
UFO Buzzes India Space Research Organisation Says Shepherd, Dec 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2015
Location of sighting: Mahendragiri center, India
News source: http://www.newsnation.in/article/103783-ufo-sighted-shepherds-isro-centre.html
News source 2: http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/locals-claim-ufo-sightings-near-isro-s-mahendragiri-centre-in-tamil-nadu-aliensinindia-248407.html

Perhaps you noticed, their main building at the ISRO looks a lot like a landed flying saucer. This may be to inspire their people toward space exploration, but kinda cool. UFOs are often seen every year around the world at various military bases and space launch sites. It didn't start today, but decades ago. If we are sending junk into space, aliens just want to check it out before our space junk causes alien health concerns latter in space or on planets our junk crashes. Especially when we us nuclear powered deceives on board. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A mysterious flying object has reportedly been sighted by shepherds over ISRO’s Mahendragiri centre and neighbouring forest areas. Police said the shepherds, who were grazing cattle, claimed to have seen a mysterious object flying over the cryogenic testing centre of ISRO yesterday.

However, ISRO officials denied any such ‘flight’ over the Centre at Mahendragiri, about 55 km from here. Police said the shepherds had told them that the object flew near the seventh watch tower, where no one had been posted for a long time. Officials of police and forest departments, besides ISRO, were interrogating the shepherds to ascertain what exactly they had seen, they said.


UFO In Clouds Over Ontario, Canada On Nov 4, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 4, 2015
Location of sighting: Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada
Source: MUFON #73192

I find it intriguing that the person cared more about the orb than about the hole in the clouds. You see, I learned during the O'Hare Airport UFO incident that UFOs make holes in cloud as proven by many eyewitness accounts of the event. Also the 90 page MUFON report the wrote also states this. The UFO over O'Hare (Nov 2006) hung out there for several minutes disturbing pilots and radar tower then shot up at an angle cutting an round hole through the low level clouds that remained there for over 15 minutes later.

The hole here in the clouds over Canada, thats caused by a UFO lowering itself down into the cloud low enough to allow its alien occupants a perfect view from above. The UFO at the time is probably cloaked, unlike the O'Hare UFO. Also did you notice that there were curved clouds cutting across its center? That means the UFO was still there at the time that the photo was taken. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I'm always taking sky pictures and not always but every now and then I find things that shouldn't be there. Yesterday was one of those times. I take random pictures without really focusing because I like surprises and because I like aiming at the sun and surrounding clouds and it's hard to really focus at those. I got home, connected my phone to the computer and went through my pictures. This is when I saw them. I circled them.

Giant UFO Tries To Mimic Comet As It Passes Between Earth And Sun, Nov 29, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 29, 2015
Location of sighting: Between Earth and Sun
Source photo: http://soho.esac.esa.int//data/realtime/sps/lasco/c2/2014/11/20141129_1636_c2_1024.jpg

This long alien craft was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. I put it into negative formate to allow us to see it better. The original is red. You can see from the close ups above, it is a single giant ship with a scattering of many smaller tiny ships following nearby. The smaller ships are scattered around to make it appear like a comet from a distance, but this close up shows us...this is one large UFO with a fleet of tiny ones. 

Its also possible its a single ship, but they used the escape pods to mimic a comet. Then when they were farther away, they pulled them all back in the ship. I say this because the smaller ships look like they fit into the large one. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I have been looking at older SOHO Satellite images and found this. I think it's a beauty. Streetcap1

Alien Hieroglyphs Finally Found On Mars In NASA Spirit Rover Photo, Dec 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 15, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: Spirit Rover, Sol 120
Photo URL: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/120/

I have been looking for hieroglyphs on Mars for years and had some close calls, but nothing ever this clear and close to the rover. This writing has a lot of right angles to it, and is very similar to ancient civilizations here on Earth. The carvings are clear and easy to make out, especially if you enlarge the photo like I did by 5X.

