
Glowing UFOs Seen Over Ocean At Vero Beach, Florida On Sept 25, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 25, 2015
Location of sighting: Vero Beach, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #70832

These UFO was coming out of the ocean and when they got to a safe hight above the water, they powered up. This is not the first time this happened at Vero Beach, but one of many. Again back in Jan 27, 2015 a group of UFO researches waitied for the daily show of UFOs. Check out the second video below to be blown away. This is proof that a alien base exists off the shore of Vero Beach. Also back in Oct 2, 2009, some people on a cruise ship beteween Vero Beach and Grand Bahama Island saw them again (video below).
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Objects appeared over the ocean and hovered approximately 3-4 minutes, glowing as attached video indicates. there were 2 craft that then disappeared after filming stopped. We live in vero beach florida approximately 60 miles south of the Cape Canaveral launch site. When my wife Kathy observed the lights she then grabbed her HD camera and filmed the attached video. Both yesterday before the sighting and today after the sighting, military helicopters were scene several times going up and down the beach area, while seen occasionally in our area behind our house traveling the coast line, they are rare, particularly two days in a row. the 2 square/diamond shape items appeared above the water, hovered in tandem for 3-4 minutes during which time the attached film was taken and then disappeared.

Again on Jan 27, 2015, Those two UFOs were seen. 

Back in Oct 2, 2019, the same two UFOs are seen in same location, between Vero Beach and Grand Bahamas island. 

Ancient Blocks Found On Mars, Proof Of Complex Structures, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01107/mcam/1107MR0049210160601184E01_DXXX.jpg

Whatsupinthesky37 found some interesting blocks that were obviously used in construction long ago. I'm not sure why archeologists ignore this evidence, but it needs to be looked at by a serious team or archeologists. 
Scott C. Waring

Whatsupinthesky37 of Youtube states:
This image from SOL 1107 that my friend Ron showed to me is absolutely amazing! Once again it is a little blurry and has some blur spots at VERY suspicious places.. It is a gem for the anomalies hunters! I show you some ruins from Egypt to get your eyes used to some of these during the video and also provide the FotoForensics which seems to show some tampering all in the "Sandy" places! You are going to want to add this to your collection as well as check out the WUITS Article for all the up close enhancements! If you have not checked out any of the articles that go along with the videos you are missing out! They have really become addon to the video itself! Much love to everyone and I hope to ALL of your views on this image! What are you seeing here? Do you see what I see? What did I miss?

Mermaid is pulled from lake by men in biohazard suits, Poland. Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2015
Location of discovery: Poland
News source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/watch-bizarre-video-showing-merman-6523679

Yes this is kinda clear and not a UFO, but it does seem to show a mermaid that was found on land, probably dead. Its been long believed that there are many species of aliens that visit Earth, merpeople are one of them. Since the ocean covers 75% of the Earth, this planet is a paradise for them. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Creature that looks like Mermaid is pulled from lake by men in biohazard suits. "This incredible video appears to show the moment a MERMAN was pulled out from a lake, put on a stretcher and taken away by mysterious officials. Captured in Poland, the short film shows a group of men in what look like white biohazard suits working with others dressed in attire similar to paramedics. Lasting two minutes, the footage begins with the men in white suits surrounding a mysterious body on the banks of a river. The men then lift the shape up at which point, what appears to be a large fish tail is clearly visible. At this point the men dressed as paramedics then move a stretcher into place while their biohazard suit-wearing colleagues bring the 'being' up to them. As they place the unknown shape on the stretcher, the 'Merman' is clearly visible and lies down - his long beard resting on his chest. The men dressed as paramedics then wheel the 'Merman' away to an unknown location and no-one has heard anything of the incident since. After the footage was posted online, a number of people claimed it was proof of Mermen existing, while others said it was either a hoax of the filming of a movie ( via mirror.co.uk )."

UFOs Over Shopping Mall Parking Lot In Concord, New Hampshire On Sept 22, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 22, 2015
Location of sighting: Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Facebook video: https://www.facebook.com/mike.pittaro.9/videos/719146591563086/
News Source: http://patch.com/new-hampshire/concord-nh/more-ufo-lights-seen-over-concord

