
Updated: UFO Caught Sucking Water Out Of California Lake, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2015
Location of sighting: Nevada County, CA
Nevada News Source: http://scooper64.rssing.com/browser.php?indx=37568783&last=1&item=47

Updated: May 26, 2015: I asked the Scooper site about other photos and other possible eyewitnesses. He wrote back; "Yes, there were reports from campers along the lake. Also, one fisherman the water spout and manoeuvred his boat to investigate. Apparently as he made his way to the spout, the vehicle disappeared. The Scooper is following up on these reports." Screenshot below.

This sighting is of incredible value on many levels. 1st Its a pilot that took the photo. 2nd the pilot tried to radio communicate with the UFO. 3rd The UFO is not cloaked or even partly cloaked, its a freaking clear as day photo of the UFO! 4th this UFO is levitating water in a upward steam to the UFO. This is a sighting that will go down in history. As you can see its a very low populated area and they had little to fear. Is it really our water they are stealing or where they here first? Either way, our space brothers are welcome to help themselves. They are likely on the Earths moon or nearby planet in our solar system and Earth is the closest fresh water. SCW 

Nevada County Scooper States:
 — A local pilot and amateur photographer has shared an exclusive photo with the Nevada County Scooper depicting an unidentified flying object hovering over Scotts Flat Lake located in the important California watershed of Nevada County, CA. According to the pilot, the object appears to be sucking water out of the reservoir.

The pilot, who chose to remain anonymous, said he was out on a routine flight late Friday afternoon when he spotted what he initially thought was another plane. However when he radioed the other craft for confirmation, it did not return his request.
“As you can see from the picture I was on my final approach to the Nevada County Airport when I spotted this red object,” said the pilot. “Then I noticed this ‘water beam’ underneath it. It kinda looked like a long, clear straw. So I radioed it to let them know I was around and they did not return my request, which is highly unusual.”

UFOlogists around the globe has suspected that visitors from around the known universe have been visiting Earth because the prominence of water on our planet. Some have speculated that spacecraft visit to “refuel” their vessels while others like local amateur cryptozoologist, paranormal investigator, SciFi Channel fan and amateur astronomer Keith Bradenshauer had this to say about the possible sighting.
“Holy cow. Finally proof that they’re using the Black Knight [satellite] to coordinate their mass ‘visit’,” said Mr. Bradenshauer using his fingers to form two quotes in the air. “I’m not going to say they’re here to steal our water, but they certainly aren’t asking permission to take it.”

The Scooper reached out to the Nevada Irrigation District who runs Scotts Flat Lake for comment, but no one returned our request for information. We can only assume that NID is aware of this invasion, and is ignoring it or powerless to stop these alien actions. This is consistent with other government agencies who refuse to discuss these events.


Rainbow UFO Over Ancient Pyramids In Yucatan, Mexico On May 3, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 3, 2015
Location of sighting: Chichen Itza, Yucatan Mexico.

Two weeks ago a person went to visit the pyramids in the Yucatan and was fortunate enough to catch a UFO. The UFO is several colors, red, yellow and green. Many UFOs have been seen over the Yucatan over that past decades. This is one beautiful craft. Reports of such colors in UFO reports are very common which is evidence that this can be a true UFO. The UFO of course is not fully revealed, but only 30%. There is still 70% that we cannot see. Why did they reveal themselves? They want people to know the truth, but they don't want to scare them. SCW


Glowing Orb Over Hampshire, England On May 20, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 20, 2015
Location of sighting: Winchester, Hampshire, England

Eyewitness states:
Date: Wednesday May 20th 2015
Time: 22:38 - 22:54
Location: West of Stanmore, Winchester, Hampshire
Duration: 17 minutes

I happened to be in the bathroom of my apartment this evening and as I switched off the light I became aware of a very bright light off to the West which was evident, even though the patterned glass. Curious, I opened the window and was fascinated to see a very brilliant bluish-white light at approximately 60° above the horizon and at what I would estimated to be a half-mile distant. It was exhibiting movement consistent with a bobbing motion which when observed over a period of several minutes meant that the UFO moved across the sky from South to North in a rolling-wave motion - and was probably at altitude over or in the vicinity of the B3040 (Romsey Road) to the West of Stanmore, Winchester which is a relatively built-up area with open fields beyond.