The hieroglyphs are the Holy Grail of UFO research. Written language reveals that a civilization has attained a level of intelligence and have a way to preserve their history. The species may be gone...their language extinct, but their writing...has survived. 

Now we know what to look for...and soon...we will have an alien language at our fingertips, with a history thats been hidden from us for too long.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Source of ancient tech I found in 2011 on Mars: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2011/07/strange-alien-technology-discovered-on.html

UFO Sightings Daily


CNN Asks UFO Researchers Their Personal Views On Who Is The Best Presidential Candidate? Dec 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Dec 2015
CNN source: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/15/politics/donald-trump-bernie-sanders-ufo-hunters-area-51/index.html

This is odd, CNN asks UFO hunters about their personal views about who would be the best president of America. Perhaps making fun of the subject, or the fact that many people are becoming more interested than ever in the existence of aliens. Whats your views on this interview?
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

CNN states: 
In the Nevada Desert (CNN)Once a month, a small group of hardy Las Vegans head into the mountains to look for UFOs and -- to hear them tell it -- they find them. "There is a lot of paranormal activity out here if you just open your mind and you go seek it" said B.K. Mojave as the lights of Las Vegas glinted in the distance. With Area 51 -- a capital of the UFO enthusiast community -- about a two-hour drive from where CNN is hosting its debate Tuesday, we decided to go along and see what these skeptics had to say about the wild 2016 presidential campaign. (more at source).

Head on Mars has similar crown as ancient Egyptians, Dec 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 15, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01192/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_503312641EDR_F0512238NCAM00494M_.JPG
Navcam: Right B
Taken: 13 Dec 2015 21:22:47 UTC
Received: 14 Dec 2015 23:46:10 UTC

I found this alien sculpture in a recent Mars Curiosity photo that they posted on their site. It was taken just a few days ago and shows the head of a cat-like face with the ear-like wings on its side and a crown similar to ancient Egyptian crowns. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

 Full photo below. 

Ancient bone found on Mars has extraordinary similarities to whats found on Earth, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 27, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00995/mcam/0995MR0044020060503380E01_DXXX.jpg

This bone was discovered by Martian Archeology of Youtube.  The bone is similar to bones we have on Earth and its resemblance is uncanny. How many of the anomalies has the rover driven past without examining them? Tens, hundreds, thousands? I believe its time for the public to take full control of NASA if we are ever to learn the truth. 
Scott C. Waring


Stanley Kurbrick Directed NASA Moon Landing Recordings, Death Bed Confession, Dec 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of confession: 15 years ago, released Dec 2015.
Location of confession: Unknown (house?)
News source: http://news.yahoo.com/stanley-kubrick-estate-rubbishes-confession-143113320.html;_ylt=AwrTHQjNkW9Wl04AO05XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYnFjNGE5BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjExNzlfMQRzZWMDc3I-

This video was secretly released, 16 years after his death. He requests on the video that it not be released for at least 15 years after his death. He died in 1999. The video is real, and may have been a death bed confession since he was about 71 in this video, and he died at 71. This may be submittable as evidence in a court of law to force more of the truth to be released. 

This is 100% proof that the Apollo moon landings were faked by NASA to make the US appear stronger. 

I have to agree that I have gone over the 1st landing photos on the moon, and they all appear fake. What I mean is the moon module landed on sand...yes thats right lots of sand that is perfectly smoothed around. Almost no stones or other objects on the surface. However I found that satellite photos of the moon all appear real. Just the walking on the moon mission photos appear fake. That is why the first original Apollo 11 film of the walking on the moon was destroyed. It does not exist anymore, except copies. The Apollo missions of walking on the moon may have been fake, but the actual photos of the moon were real and taken by NASA satellites. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
It features a man claimed to be Kubrick telling his interviewer, “I perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public, which I am now about to detail, involving the United States government and NASA, that the moon landings were faked, that the moon landings ALL were faked, and that I was the person who filmed it. “I’m serious. Dead serious. Yes, it was fake.” The alleged Kubrick goes on to declare, “I consider them to be my masterpiece,” and says that his work on ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ was - in line with the popular theory - “why I got this gig in the first place.”

