
UFO Seen By Thousands At Soccer Stadium In Chile, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 12, 2015
Location of sighting: National Statium, Chile
Source: http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.ca

News states:
Source: Radioagricultura (Chile)
Date: 06.12.2015

Chile: UFO Recorded During Soccer Match

A luminous objct startled fans of "La Roja" who were enjoying the game at the National Stadium.

It was crossed the skies ove Nuñoa for nearly 3 minutes. It was gone in the same way it appeared. The alleged UFO during the opening ceremonies of the Copa America at the National Stadium was swift and fleeting,

The fireworks launched at the sports arena drew the attention of one supporter, who took out his cell phone quickly to capture the moment. However, he never thought he'd find a luminous object moving strangely, from side to side - a movement far from what one would expect of an aircraft.

Could it be a UFO? The images are eloquent. The conclusions are yours to draw.

Cloaked UFO Is Visible For Few Seconds During Sunset, June 2015, Indiana, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 12, 2015
Location of sighting: Greenwood, Indiana, USA

This UFO was having some fun at the top of the cloud. Perhaps it was by accident or on purpose, but the light seems to be bending around a disk at the top of the cloud. As I have said before, sunsets cause a cloaked UFO to be visible for a short period. The UFO cloak bends light 180 degrees around it so below it, it appears invisible. When the sun is at a 90 degree angle, this now makes one side of the UFO visible, because not light must travel 180+90 around the UFO...which it often cannot do. Thus, revealing itself. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
I was out riding my bicycle and a storm was approaching, then this strange light caught my eye so I pulled out my phone and shot this video.

I had no idea what it was untill I did some research when I got home and found out that it's called haarp, a government research program (They Say)!! Take a closer look at the beginning of the video right when the beam disappears for a second it moves part of the cloud upwards then comes back. 


UFO Over clouds spotted in Guangdong, China On June 17, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 17, 2015
Location of sighting: Foshan, South China's Guangdong Province
China News Source: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-06/18/content_21038807_4.htm

One of the things that is interesting is that this UFO was seen during sunset. Some UFO cloaks are vulnerable during sunset and this causes them to become visible for anywhere between 30 seconds to 15 minutes. Sunset is the most common time of day to see a UFO. Watch a hundred sunsets and record it. You will see 4-10 UFOs during this time. 

Most people are not aware how alien technology can create clouds or cloak itself to look like a cloud, but I am here to tell you they can and do. The Sept 1957 UFO event at Army Fort Belvoir, Verging is proof of this

In these photos from China what we see is a UFO. Also, it rose up out of the cloud below it so that it could view the people below. The object is solid not gases because I see there is a shadow on the UFO that comes from the cloud below it. Scott C. Waring

China News states:
The stunning picture, taken on June 17, 2015 shows rare lenticular clouds in the sky over Foshan in South China's Guangdong province. The clouds are sometimes reported as UFOs, particularly the flying saucer, because of their lens shape.

Alien Face Found On Moon In NASA Photo With Astronaut, June 18, 2015, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of discovery: June 18, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Hey guys, check this out. I found a face in a NASA photo and its 100% new. New meaning no one has ever reported it. However I have seen similar faces on the moon in NASA photos. I added color to it to better see it. I don't even think that the astronauts noticed the face, but I am sure that they were testing the object to see if its a rock or alien tech. 
I bet that some species are closely monitoring Earth, and looking for information about themselves to see what we have learned. I also feel that by finding the faces, we prove that humanity is more intelligent than they give us credit for. Also, it teaches us about the different species that humanity may one day meet. Aliens may live forever, but I don't, so I try to find them and learn from their faces, one by one. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan 

Exploring The Orbits Of Galaxies, And Mars Photos, June 2015, UFO Sightings Daily.

This is a really amazing URL. I was actually looking at the Mars Rover blog set up by NASA, when I decided to cut part of the URL to see where it took me. Suddenly the room rotated and psychedelic colors were everywhere. Before I knew it, I found myself flying through the universe looking at the orbital patterns of galaxies, based on the mathematical formula Barry Martins Hopalong Orbits. Its nuts, but its a ride that has been waiting for you. 

Also the Mars photos were presented in a very unique way for NASA. I have not seen them use this kind of displaying format before, so I just wanted to share it with you. SCW


Chinese monks spot UFO over monastery, it changes shape from apple to Buddha, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 2015
Location of sighting: Baita Temple, China
News Source: http://energy.people.com.cn/n/2015/0601/c71661-27086693.html

Monks in China got a special treat this week. An alien craft hovered over their temple. This sightings is very similar to the Isreal sighting when a glowing ball of light came straight down out of the sky and hovered over the most sacred temple in the country...Dome of the Rock in Feb 2011. Then the UFO dis change shape somewhat, as if it were a jelly ball like craft. It is also possible that this is an alien entity, which by our standards would be looked upon as an angel. SCW

Chinese News States:
Chinese monks have spotted a mysterious flying object in the grounds of their monastery captured on surveillance footage.
The video shows a glowing object shift from the shape of an apple to that of a flying saucer, and at one point even resembles a sitting Buddha.

Monks said that they were alerted to the UFO when it flew into the hall of the temple in Anhui province, setting off security alarms on Friday night, reported People's Daily Online.

The footage shows the bright object comes down from the sky and hover above Baita Temple at 11pm, while continuously changing shape.

It briefly disappears from view a couple of times and at one point appears to fly into the hall of the temple for about 10 seconds. 

Seven minutes into the video, the UFO begins rotating increasingly quickly before disappearing out of shot amid heavy rain.

The mysterious glowing object has left monks at the temple completely baffled.

Father Shi Xingkong said: 'When I heard the alarm, I got up to turn it off before going outside to check and didn't see anything unusual. 

'It was only when I looked on the monitor that I could see the UFO.' 

He said that it is the first time he has seen a UFO.
Chen Songzheng, a member of staff at the temple, added: 'Had the UFO not entered the temple hall it would not have set off the infra-red alarms and we would not have known it was there.'

Glowing Orb In Daytime Over North Carolina On June 16, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 16, 2015
Location of discovery: Hampstead, North Carolina, USA
Source: MUFON.com

Eyewitness states:
I woke up about 4:00 this morning; fed the cats; and decided to go get a newspaper and a cup of coffee. As I was getting into my car, (about 4:35am), when I noticed a bright light in the sky to the east. My first thought was that it was Venus but it was about twice the normal size of Venus. Then blackness started in the center of the object and spread out until the object was gone. The whole sighting didn't last more than about eight or ten seconds with it disappearing in about 1 second. I first thought that some clouds must have passed over it so I continued to look. Then I realized I could see stars and that there were were no clouds in that direction. I waited about a minute to see if it would reappear, but the only other thing I saw was a streak of bright light about 3 degrees to the right of the original sighting. I took the second sighting to be a meteorite. The brightest star in the sky where I saw the phenomena was Hamal but the sighting was much bigger and brighter. There was no sound. Later in the day I took a photo of the sky where I saw the phenomena and put a lens flare on it to show the approximate size and position.