This UFO is mostly cloaked, but for some reason it is visible when he looks through the camera. The digital eye is more perfect and cannot be fooled as easily, so a cloaked UFO will often appear semi-cloaked. This is especially true when you have an infrared camera and are shooting daytime footage. With infrared, you will see 75% or more. It really cuts through the cloak. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Mike Pittaro posted the latest sighting on Facebook – a 3-plus minute video shot above the Home Depot area of the plaza at just after 7 p.m. on Sept. 21, 2015. Pittaro stated in the recording that he was unable to see the orbs with the naked eye but when looking through his camera, could seem the orbs clearly. The video was shot after the sun was setting and dusk began to set in. Pittaro noted that he and his wife had irregularly taken photos of the sunset but had never seen anything like this before. “My wife started taking photos of the sunset and caught the UFOs,” he wrote in the thread. “These objects were NOT visible to the naked eye. After asking multiple people to use their cellphones, they too caught the exact same UFOs, verifying what we were recording. My wife and I have a good amount of video and photos between us, and what I shared here is what I felt was the best of what we filmed.” (More at source). 


UFO Descends Near Moon During Eclipse, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Location of sighting: Sept 27, 2015
Source: MUFON #70934

Here is a cool sighting of an object near the moon during the eclipse. The object was seen with the naked eye and in the photo it looks like a partially visible disk. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
My husband and I kept going outside to see the different phases of the eclipse last night (Sept. 27 2015) We saw that high above the moon was a very bright object. Very very bright, we thought maybe it was a planet or star or something like that. Then we realized it looked like it was reflecting the light of the moon. Over 20-25 minutes it descended and then was just gone. I took several pictures of it with my cell phone. We have a friend in Colorado who was also watching the eclipse and he didn't see anything in the sky like what we saw. At first I assumed it was some natural phenomenon but the more we watched the less it looked like anything else I have ever seen in the sky. Looking back at the pictures I still can't be sure what it is, that is why I am filing this report. We looked outside every few minutes, it kept getting lower and lower...seemingly closer to the moon and then it disappeared. I made a collage photo of some of the different elevations...the third pic in the collage is just a cropped version of one of the others. I have several pics on my phone if you would like anymore. I added one of the single pictures, currently having trouble uploading the rest...but i have them and can send later if you want them.

V-Shaped UFO hovered just below big dipper in Plush, Oregon On Sept 24, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 24, 2015
Location of sighting: Plush, Oregon, USA
Source: MUFON report #70932

Another V shaped UFO report, this time coming in from Oregon, however this sighting took place 3 days before the California sightings did and this person saw several of the objects. Perhaps the UFO was hiding out in the Oregon forest for a few days. Then headed to CA on the 27th. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Camped on Beatty's Butte east of Hart Mountain national antelope refuge while on an offroad motorcycle tour. We were just going to bed when an extremely bright white light appeared in the western sky as if an aircraft with landing lights was flying directly towards us. No sound was heard for the duration of the sighting. Suddenly, one at a time, bright orange lights dropped out the area where the bright light had been. The orange lights faded away almost immediately, much faster than a typical flare drop from a military aircraft and much brighter. The same image suddenly appeared north west of the initial sighting. The same bright white light with orange lights dropping out of it happened. The same series of lights appeared again where the original craft had been and one more time to the northwest. Creepy was the word we both used to describe the sighting as there was no sound and the lights, if known military would have been audible. We did not have a fire or any other indication that we were camped out there but we have been through this country many times and witnessed low flying military aircraft presumably from the Kingsley Air National Guard base in Klamath Falls, OR. The area is also known as the Catlow Valley and is some of the most remote uninhabited parts of the lower forty eight states just north of the Nevada border. We would very much like to know if there was any military training going on in the area at that time.

Giant UFO V-Shaped Over Los Angeles, CA On Sept 27, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2015
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

This is the third report of this V-shaped UFO over a third city in California. I must have been huge to have been seen by so many from so far. On this photo, you can see there is a long body at one end of the V...making it look more like it is Y-shaped. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I and a group of people from my neighborhood were gathered at a street corner in an attempt to view the Sept. 28 lunar eclipse and "blood moon" event. We saw the lunar disc disappear and waited several moments for the next phase, but after about 20 minutes with nothing much happening, compounded by high clouds, all my companions departed. I remained hoping to see the lunar disc return, but then noticed, in the darkness sky, a strange, faint cloud grouping almost directly across my viewing position and seemingly positioned above a house chimney. I could just make up strange angles vary dissimilar from the other basically horizontal cloud formations.Using my Samsung Android Note II cellphone I took several photos. Within a few minutes the "cloud formation" had dissolved. Then when looking at the cellphone photos, it revealed a more detailed image including those that also showed a sharp beam of light seemingly emitted from the tip of the rocket shaped central body and a pair of what looked very much like large whale flippers protruding from its sides. There were no sounds heard. Since distance was unknown, size was also unknown, though the impression was of large dimensions.