me what you think. The close up above shows some square structures with space in between, I saw a similar drawing design on the Mars rover. I will put it below. What I'm saying here is that NASA tries to emulate the alien cultural structure and their artistic nature by putting a similar sign on their rover that aliens can understand. Thus, they protect the rover in an alien language.

I've seen these structures within craters on the moon, and I have recently shown them to you around craters on Mercury. So now, I present the sun. 

Alien Face On Sun In SOHO/NASA photos On June 1, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 1, 2014, 13:13
Location of discovery: Earths sun
Source: SOHO photo camera EIT 195

I was looking through the SOHO shots of the sun today and came across this unusual face. Sure you can see other faces near it, but this one face is larger and better detail. 

Professor Michio Kaku says that there are three types of alien civilizations, humans not even rating on the scale we are so primitive in our technology. However a type 2 civilization would have harnessed the power of sun. So this alien civilization is at least a type two but maybe a type 3. 

Why put the face on the sun...perhaps a great person in their society passed away and they want to show their appreciation and respect to that person. Or perhaps its to commemorate the birthday of a great individual within the civilization. SCW


Biological Life Form Shoots Past Rover On Mars, May 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 29, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/00644/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_454666109EDR_F0331036NCAM00294M_.JPG
Raw images of Sol 644: http://marsmobile.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?s=#/?slide=644

This dark object was discovered in Sol 644 by Streetcap1 of Youtube. I looked for other images of the mountain area, but none were of this exact location. The black UFO was not in any other photos. The photo label says Navcam: Right B 2014-05-29 20:19:36 UTC. 

Although the black UFO could be a alien drone, it does look like a flying black beetle. Its shape resembles a black cicada, which on Earth has transparent wings. 

This black object looks like its flying and not sitting on the mountain. The mountain is blurred and faded, there are no such black objects anywhere on that mountain as seen in other photos of Sol 644. It had to have flown past as the rover was taking a photo. So here we are again, looking at a biological life form flying past the rover. Don't expect NASA to talk about it, they never do. If they did, every country in the world would be sending probes to Mars to explore for possible alien contact...and that could jeopardize Americas position as a world power. The two Russia did send, were destroyed...by the US of course. SCW


Giant UFO Recorded In Volcano Plume On May 31, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 31, 2014
Location of sighting: Island of Sangeang Api, Indonesia
Source: http://www.appledaily.com

A volcano exploded, and within the cloud rose a UFO of massive proportions. This UFO was caught on photos and video and was seen in Asia on TV news. Its color was almost pure white, unlike its surrounding volcano smoke which was a dirty grey. 

It is a well known fact among UFO researchers that aliens often have bases 4-5km below active volcanos because less people go there due to the dangers of an eruption or gasses. This way they can go to and from their base in UFOs and not be noticed. SCW


UFO Following Two Jets Over China On Google Earth, -VIDEO- May 30, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 30, 201
Location of discovery: Xiang Dao, Zheng Yang Xian, Zhumadian, Henan, China
Coordinates: 32°24'14.46”N  114°32'57.39”E

Now Google has deleted every UFO I have ever reported on their map within 3-6 months of making the video. This will also disappear soon, so please confirm  in the video comments on Youtube that it is there, otherwise lots of people will just say its fake without even checking. 

This glowing orb is most likely a disk. The trail behind it is more of a mist than a contrail. The UFO causes a distortion of space around it and that is the trail we see it leaving. We can tell that the UFO is lower than the bigger jet and higher than the lowest jet. Because of that we have a size comparison that makes it a little bigger than a 747. SCW


UFO caught Leaving Moon, May 21, 2014, -VIDEO- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 21, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This is a fascinating catch. I myself have recorded such UFOs appearing and disappearing on the event horizon of the moon...the outer edges. This is exactly what it looks like. These UFOs are orbiting the moon and coming and going from it, so before you declare this to be a fake, you are going to need a HD digital camera with a 35X zoom or better. 

Below is a video that I recorded back in Sept 22, 2012. I cannot make them anymore, because I dropped my camera and it no longer works. Genius huh? SCW


UFO Flies By Plane Window In London UK, May 25, 2014 In The Morning, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: London, England
Location of sighting: May 25, 2014

This UFO sightings is really interesting. A person saw it from a plane over the UK. The UFO can be seen far above the clouds. Some people say this is part of a building, however, no building is that tall. SCW


UFO Shoots Over Lincolnwood, Illinois May 26, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 26, 2014
Location of sighting: Lincolnwood, Illinoise, USA
Source: MUFON

Eyewitness states:
Chilling on patio on zero gravity chair and observed a fast moving object in the sky. Could be a bird but it moves pretty fast for one. I watched the video many times but I do not have programs to enhance the image. I can not tell what it is.


