
UFO Scares Neighbourhood Over Barbour County, WV - September 5, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Light has been added to better see the UFOs here.

Date of sighting: Sept 5, 2016
Location of sighting: Barbour County, West Virginia, USA
Source: MUFON 79238

This UFO is a bit small in the video, so make it full screen and change to HD settings to see it better. The object hovers like a drone, but its lights are not blinking, which leads me to believe it may be a real UFO. Also most drones have red lights, but that is not always true. This one is just too darn small to make out enough detail. Hard to say on this one. 

Such white light UFOs have been seen by police officers over the Rocky Mountains, Colorado this year, but they were bus size and move incredibly fast. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was at Stonewall Resort, me and three others were heading to the top of the hill to get our machinery out for the morning job. It was pretty dark out still so we sat there waiting for it to get a bit brighter out so we could see what we are doing. I happened to look up at the stars like I do sometimes. I noticed a bright light moving in the sky, I pointed it out asking what the heck it was, one of our guys said it's just a airplane. I disagreed, airplanes have different lights. At the time it just looked like a solid light moving in a straight direction but shifting side to side as well. I grabbed my phone and zoomed in as close as I could to get a video, my phone goes zoomed up to 4x but it's a cheap Android so the quality was bad. I decided to take a photo as well. There was another one some distance away you can see it in the photo. We just let it be and went back to work since the sun was coming up and this wasn't my first UFO encounter. When I went home and I zoomed in on that photo I was shocked. I showed my girlfriend as well, what was a single light was actually four lights in a triangle shape. The way they are facing doesn't match the direction it moves.

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Scott C. Waring

Alien Civilisation Fragments Found And Photographed By NASA Spirit Rover, Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, (Spirit rover, Sol 527)
Source photo: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/2/p/527/2P173156766EFFACA0P2440R1M1.JPG

Found by Paranormal Crucible. The long object that looks like a smiling eel is sitting next to a small house. Do you see the windows and the round doorway? Black and white is the hardest for eyes to make out details, so don't worry, give your eyes a few moments to adjust. 
Scott C. Waring 

Paranormal Crucible states:
Interesting image from the Spirit Rover archives, these two objects are clearly artificial, possibly space junk or in my opinion intelligently designed, remnants from a past mars civilization. I have gently colorized and enhanced the images, but nothing has changed from the original data, apart from color and lighting, all the clues are their in the raw image, and yes i did notice the bizarre masquerade mask next to the first artifact, just in case your wondering lol.

UFO In Earths Orbit Seen From Space Station On Sep 30, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 30, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at Space Station (ISS)

This blue glowing UFO was seen near the space station yesterday by Streetcap1 of Youtube. It appears far away, but its not. Its actually very close to the space station, but higher up so it appears distant. Excellent find by Streetcap1
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
Unidentified Object is brighter on the left side due to the light from the Sun, so not Lens Flare. NASA cut the camera feed so quickly even though this was very distant, but I still managed to get a couple of frames to enlarge. Streetcap1.


Crop Circle Found In Prudentópolis, Paraná, Brazil On Sept 27, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 27, 2016
Location of discovery: Prudentopolis, Parana, Brazil

This crop formation was found in a farmers field in Brazil two days ago. Notice that the reeds are bent 100% flat and in the same direction. Most the time, formations have swirls in the flattened reeds, but not this one. This one is unique. These places could be the location of a ship landing and analysing the soil, seed and the genetic makeup of the seed, which may have been artificially made to grow more and make more profits. This could also be a message sent through subspace aimed to reach us and test our intelligence, to see if we are ready for contact. Sadly we don't have an arial view of the full crop formation...drone footage would be perfect. 
Scott C. Waring