The notion that Kubrick faked the moon landing comes into play heavily in 2013 documentary ‘Room 237’, in which one interview subject suggests that Kubrick’s 1980 film ‘The Shining’ is the director’s cryptic confession on the matter. Another theory suggests that Kubrick knew the true workings of secret society the Illuminati, and that the climactic masked orgy sequence of ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ was intended to reveal their inner workings.

Giant Glowing Orbs Over Colorado In Morning On Dec 14, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 14, 2015
Location of sighting: Granby, Colorado, USA
Source: MUFON # 73143

What we are seeing here is a very large UFO rising out of the ground (underground base door opens up). The UFO tries to leave while its misty in the area so it wont be seen, but the sunrise in early morning. Often called a second sun, the UFO is seen behind the trees on a distant hill.  Sunrise and sunset can cause a cloaked ship to become visible for 10 seconds to 10 minutes depending on the angle and position of the spectators, craft and sun. Colorado is a hotbed for glowing white orbs activity, and this is the mother of all orbs. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I went outside first thing this morning. After sitting outside for a few minutes, I looked West at the fog covering the hillside. Then, there was a bright, almost blinding light that made my eyes tear up; I mean tears rolling down my face. The object did not move. It appeared to be in front of the heavy fog. It appeared to be above the hill and slightly in front of the hill. After snapping a few pictures, it appeared to dim. It had a translucence to it. I looked down at my camera to make sure I had gotten the shot, looked up, and it was gone. After having examined the pictures I took, the pictures effectively portray exactly how the object looked to my eyes. The top of the object is completely dome shaped. The bottom is jagged as if there were trees in front of the object. Behind that hill, there is a cluster of trees that could have caused this effect, but it would mean that there was an object behind the trees, bright enough to cut through the heavy, morning fog. In the pictures, the Sun is clearly visible to the left of the object. The light that the object emitted looked to be the same or similar to the sun, but it could not have been a reflection because the sun was behind and to the left of the object. It also does not and did not, appear to be a break in the fog. It was clearly in front of the heavy fog. I've lived high up in the Rocky Mountains for quite some time now, and I have seen my fair share of weird "light tricks" caused by ice particles in the atmosphere -- I've never seen anything quite like this. If there is a scientific explanation for this, I would love to hear it...although the author in me wants to think it was a glitch in a cloaking device, (har, har). I've included the original unaltered images as well as copies of the same images that I inverted. Thank you!


Glowing UFO Surprises Residents In Idaho Falls, Idaho On Dec 13, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 13, 2015
Location of sighting: Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA
Source: MUFON

This is a cool example of a glowing orbs seen over the forest near Idaho Falls this week. The person is clearly excited by the surprising sight. Many famous cases have seen such UFOs, for instance the Rendlesham (England) Forest Incident back in Dec of 1980 that soldiers witnessed at a Royal Airforce Base. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was talking to one of my friends outside on the back porch my friend she looked up into the sky and saw a octagon shaped cylinder flashing colors and she says what the hell is that as I turn around I see the same thing this cylinder was flashing all sorts of colors reds blues greens purples oranges yellows it was an amazing sight as it was hovering it moved extremely fast without a sound and then all of a suddenly stopped I know for a fact we do not have any helicopters drones airplanes or anything that can move that fast and stop that fast so I took out my cell phone started recording climbed up onto the top of the roof of my house it started to descend behind the trees and I started yelling as loud as I can come back I started recording for a little bit longer you'd see the craft turn into a sphere in orb the sword was flashing colors and then it just disappeared no humming no noise just gone there was no sonic boom it just disappeared.