
Aliens Abduct Man In Puerto Rico And Reveal Meteor About To Wipe Out Earth, 1988, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of contact: 1988
Location of contact: Puerto Rico

This is a sighting...that pushing me in the back of my mind. Its inspiring to know that aliens abducted many individuals from many location and taught them together about the future fate of the world. None of the other abductees have ever been identified, and probably tried to hide the experience from all others, but not this brave guy in Puerto Rico. He not only reported it, he got some great photos of military jets making fly bys of the UFO when he got off. Check out his video below...it will change how you see things. 
Scott C. Waring

Video States: 
How did a guy from Puerto Rico who claimed he was abducted by aliens know about a New World Order in 1988? An abduction tale that included a post-Apocalyptic Earth one world government run by aliens living on an artificial island in the middle of a dark, dirty black sea.

The video posted below is a 1991 interview with a man named Amaury Rivera Toro--we'll call him 'Rivera'--who claimed he was abducted by aliens in Puerto Rico on May 14, 1988. Rivera was interviewed in 1991 by Jim Cunningham at the First international UFO Conference at the Riveria Hotel in Las Vegas. Along with his fantastical tale of an alien abduction including half-human demon-like beings, an 'extraterrestrial human' and holographic projections Rivera produced photos of a UFO and a fighter jet Rivera claimed he took immediately after his Close Encounter of the Third Kind. Along with the video we found a written account from Rivera that revealed more details.

Is Rivera's alien abduction tale false and the photos a hoax?

In the video a UFO investigator claimed he spoke with other Puerto Ricans who claimed they came in contact with a 'Man in Black' similar to the one in Rivera's close encounter.

If we were conspiracy theorists we'd wonder whether Rivera's close encounter was with humans who planted, in 1988, the seeds of a False Flag alien invasion; evil humans bent on building a one world government, New World Order.

If we believed in Biblical prophecies we'd wonder if the 'beings' Rivera encountered were demons and fallen angels; one of the holographic 'projections' Rivera saw, a vision of a post-Apocalyptic future-a 'New World Order' run by the Antichrist from a island located in a Hades type sea.

Rivera, in the 1991 video interview:
"I encountered two small beings, two small strange men which I didn't think were men from outerspace.

Rivera's written account was posted at the Phantoms and Monsters website.

Rivera claimed he came across a thick blanket of fog while driving home at 4:30 am on a lonely stretch of a country backroad:
"Suddenly I heard what I initially thought were the sounds of hooves on the paved road. Calves? The sound was coming from the left side, the driver's side, my side.

I turned my head towards where the sound was emanating from and to my great surprise what I saw in that moment changed my whole sense of reality. Jogging alongside my old car was a... midget? child? "What the ____ is it?", I remember thinking to myself. My mind was going wild. I didn't know what to think. Demons? "Oh, my God, it's a demons," I thought. I was scared beyond description.
Rivera claimed the 'being' wore a small, olive-green, one piece suit. A being 3-4 ft. tall with white skin, a huge head and black bulging eyes. Rivera claimed a second identical being approached the passenger side of his car. Rivera claimed he pissed in his pants then passed out.

Video interview:

"They took me somewhere where there were other people besides myself. The other human people like from Puerto Rico I guess."

In Rivera's written account Rivera claimed he and his car wound up in what he described as an underground parking lot:
"When I woke up I had no idea of my whereabouts. I was still seated in my car but I was no longer on the road. I found myself in a strange place where there were other cars. These other cars were empty. I distinctly remember looking around for a sign that would read "Exit." There were none in this place that looked like an underground parking lot. There were no doors that I could see; no windows either. The colors of the walls were a non metallic light gray."
Rivera claimed he saw one of the beings who reached out and touched Rivera's forehead with it's 'tiny hand' rendering Rivera unconscious. Rivera awoke in a room with 14 other terrified people; a light grey illuminated room. Out of nowhere the 'man in black' and two beings appeared.

Video interview:
"From here another human being showed up, he claimed to be from a distant planet. He was dressed in black, had dark skin but he was not a Negro. He had a long black hair to the shoulders and he spoke to us with the mouth, verbally. And no telepathic speaking. "

Written account:
"This man was dressed in a black shirt and black pants. His shoes were of the same color. His skin was a dark tan complexion. Like the skin color of an Arab or a Hindu. He did not appear to be tall; maybe 5 feet 7 inches or so. He stood before us and the two small beings situated themselves — one to his right, the other to his left. This man with long black shoulder length hair spoke to us in perfect Spanish. He claimed to be as human as we are but from a different planet, another world which rotates around an alien star (sun)."
Rivera claimed the "extraterrestrial human", the man in black, showed the terrified humans 'projections':


Reagan had two UFO sightings, the US president spoke the the United Nations about an alien invasion, UFO Sighting News.

