
UFO Disk Near Space Station On Live HD Cam, Aug 31, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 31, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station.

This UFO caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube has really great detail. The disk comes very close, about 75 meters away from the station. The disk itself is big. About 7-9 meters across. The light reflecting off of the UFO is also really brilliant. The UFO realizes its been noticed and it slowly moves backwards into the darkness. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Light appears at ISS.

UFO Seen From Space Station Live Cam, Aug 29, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 29, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at ISS

This looks like a craft in space and is partly cloaked. The sun at a certain angle and is causing a small part of the UFO to become visible. This is a very cool catch by Streetcap1. NASA noticed it and went to blue screen. How much longer will NASA go on with this charade? 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:
Bright Lights seen from ISS then cut-off.

Alien Critter Found On Mars, Gazing At Rover Aug 30, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Update: Aug 31, 2015. I made a map photo of the items below. 

Date of discovery: August 30, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/press/spirit/20060911b/seminole_iff_cypsu_L2_brt_byte-A943R1.jpg

While looking over a Mars photo, I found a lot of amazing structures, but the most important of them all is the life form. There is a life form looking over a rock at the Mars rover. It looks like it has a single long eye, two long bent arms and a thin body. The legs are not visible behind the rock. 

There are also some other interesting discoveries I made. I found another reptilian head that looks like a lizard. I found two more ships, one of a design thats very artistic. The other ship flat and long with a cockpit window. There is a also a head looking up at the sky which looks aquatic, because it has a fin for an ear. 

There is so much evidence of intelligent life in this NASA photo, its really amazing that the public hasn't done this kind of research long ago. I wonder what stigma is stoping them from trying?
Scott C. Waring

Giant Foot Print 200 Million Yrs Old Found In South Africa, Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 1912
Location of discovery: Mpaluzi, South Africa

Did a giant alien race come down to live on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago? The evidence around the world says yes, giants existed. This footprint is massive in scale, about a meter and a half. Thats not human. Thats an alien species. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Michael Tellinger shows off what could be one of the best pieces of evidence that there were giants on Earth a long, long time ago. Geologists have marvelled at this giant foot print in rough granite, about 4 feet long. Some still say that it is a natural erosion pattern. Personally I find that suggestion highy improbable for various reasons that I will not go into here. Prof. Pieter Wagener from UPE, suggests that "there is a higher probability of little green men arriving from space and licking it out with their tongues, than being created by natural erosion". It is located in South Africa, near the town of Mpaluzi, close to the Swaziland border. It is estimated to be between 200 million and 3 Billion years old because of our current understanding of the formation of granites in Earth's history. This dating immediately causes great debate and argument - so I urge you to keep your mind open and focused on the evidence. This amazing footprint in granite was discovered in 1912 by a hunter called Stoffel Coetzee, while hunting in the remote area. At the time this was a deeply remote part of South Africa known as the Eastern Transvaal, teeming with wild life, including antelope and lions. It remains in the same condition as it was when first discovered and the possibility that this was a carved hoax is extremely low because of its remote location. Even today, it is difficult to find. The real mystery is how this amazing phenomenon occured - I have no idea - but here it is and we cannot wish it away. YES - It is granite - it is a well recognised geological part of South Africa and recorded on all geological maps - that is why this footprint is such an incredible mystery. It can be desribed as a "phenocrystic" granite, OR coarse porphyritic granite, that underwent several different stages of cooling. The result being an interesting mixture of large and small granules. This is why granite companies are keen to mine this area for granite because it will look really "pretty" when polished. In the official Geology Of South Africa, this outcrop is called Mpuluzi Batholith (Granite) and the official dating of this rock produced dates of around 3,1 billion years. A real mystery that needs close scientific examination.


UFO Over Yellowstone Park Caught In Photo, June 22, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 22, 2015
Location of sighting: Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, USA
Source: MUFON
Photo: http://www.mufoncms.com/files_jeud8334j/69541_submitter_file1__IMG8933Yes.JPG

This UFO was reported to MUFON on Aug 18, 2015, but took place back in June. The UFO has a disk shape and is wider in the front. UFOs often are caught when people take a photo of a scene and the UFO happened to be traveling through it at high speed. Usually the speed is to fast for the human eye to notice, but the digital eye cannot be fooled.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
My friends (husband & wife) were on vacation, driving their car near Yellowstone Nat'l Park WY June 22, 2015 about mid-day. He was the passenger and was taking digital photographs of the Grand Teton mountains as they approached them. When they got back home about 6/30/15, he down-loaded photos and reviewed them. A saucer-like object, except with some strange appendage at the "left end," is clearly visible in the blue sky in one of the photos, but not in the one a minute before or in the one a minute after. Just one lucky photo. Neither person actually saw anything visually that day; "it" just was seen upon reviewing his pictures. My friend was able to zoom-in on the object with his computer software at his house, and I was surprised by the amount of detail that he and I were able to see in or of this object. 

Two UFOs Shoot Past Soyuz Docking At Space Station, Aug 28, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 28, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS

Now if you don't watch this in full screen you will not see the tiny UFOs shooting past. There are two of them and they come in from two different directions...then they meet inside the red circle area. When they meet, they slow down for a split second, as if to exchange information. Then they shoot off again. Awesome catch by UFO researcher Streetcap1 of Youtube. Please give him a thumbs up on his video to encourage his talented work. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
Recorded from ISS Cam during Soyuz move. This is quite fast. UFO enters from middle right. Sequence repeated in case you miss it the 1st time.

Rover Cord In Front Of Camera Looks Like Martian Leg In Mars Photo, NASA Source. Aug 27, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 27, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00317/mcam/0317ML0013000210107437E01_DXXX.jpg

This leg shows a leg in the lower right hand corner of the Mars photo. I say leg because we see the dark muscular lines moving down it. It has a knobby knee where its thinner, but thicker at its upper and lower leg area. Much like most animals on Earth, but this isn't Earth, its Mars. 

Now there is another possibility, that its a electrical cord on the Rover and it got in the way of the camera lens. If this is true, then I will post an update later. But its difficult to say at the moment. 
Scott C. Waring

90 Meter Alien Ship Found Partly Buried On Mars Surface, Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 28, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Photo: http://hirise-pds.lpl.arizona.edu/PDS/EXTRAS/RDR/ESP/ORB_035200_035299/ESP_035290_1805/ESP_035290_1805_RED.abrowse.jpg

I took the photo of the structure and spliced it (above), showing what it would look like if dug out of the dirt that partly buried it. Total length is about 8-90 meters from head to rear, 110 meters from wing tip to wing tip. 

This tubular structure is on the surface of Mars and has long tube-like towers sticking out of the side of the canyon. The longest of the tubes seems to have two evenly spaced openings which are black. Accord to the size measurement on the upper right corner of the NASA photo, the longest structure is about 90 meters by 110 meters. These structures seem to be very old and they are partially buried under the Mars surface. Looks like this is an old abandoned ship that is still in usable condition.
Scott C. Waring