
Two UFOs Caught Over Town In England On BBC News Broadcast, Oct 8, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 8, 2014
Location of sighting: Walton-on-the-Naze, England
Chance of being real: 85%

This fantastic catch happened on BBC News during a live broadcast last month. It took place in a small town of 6,000 residents called Walton-on-the-Naze in the UK. The fact that its a an area of low population makes it a higher chance these are real UFOs. Also the fact that most UFO cloaks won't work during sunset. Here we see 2-3 UFOs. It's also a very cloudy day, and these white UFOs are more likely to be caught on camera when storm clouds are overhead. SCW

Silver UFO Over Mexico City On Nov 14, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 14, 2014
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico
Chance of being real: 25-30%

This diamond like UFO was seen over Mexico city this week and moves very slowly across the sky. So slowly in fact, that its highly unlikely that its a balloon. Yes, that was my first thought, however the speed of the wind normally would push any balloon many times faster than this object. It also would have been nice if the guy panned out so we could see the area to give us some sense of perspective on it. Still, we are lucky to even have a video of the catch. Mexico City is famous for its UFO sightings. SCW


Blue UFO Over Liverpool, England On Nov 14, 2014, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 14, 2014
Location of sighting: Old Swan, Liverpool, England
Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/mum-catches-ufo-camera-proclaims-4626834

News states:
This is the intriguing moment a multi-coloured 'UFO' was caught on camera soaring through the night sky above a city in Britain. First it was bright blue, then red and then amber – causing Giedre Misiunaite to wonder what on Earth was flying overhead. The 28-year-old mum and her husband were left stunned by the strange phenomenon. "We were standing there in the backyard having a smoke and my husband said, 'look at that!' the Liverpool Echo reports. "It was bright blue and then it was staying still – like it was floating –  and then it went really, really fast backwards and forwards.
"And then it went amber and then red. "Then it just stood still and then disappeared but it came back about 10 minutes later. "I'm sure other people must have seen it because we went for a drive and we saw other people standing outside in their pajamas." Giedre, from Old Swan, Liverpool, added: "I'm sure it wasn't a plane, it was 100 miles too fast for a plane ... It was just unbelievable – I've never seen anything like that in my life." (more at source).


Mass Cloud Orbs Gathering Over Chile On Nov 6, 2014, -VIDEO- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 6, 2014
Location of sighting: Valparaiso, Chile

This is a rare catch. This eyewitness captured in HD mind you, hundreds of cloud orbs being released from a mother orb in the clouds. Mother orb creates the orbs somehow and the orbs (drones) shoot out one by one every 10-15 seconds. Here we are lucky to see many of them together which means the were recently created and were about to spread out to monitor humans, or they had finished their monitoring and were coming together to the mother orb to be taken home. Know the mother orb is just a drone itself, but larger and created for a different purpose than the small orbs. This is very similar to the famous Japan sighting (2010), but they captured a mother orb shooting out its drones. If such an orb were to fall to the ground, it would appear as a light metal hollow ball. All tech is build into its metal walls. It would appear as a simple hollow metal ball. SCW

Eyewitness states (translated from Spanish):
Thank you for your interest and of course I took the video, and that sighting lasted 1-2 minutes around 19 pm and ran wind if I remember correctly from west to east.


UFO Over House In Hollad Seen From Sky and Ground View! Google Earth Map, Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 17, 2014
Location of discovery: Ilpendam, North Holland
Co-ordinates: 52°27'58.02"N 4°57'21.28"E

Check out this UFO discovered on Google Earth Map (free program to download). Over a house you see (below photo) a glowing UFO and it has a beam of light coming out of it. If you enter street view you will see that over this house is a dark oval UFO. So we see this UFO from the air and from the ground. Fantastic find by Youtube user "N P C 8 Studios."  If you have Google map, just copy and paste the coordinates above into the search box and it will take you directly there. 

I have reported many UFOs on Google Earth map and they always get deleted within 3-6 months so you may want to make a video of the event for record. SCW

Above photo shows same house but ground view with UFO. 
Close up below, of UFO over house. 


Mysterious Moving Light Caught On Mars In 8 Photos! Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/00527/opgs/edr/fcam/FRB_444281880EDR_F0251860FHAZ00216M_.JPG

Here we have a mysterious white orb moving around the surface of Mars. Its very similar in color and shape to the orbs seen in the old Apollo mission photos. It was discovered by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube and it is quite remarkable.   The orb was caught in not one, but eight different images. This object moves with intelligence. Don't take my word for it, click the NASA link above to see it for yourselves. 