Well, I grabbed the camera and binoculars and made some observations before committing to filming and photographing it. Although I had it in view for seventeen minutes, and I took at least sixteen photographs using the camera (a Samsung PL122 5x 4.7-23.5mm 1:3.3-5.9 26mm - not good at all for this sort of thing) set to night photography and locked off as best I could against the window frame, most of them came out with considerable distortion resulting in the object, although in frame, appearing as a line or twin lines of bluish-white light. However, four frames were acceptable and I've provided them here.

The one taken at 22:45 is at maximum zoom, but the ones which were taken at 22:47, 22:50 hours were all taken with the camera set to normal (zoom off) and show the yard behind my home, with the open window on the right and the object in the middle upper distance. The other light off to the left and lower down is from a nearby building light. Motion Footage was also produced with the camera zoomed in, in an attempt to reveal more detail. While under observation the object repeatedly blinked out and then re-illuminated and as there was nothing between my POV and the UFO I have to assume that the darkening was intentional, although why this was done remains a mystery.

UK Mirror Gets Fooled Into Thinking April 2013 UFO Sighting Happened This Week, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 25, 2013
Location of sighting: Astrakhan region, Russia
News Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/ufo-strange-lights-spotted-hovering-5740337

A lot of UFO bloggers are fast to post UFO sightings and slow to confirm its real. I understand they want the clicks to get that Google ad money, but it is really unethical to do such things. UFO reporting is being taken more seriously than it has been in many decades so we as researchers need to put in a few minutes time to report the truth. It took me 30 seconds to do this. 

The UFO sighting is real and did take place, however it happened on April 25, 2013. I just wanted to let you know in case other UFO bloggers see this sighting. Its fine to post it and talk about it, but please put the correct date on it. SCW

News states:
A mysterious UFO has been spotted hovering in the sky in Russia.

The strange white lights appear to be positioned very close together in the footage, which was filmed by baffled onlookers in the area.

The lights appear to remain almost stationary as they shine brightly against the darkening sky.

According to information submitted alongside the YouTube video, the UFO was seen in Russia's Astrakhan region.
As the camera zooms out, it appears that the filmmaker is standing at the other side of a lake, looking across into the deserted countryside.

The footage, uploaded to YouTube, has clocked up more than 89,700 views.

Some viewers seem convinced that the mysterious object is a sign of extra terrestrial life forms on Earth, with one writing: "I think this could be the real deal...a number of reports of UFO sightings and personal witness reports link back to what is pictured here."

April 25, 2013 Video below.

May 2015 video below. 


Glowing Green UFO Caught Over Netherlands, May 16, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 16, 2015, Sat
Location of sighting: Groningen, Netherlands
News Source: http://www.telegraaf.nl/opmerkelijk/24061221/__UFO_boven_Groningen__.html
Blog source: https://groninganus.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/heb-ik-weer-een-ufo/

This green disk was caught off guard when the suns reflection was at the wrong angle and the cloaked  UFO was revealed for a few seconds. This happens a lot during sunset, but the clouds caused a false sunset like state and the UFO was seen. You can clearly make out the round disk with the raised center and what looks like a steam from the top of the craft. A similar UFO was caught in the aurora borealis several years back with the same shape, that other sighting confirms that this is an alien craft. SCW

News states: 
The Groningen blogger Harry Clipperton likes pictures of nature. On Tuesday he walked along a path in Onlanden, the border between the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe.

At home Groningen looked at his pictures and then discovered a UFO. Clipperton writes on his blog: Suddenly something flashed. At first I thought my device, but the flitskap was not up. There was not a drop on my lens. I decided it must have been lightning. But at home I see something strange in one of the photos that I made at the end of the lane trees. "

The UFO is, as the word implies, still unidentified. Whether it is a meteorological phenomenon, a meteor, a flying saucer or something else, is not yet clear. 

