
White UFO Over Fairborn, Ohio On Aug 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 4, 2016, reported today.
Location of sighting: Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Source: MUFON #80238

This is a fantastic catch. A wingless craft moves across a perfectly blue sky. The craft looks like a rocket, but has no contrail and moves way too slow to be a rocket. About 6X too slow. Its also not a meteorite, because of its speed which is about 10-15X too slow. It is an unidentified flying object. In every sense of the word, this is a UFO. I would be deeply interested in the flight data and radar records for Fairborn if that were at all possible.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was at Maplewood Park in Fairborn, Ohio with my girl friend on the swings. I looked up and saw a shiny, pill shaped UFO fly overhead. It was completely silent and looked like it was really high in the air. I thought it was really odd to see an object flying so high in the air, not making any noise, and it was metallic. So I pulled out my cell and started recording right away. It went straight, at a steady pace, looked like it was floating across the sky. My girl friend and I just watched it and kept swinging. I'm not sure what I saw that day, maybe it was a satellite or a blimp. It makes me wonder because I was only a couple miles away from Wright-Patt Air Force Base. I lost sight of the object when it flew out of distance and on the other side of the tree.


Are you or somebody you know an Indigo? A person with hidden powers. Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Here is something I though important, yet is not discussed much here. Indigo children...those born with special abilities, powers that were given to them from alien overseers who help, without the individuals knowledge of it happening. Here is a list below that will help you find out if you or someone you know is an Indigo. There are everywhere, even here in Taiwan. I knew one for years, before she revealed to me that she sees ghosts daily walking about. Kind hearted person who was a teacher. Most of us have met one at one point or other, but they often hide their special abilities when in public places.
Scott C. Waring

1. May be strong willed independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures/parents

2. Have a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experience

3. Traditional Parenting and discipline strategies don’t appear effective  with these children. If you try to force an issue, a power struggle is the typical outcome.

4. Energeticly, Indigos are vibrating at a much higher frequencey so they can get scrambled by negative energy (human or machine)

5. Emotionally they can be reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically balanced

6. Are creative right brain thinkers, but may struggle to learn in a traditional left brain school system

7. Often Indigos are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD since they appear impulsive (their brain can process information faster) and they require movement to help keep them better focused.

8. Indigos are very intuitive, and may see hear or know things that seem unexplainable.

9. Indigos have more problems with food and environmental sensitivities, since their system is more finely tuned.

10. When their needs are not met, these children seem self centered and demanding, although this is not their true nature.

11. These children have incredible gifts and potential, but they may be shut down when not properly nurtured and accepted

CNN states: Whether they are called the "Disciple Generation" by Christians, or "Indigo Kids" by New Age followers, or Millenials by demographers children born after 1978 are said to be different. They are empathetic, curious, strong-willed, independent, and often perceived by friends and family as being weird. They possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose and also exhibit a strong inclination towards spiritual matters from early childhood. These children have also been described as having a strong feeling of entitlement. These children have a high intelligence quotient, an inherent intuitive ability, and a resistance to authority. Indigo children function poorly in conventional schools due to their rejection of authority, being conceptually smarter than their teachers. They are non-responsive to authoritarian, guilt/fear/manipulation based discipline. Many of these children labeled or diagnosed as having ADHD. They are avoiding or leaving the modern Church model in droves as they find deep spirituality in the gifts God has given them.

Updated: Pyramids On Mars Just 1 Mile From @NASA Rover! NASA Ignores Them! Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: Dec 21, 2016: I noticed a an Egyptian style Sphinx up the hill a ways. And there is a giant structure near these two pyramids with a long slated area of steps. I included 3 new photos below. SCW 

Date of discovery: Dec 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01310/mcam/1310MR0062380090700455C00_DXXX.jpg

These two pyramids were discovered by Martian Archeology of Youtube this week. I really like this find, because of the unique stepped pyramid on the left, which closely resembles some found in Mexico. The pyramids are imperfect, because of age, but its still amazing that such structures exist on Mars and have never been addressed by NASA. Why is that rover driving around looking for tiny microbes of life, when huge 5 floor pyramids are just a mile away? If NASA was really trying, they would explore some of these UFO researchers discoveries on live cam so the public could see it unedited. When NASA edits everything, making several months before the public gets to see them...its evidence that NASA has something very big to hide from the public. But...we don't need NASA anymore to find life do we? World wide UFO hunters are on the job doing thousands of times more discoveries per year than NASA. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
After some 200 days of red tape, delays, and censorship we get the archived images from NASA's Curiosity Rover clearly showing two pyramids side by side on the Planet MARS.

UFO Near Space Station, Slowly Moves Away On Live Cam, Dec 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Space Station, Orbit

This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube. Whats really amazing about is that not only is the UFO matching speed with the space station, but we see it leaving the space station too. The UFO is sitting there, matching speed with the ISS at 7.66 km per sec or 17,150 miles per hour. So even though the UFO appears to be sitting still, its really moving fast side by side of the space station. Then, suddenly the UFO decides to leave, and thats the real excitement for me. Thats the moment that every UFO researcher hopes for...to see the UFO coming or going from the location. The UFO slowly begins to move away from the space station, in the opposite direction of the space station camera...absolutely the best possible position of the camera and the UFO for recording it leaving. Seeing it move away not only confirms that this sighting is 100% real, but it also gives us a look at the smoothness of movement to the UFO as it moves away, and how it grows smaller in the distance. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Round Building Found In Crater On Earths Moon, Dec 2016, Telescope Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

Here is a highly detailed view of one of the craters on Earths moon. This object is huge! Its round and it almost looks like a giant duck shaped building right smack dab in the middle of the crater. This is a remarkable catch. You can see in the video that the person is using his cell phone on the telescopes view finder. That is why we see a round area of black on the view. Remarkable catch and 100% proof that aliens exist on our moon. 
Scott C. Waring

David Lunar of Youtube States: 
WTF is that huge structure in the middle of that crater, it overpowers the crater itself.


REAL ANGELS Are Watching Over Us! Angels Caught On Camera, Angel Encounters, UFO Sighting News.

Here is an really informative documentary about aliens and how they intermingle in our own lives. Winged beings have been seen in many forms, but have also been found by Apollo astronauts. One Apollo mission actually came back with a hand size statue of an angel they found on the moons surface. Of course that story disappeared soon after in the news, but the photos still circulate. Angels exist, but are they just an alien species that have evolved through genetic manipulation to create a species with amazing abilities? That may never be answered, but the truth is, such beings exist, call they what you will, angels...or aliens, but their intentions are usually good when interactions take place. 
Scott C. Waring