The first video is of the new orb found. The second video is one I made back in 2011 of a white orb, much bigger following the Apollo craft. This orb was in about 45 images before it left. 


Video below I made back in 2011 of orb following Apollo. 

ESA Confirms Comet 67P Transmits A Radio Signals. Hear it on video! Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: Nov 2014
Comet name: Comet 67P
Announcement made by ESA
Source 1: http://www.examiner.com/article/mystery-signal-from-rosetta-comet-confirmed-by-european-space-agency
Source 2: http://new.livestream.com/ESA/cometlanding

This is an exciting announcement folks. The ESA has announced this week that Comet 67P has been sending radio signals. In my opinion this is not a code. It is how a species of aliens communicate to one another without speaking. A form of telepathy put into primitive radio signals. Its the only way this species can communicate to us. This is their thoughts. They don't talk. They look like the 1 meter tall greys, but with a skin that has a tint of brown. Yeah, I have heard this sound before. Listen to the video below to hear the signal...the song as they call it. A repeated message.

Because this signal was put into radio transmissions, a very primitive technology to send messages with...the signal had to have been made for humanity. Getting a copy of the full message and then translating it should be of utter importance. Is it a message of greetings? Or is it a warning of whats to come? We the people of the world need to find out. SCW

The Examiner.com states:
The European Space Agency (ESA) today confirmed that it was receiving a mysterious signal from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In a post on its live streaming website, it described the signal as a “mystery song” and uploaded a recording with the caption: “Hear our comet sing.” The confirmation follows months of rumors that the Rosetta mission was originally sent to explore a radio signal from the comet first detected 20 years ago. The November 12 landing of the Rosetta mission’s Philae probe will be live streamed to the world. The ESA’s surprise announcement hints that the significance of the landing may go well beyond the historic first of humanity landing a probe on a comet. (Read much more at source).


Updated: Circle With Cross On Mars, Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/124981/snapshots/420909

Updated: Nov 12, 2014. I tried to use some programs to take the blur from the photo above. It worked about 50%, but still a lot there. The two examples are below. Sorry I couldn't get all the blur out. SCW

This photo contains a lot of fun things not to mention a massive object blurred out by NASA. I took some screenshots of the objects that were most interesting. One anomaly was a circle with a cross in it. This was a long stone-like pillar. I say stone-like, because I don't believe this substance is stone, but a special metal with built in tech. There is also a lot of figures. Most are carved or standing, but one glowing figure of a woman in a dress is nothing less than confusing. She is floating in mid air along the side of a stone like object. Unlike most the figures, this glowing woman looks alive. SCW 

Alien Craft Wing And Ancient Tech Found In New Mars Photo, Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News. Video.

Date of discovery: November 9, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Description: MSL 778 MAST 100
Photo Source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/164557

A reader here at UFO Sightings Daily left a comment about Gigapan NASA photos being worth looking over. I checked it out and my eyeballs almost popped out of my head. It was hard to believe that NASA allowed so much to get through without much filtering. Notice I said not much. This particular photos has hundreds of faces big and small all over, but more importantly I found a fragment of a alien craft. This photo and the others here were added in Oct-Nov of this year, so its a new index. Apparently NASA servers couldn't handle the size so they put them on Gigipan. I saw a few large head laying around. There were even three heads with helmets laying next to one another. Each being about 2 meters across or more. 
The above photo is normal color. Anomaly appears to be made of gold. 
Below is a long broken ships (drone) solid form to withstand massive barrage of fire. On day, DARPA will be making drones that are much stronger...meaning solid so they can not be destroyed so easily. 
 Can you see the face on the top of the rock in the photo below. It is just one of hundreds in this photo. I saw dozens of different alien species faces. 
 Below is very odd. A white wall was made in the crack of some ancient structure or craft. This white wall looks like it was made recently, indicating something small and alive lives within. 
Below is part of a spacecraft. 
Do you want to help the UFO community? Search the Gigipan index and use a screen recorder to record it. Then post them to Youtube with the words UFO Sighting in the title. We will find it. Oh...always...always include the URL so it can be confirmed by us. Thanks, SCW


UFO On Moon During Apollo Mission, Nov 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2014
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

This UFO was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. It shows a rock-like craft which could easily hide on the surface of the moon (drone or AI) and fly after any intruder to their airspace. I have often wondered about their drones. This one is a solid. I mean, think in terms of a 3D printer making a USAF drone...but making it solid to give it strength. That would make it 1000X stronger and if its a drone or AI, it will last much longer if its tech is all inside of the metals. No rust or oxidation, no breakdown of the material, because the metallic coat around it protects it. This is a strange, but not unexpected UFO. For more info on 3D printers, click here.

Scott C. Waring