UFO Caught Under Rainbow In Poland, May 20, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 20?, 2015
Location of sighting: Szczecin, Poland
News Source: http://szczecin.gazeta.pl/szczecin/1,34959,17948580,UFO_nad_Szczecinem__Obiekt_y__nie_do_wytlumaczenia.html

When I enlarged this UFO, I see that its really not a reflection. Its not made of light. Its a solid object that is in the sky. I feel that the UFO in the area was drawn there by the appearance of the rainbow and that the aliens were intrigued by it. This person was lucky enough to catch them in a digital photo, because the digital eye is capable of seeing light beyond the human eye spectrum. This UFO as you can see, can separate into two different ships. Good catch. SCW

News states (rough translation from Polish):
UFO over Szczecin? Object (s) not to explain captured on PICTURE

We wanted to immortalize a beautiful rainbow, and photographed TO - wrote a letter to Szczecin readers with Warzymice.

I sent a photo taken on Sunday from the window of an apartment in Warzymicach.

We wanted to immortalize a beautiful rainbow that appeared in the sky, and in the evening, we watched effects, we pay attention to the object in the left corner of the photo. Certainly there was then no aircraft in the sky, otherwise it does not look like an airplane. Please each image to enlarge and look at the strange object. Maybe it's actually a UFO over Szczecin?

Indeed, the object (or two objects) do not resemble anything that could be easily explained.

This is not a reflection of the lamp

In the early afternoon image as author, Mr. Marcus Warzymice, sent us another email, which refers to the critical comments that appeared on the forum under the text. He wrote:

I am the author of this photo and denies that the lamp was turned on when taking pictures. In addition, the images I took a few, and these "objects" are visible on only one. I do not know what it is, but certainly it is not a reflection of any lamp or light from the room, because any, was not included. Outside it was already very clear and sunny.

And he said to us Mr Maciej, who also took pictures of the rainbow in Warzymicach:

Hello, here are my pictures of UFOs, but the fact that the rainbow was beautiful and worthy of perpetuation.


Marvin Gaye Impersonator Photographs UFO Fleet Over England, May 18, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 18, 2015
Location of sighting: Birmingham, England
News Source: http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/marvin-gaye-impersonator-spots-ufo-9261734

Birmingham News states:
What’s Going On? It’s more UFMotown than UFO - a fleet of strange craft spotted in the sky over Birmingham by a Marvin Gaye tribute act.

And Mike Bedward has heard it through the grapevine that extraterrestrials are drawn to spectacular sky scenes, such as dazzling sunrises and this double rainbow.

The Stechford singer didn’t know what he’d inadvertently caught on camera until he studied pictures of the rainbows. It Takes Two, apparently, to attract aliens.

The 44-year-old was intrigued by shrapnel-type flecks against the rainbow, snapped at 6.30pm on Monday.

Zooming in on the images revealed the shining slivers to be cigar-shaped crafts in the blue sky over Alum Rock.

He also captured a strange vapour trail.

Mike said: “I was trying to take a picture of the rainbow - it was only later that I noticed the shapes.
“I’m not saying they are UFOs, although, yes, I’m a believer. I’m saying I can’t explain what I’ve pictured, and neither can other people.

“The crafts are rectangular and glow like strip lights. I’ve seen strange things in the sky before. This is the first time I’ve had a camera with me.”

He added: “I believe UFOs are attracted to beautiful things like rainbows.”

It’s not the first time Alum Rock has been in the grip of a Close Encounter.

On November 3, 2010, the authorities were contacted following reports of a large black object moving slowly across the sky.

Witness Paul Ryan, who spotted the craft at 7pm, reported: “It was a very large object which i could tell by the sets of lights in the three corners.

“In each corner there were many different coloured flashing lights, very bright and changing colours very quickly. The object appeared to be flying very low and very slow. It was also completely silent.”

“I continued to watch for a couple of minutes, thinking that the object might reappear further along, in a south east direction, but it had vanished into the small low flying cloud and didn’t reappear.”

Birmingham UFO Group believe there’s a decidedly earthy, even mundane, explanation for Monday’s strange phenomenon.

And chairman Dave Hodrien has been quick to point out to our Marvin Gaye impersonator: “It ain’t nothin’ like the real thing”.

“It’s very rare,” said Dave, “that we see a picture and think, ‘wow’. It’s very rare we see something that can’t be explained.

“In this instance the probable explanation is lens flare, a scattering of light in the lens system.
“It has nothing to do with the rainbow. It’s caused by sunlight.”