Two UFOs Seen Over Medellin, Colombia on May 2014, Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 21, 2013 and May 25, 2014
Location of sighting: Medellin, Colombia

Below are two videos. The first video with a blue sky was taken a few days ago in Medellin  Colombia and the second video (yellow sky) was taken in the same location, however was one year earlier. This cannot be a coincidence that this UFO shows up in May on two consecutive years. SCW

Eyewitness of May 25th video states: 
UFO flies near the Atanasio Girardot stadium, hours before the final match between the national junior and then was national champion. MIRACLE making a goal in the last minute.
Video taken May 25, 2014

Video taken back in May 21, 2013.


2014 UFO Summoning Summer Blast Off Event , May 2014, UFO Sighting News

Date of event: June 22, 2014
Location of event: West Park, MacArthur, Los Angeles, CA

Robert states:
I will like to invite everyone to my 2nd Annual UFO Summoning Summer Blast Off Event taking place at West Park in MacArthur in Los Angeles on Sunday June 22nd, 2014 starting @ 11am. Parking will be free and available for all. Come out and enjoy the variety of UFO Craft which will arrive along with guests at the event. 

I encourage all of you who will be attending to bring your own folding chairs, water, snacks and sunscreen for the event. Bring your cameras and camcorders to film these amazing UFO Craft.


Ancient Bowl On Mars Found By Curiosity Rover, May 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Email Report: Found by R.G.
Photo: Sol 529
URL: http://marsmobile.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=0529MR2096005000E1_DXXX&s=529
URL 2: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00529/mcam/0529ML2096006000E1_DXXX.jpg

This came in the email this week. A reader found a few anomalies in this photo and brought it to my attention. This object looks like a bowl. There is a crack down one side and it has some sand or dirt that has filled it part of the bottom. 

Its a really cool discovery and not something that NASA would ever investigate with the Curiosity Rover. The public really has to find a way to take control of the rover away from NASA and put it into public hands. Since it was funded with public dollars...that might not be so hard to do. SCW



Ancient Dinosaur Egg Or Polished Petrified Sea Sponge Found On Mars, May 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2014
Location of sighting: Mars
Photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00631/mcam/0631MR0026100100401722E01_DXXX.jpg

This discovery was made by Whatsupinthesky37 of Youtube and I have to admit at first glance I laughed, but in all honesty, when you look around the photo...this egg clearly does not belong there. Every object in the photo is rough and ridged, except this egg. It looks like a prettified egg from long ago, but also looks like ancient sea sponge thats been petrified. Either way, its a sign of life past. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
I was skimming through the pictures today from the new 631 SOL and this stood out immediately. I have not seen any rocks that look like this on Mars. I figured it would be a quick little video and it ended up going over 13 minutes. We take a good look at it! Here is the link to the picture and please share it with all your friends!


Demon Face On Mars And Buildings! On Mars, ESA Photo, VIDEO, May 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Found in 2011, updated May 22, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo Source: European Space Union
URL photo: http://esamultimedia.esa.int/images/marsexpress/062-160604_0360-6.3d-01-MelasChasma.jpg

Hello everyone. I just wanted to make an updated video of this face. A few years ago I looked at the photos and just didn't have the experience to find the other anomalies, but today its much easier. You always wanted to see what aliens look like, well, let me show a few species. 

Notice in the above photo there are two faces overlapping. I find a lot of faces have over lapping. Its not a rare occurrence. 

Above photo has a structure in small circle and a structure in the shape of an animal in larger circle. 

Below are structures, notice the odd tunnel-like form. 

In this ESA photo there are over eight faces and the ground everywhere in the lower part of the crater is littered with tunnel-like structures. These structures have a pinkish white appearance which makes them stand out. Look at the right angles on those tunnels. Where theres smoke, theres fire...meaning, where theres a face or structure, there has to be others nearby.

Below photo shows tunnel-like structures, which cover most the full photo. 

Below photo shows face looking upward to the sky.

There's a lot that I missed in this video, but enlarge it 100%, but do this 3-5 times to cause less damage to the photo. Doing it fast at once hurts it more. Check out my video below. SCW