
UFO Over Winter Park, Colorado Caught On Live Cam, Nov 22, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 22, 2016
Location of sighting: Winter Park, Colorado, USA
Source: MUFON #80568

A UFO was spotted over a hill in Colorado yesterday. The web camera caught a black UFO moving over or from the mountain top. The UFO is low to keep out of sight, but was it coming from a base below this area is the real question. The UFO is in this are for a reason, and Colorado is a hotbed for alien activity along its mountains. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was monitoring the Winter Park, CO, ski resort town web camera (for my job -- we do operational cloud seeding for the resort to increase snow pack and use the cameras to monitor weather conditions). The frames update about every 3 mins, to my knowledge. In one frame, there was nothing but the normal view. Next frame, black disk-like object appears just over mountain top. Next frame, nothing. Too close to the mountain to be a drone or plane. Confirmed with the resort that there were no helicopters present this morning. Given the distance/size of object, it is unlikely that it was a bird, bug, etc. My colleagues and I have been using this webcam for years and this has never occurred before.


UFO Over Liverpool, UK Causes Excitement That Aliens Are Visiting The Area, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 2016
Location of sighting: Liverpool, UK
News source: goo.gl/AaeWrN

These two dark UFOs are moving back and forth from each other and as they do, a jet is seen in the sky above them, possible investigating the UFOs if they were seen on radar. These look more like alien drones that explore, record and take samples. 
Scott C. Waring

Daily Mail UK News states:
A pair of UFOs were spotted in UK skies over the weekend with no explanation as to what they were.

The two blue shapes were seen flying ‘in tandem’ on Saturday afternoon in Halewood, near Liverpool.

After hovering in the air for around 30 seconds, the objects suddenly blur and vanish from the screen, with the camera moving around to try to spot them, only to focus on a plane. (More at source)

👽 Glowing Alien Orb Appears And Disappears In Just 3 Seconds On NASA Space Cam, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News 👽

Date of sighting: Nov 16, 2016
Location of sighting: Near Sun

This is just crazy. This this planet is gigantic like our sun, but if you watch it carefully, its rotation is incredibly fast, unlike our sun. Which means this is not our sun or a reflection of it. This is another object. 

Brought to my attention by Streetcap1 of Youtube, this is crazy cool, and yet bewildering at the same time.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is very close to the satellite taking the videos, so this is probably just 100 meters across about. It is either a energy ship...not solid at all, or an alien entity orb. Remember the alien entity over Dome of Rock? It was about 15-20 meters across and pure white light. Thats what we see here, but ITS LOOKING RIGHT AT THE SATELLITE!!!  Notice the giant face yet? Two eyes, a nose, mouth, chin? Yeah...its a live and its eternal because its in energy form. I call this an alien...others might call it an angel, demon or god. It doesn't matter. Its alive! In the video, the face slowly rotates as if its turning to look at the NASA satellite. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
I have never seen a Planet appear and disappear before. For NASA to pretend it's the Sun is just nuts. The Sun's CME's are still visible at the left of the picture even when this object appears. Also the ufo fleet is on one frame just prior to all this happening. Streetcap1.


New Reddit Share Button At The Bottom Of Every Post, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Hey everyone. I have had many comments asking about a reddit button and why I don't have one. Well, I got one for you. It is located at the bottom of every post comments area, and will take you directly to Reddit with the post. Thanks for sharing.
Scott C. Waring

190 Meter Crashed UFO Found On Mars, May Still Fly If Retrieved! Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source NASA photo: http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/m07_m12/images/M11/M1101534.html

Here is a crashed UFO in the shape of heart, and its got a control bridge on its top center domed area. You can see a long black window going across it, which is proof its the bridge of the ship. The long and turned landing tracks left behind from the craft show that the ship crash landed as gently as it could. This means the ship still flies, but would need a lot of repair to make it safe, something the US, Russia and China would all love to get their hands on. The craft is about 190 meters across since the photo does have a size chart on it. 

This was brought to my attention by UFOvni2012 of Youtube. Awesome channel with all real discoveries. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Fleet Easily Seen On Moons Horizon With Camera, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 13, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths moon

Its been known by a lot of astronomers that if the edge of the moon is observers well enough, you will see fleets of UFOs in orbit move around the moons horizon. These objects are clearly in orbit around the moon and may be there to protect the moon from humanity. 