President Ronald Reagan said he had two UFO sightings, both in a plane, where he told the pilot to follow it, which they did for a few minutes. He constantly thought about this and had inside info from the CIA about the existence of aliens. He knew things...and his subconscious would never stop pushing him to tell the public the truth...but remember what the CIA did when Kennedy pushed the CIA to reveal to NASA the truth...he was killed one week later from the signing of a memo about it. Reagan tried to warn us of a alien invasion. He succeeded. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states:  There were four persons aboard the plane: pilot Bill Paynter, two security guards, and the governor of California, Ronald Reagan. As the airplane approached Bakersfield, California, the passengers called Paynter’s attention to a strange object to their rear. “It appeared to be several hundred yards away,” Paynter recalled. “It was a fairly steady light until it began to accelerate. Then it appeared to elongate. Then the light took off. It went up at a 45-degree angle-at a high rate of speed. Everyone on the plane was surprised. . . . The UFO went from a normal cruise speed to a fantastic speed instantly. If you give an airplane power, it will accelerate-but not like a hot rod, and that’s what this was like.”

A week later Reagan recounted the sighting to Norman C. Miller, then Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal. Reagan told Miller, “We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light. We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens.” When Miller expressed some doubt, a “look of horror came over [Reagan]. It suddenly dawned on him . . . that he was talking to a reporter.” Immediately afterward, according to Miller, Reagan “clammed up.”

Reagan has not discussed the incident publicly since.

How US President Jimmy Carter Filed a UFO-Sighting Report in 1973, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 1969
Location of sighting: Leary, Georgia, USA
News source: http://www.insideedition.com/headlines/18636-the-presidential-x-files-how-jimmy-carter-filed-a-ufo-sighting-report-in-1973

If you can't believe a US president when he say he saw a UFO, than you can't believe anyone. He risked a lot by telling everyone about this sighting and having it go on record, and yet, he didn't care about the risk. Thats cool.
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
In October 1969, a young Georgia politician was leaving a fundraiser when he spotted a large object glowing in the sky.

Four years later, in September 1973, he formally filed a UFO sighting report with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). 

That politician was Jimmy Carter, who went on to become the United States' 39th president.

A new episode of NASA’s Unexplained Files, which airs Tuesday at 9 p.m. on the Science Channel, explores Carter’s UFO filing.

Author William J. Birnes said in the episode: "When he looks up in the sky and he sees an object, it is bigger than the moon. He says to himself, 'That is the darndest thing I ever saw.'"

There is no reasonable explanation for what Carter saw that October night, but it continued to occupy his mind.

During Carter’s 1976 presidential campaign, he brought up his UFO encounter. He promised that if he was elected, he would encourage the government to release “every piece of information” about UFOs to the public.

While Carter did win the election, he later backed away from his promise, saying that the release of such documents would cause national security “defense implications."

In a 2007 interview with CNN, Carter was asked about his UFO sighting, to which he replied: “It was unidentified as far as we were concerned, but I think it’s impossible in my opinion — some people disagree — to have space people from other planets or other stars to come to us. I don’t think that’s possible.”


Alien Built Antenna Sticking Out Of Comet P67, Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2016
Location of discovery: Comet P67
Photo source: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/190970

This V shaped antenna could be the object that has been transmitting a radio signal song for the last 20 years. Even the ESA admits that 20 years ago they heard the song, so they built the lander for the comet...and it made it there just last year. This may be the transmitting antenna. The aliens seem to have placed it on the comet to send out a message to learn about any new space faring species out there. We...are the noobs. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien being Appears Inside 911 Tribute Light A Symbol Of Unity, Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 11, 2016
Location of sighting: Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
News source: https://us.yahoo.com/news/mysterious-figure-appears-photo-9-203400520.html

This standing figure is over 5 floor tall and standing directly in the beam of the 911 tribute beam. A symbol of understanding the tragic loss of the day, even among other alien species. A gesture of respect from them, to humanity. 

Dr Frank Stranges who wrote the book "Stranger In The Pentagon," said when he met an alien called commander Val Thor, that Thor said he had an adopted brother on Venus, who's name is Jesus...the same Jesus who was once on Earth. It may be, that this alien Jesus is still watching over humanity. Then again, such an alien with such powers...would easily be considered godly. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
The image of the beams reaching up to the heavens shows what appears to be a figure floating high in the light.

Many have been curious if it is a trick of light or a Photoshop job. Others see it as Jesus or an angel.

"I didn't realize the image was there until I looked back into the camera and saw a larger piece of white there and I kept enlarging it and saw the image," Rich McCormack, who snapped the photo, told Inside Edition.

McCormack says he was standing on the waterfront in Hoboken, New Jersey when he captured the heavenly image. It was 9:30 p.m. Friday and he was taking photos of the 9/11 beams of light across the Hudson River.

He says the photo is not Photoshopped.

"It looked like the image of the lord or an angel… I feel like it was angels watching over us," he said. 

Some people think it's an unusual cloud formation. Others see a greater mystery.

Pyramid UFO Leaves Mouth Of Ancient Volcano On Live Cam, Sept 14, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 14, 2016
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico
Cam source: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/webcam-popocatepetl

I found a pyramid shaped UFO that was coming out of the mouth of the volcano. The UFO looks similar to the cloud, and probably exited the volcano trying to look like smoke, but its visible to the naked eye. Popocatepetl is known for having a alien base 4-5 miles below its surface. Local mountain climbers have even seen men three meters tall scaling the sheer sides of the volcano toward the mouth with no tools at incredible speed, and then disappear. 
Scott C. Waring