We haven't been back to the moon since the Apollo missions, and there is no intention of going back. Many Apollo astronauts have stated that they saw UFOs near on and near the moon, so maybe these objects are a form of protection from future Apollo missions landing on the moon. It may be owned by a species thats not so friendly about sharing. 

The video was recorded by Geril Vigil of Youtube, but brought to my attention by Mister Enigma of Youtube
Scott C. Waring

White Structure On Dwarf Planet Ceres Comes Into Focus...Its A Giant Base! Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 21, 2016, photo taken Nov 15, 2016
Location of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres

This is the dwarf planet Ceres and this photo was released by NASA just this week, so its as fresh as it gets. I noticed they had a great shot of the white spots on Ceres, so I decided to have a go at it. 

I only added shadow to the photo to bring it into focus. The white ceramic-like surface of the building is difficult to see unless its darker...so I made it darker. 

As you can see, the largest of the white spots came into focus and is really a massive building complex. There is a tall main part of the building that is like a mountain at its center. Around that building, there are a lot of small vining out buildings surrounding it. 

This is what NASA didn't want you to see. 

As I have said before, there are three main types of buildings on planets, moons and asteroids. The black non-reflective chaotic structures...appear to be grown instead of made. The smaller white ceramic bright white structures, clearly not grown, but made. And then the smallest of all the buildings, the grey metal structures which are often seen surrounding the edges of the tall black buildings. 

Ceres is controlled by a species that only uses the white ceramic structures...which means one main species is in control of it. Its my guess that the Tall White alien species who were given a small part of Nellis AFB to live, also are the inventors of this white ceramic material used for many structures. It just makes sense. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Escorts General Akar Of Turkey And Turkish News Records It! Nov 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Above is added sharpness to photo, below is untouched original. 

Date of sighting: Nov 19, 2016
Location of sighting: Turkey

This week a UFO was recorded following a military helicopter carrying a four star Turkish general named Hulusi Akar. Akar is the highest rinking military officer in the Turkish military. 

The UFO was noticed by the news agencies and they got into a discussion about what the UFO could be and why aliens would want to follow the most powerful military officer in the country. 

If aliens are following Akars helicopter transport, then it stands to reason that general Akar is about to make a monumental decision in Turkish history. A decision that will impact all of history, and alien wanted to see his behavior and thoughts (yes they record your thoughts) for the days before he makes this massive decision, good or bad. This way, aliens can mathematically determine the odds of us being able to change our own fate, or be forced down a path that fate has set out for us. 
Scott C. Waring


Swarm Of Orbs In Canadian Home Caught On Security Cam, Oct 28, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Canada

I watched this in full screen and slowed down the motion to 25% and wow, it just blew my mind. I really didn't think I was going to see real orb entities, but these are real. There is no mistaking them. There is an entire swarm of these beings moving about the house and in orb form. Extraordinary catch. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Please watch in 720p More orb activity, it never stops . Thanks for watching! The time & date stamp is wrong, this was filmed October 28th, 2016.

Green Orb Caught While Recording the Moon, Nov 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 19, 2016
Location of sighting: unknown observing moon

This orb is an interesting color, but oddly is the equal size of the moon, so no wonder the woman was surprised. As you see here looking at the moon and then moving downward, the size is the same. This is proof this is not a star, because there is no star as big as the Super moon right now. This object is obviously a UFO observing her, and possibly has woken her telepathically to come out side. 

This has happened to many UFO eyewitnesses. One such similar experience was the famous actor Dan Aykroyd. It was in the late 80s when Aykroyd woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly telling his wife, “they’re calling me, I want to go outside”. Of course, his wife asked who’s calling him but Aykroyd’s only response was to insist on going outside. He was told to go back to sleep and he did. The next day, the media was swamped with reports of people all over upstate new York, Quebec and Vermont, of people having the intense urge to go outside at three in the morning. When they did go outside, a massive pink spiral was seen above the great lakes.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
At 1am I went outside to have a smoke and while recording the moon. When i tilted the camera down in front of me this Green glowing Ghost orb was in front of me. Freaked the heck out of me.