
Alien Hand Confirmed With Xray As Non Human Found In Desert Cave of Peru, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Unknown
Location of discovery: Cusco, Peru

This alien hand seems impossible, but X-rays confirm that real bones are below the skin. Humans have three bones in each finger area, yet this has 6 bones, so we know its not human. DNA results cannot tell us its an alien since we have no aliens to compare it too. Instead DNA results will only say the DNA doesn't match any known species. Sure there is a skull, but it looks to be the size of an infant if its the same species as the hand, however several different kinds of aliens may have been working together and died in the Cusco cave tunnel where it was found. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Though easy, initially, to call fake, a Hollywood prop or whatever, the above artifact was seen by us in person recently in Cusco Peru. It was presented to us, along with a small mummified elongated humanoid skull and body by a local person.

Above is the skull; it was x-rayed and examined by physicians here in Cusco who stated that it clearly was not a human,  but was a life form of some kind. The skull is composed of bone and skin of some sort. Plans are in the works for radiocarbon and DNA testing early in 2017 in the US.

X rays of the “hand” show that each of the 3 fingers has 6 bones, while a human hand has 3. Once again, as with the skull, physicians in Cusco determined that clearly this is not the hand of a human, but is made up of bone and skin. They were unable to determine what kind of life form it is, or was.

The detailed photo of one of the ends of the fingers, seen above, shows the skin as well as a fingernail which is surprisingly human looking. The keeper of this and other artifacts does not want to sell them, he simply wants to know what they are.

And again, another x-ray of the ends of the fingers shows that under the skin there are well defined bones, looking quite mammalian. The artifacts were found in a secret location, in a tunnel in the southern desert of Peru; more details and perhaps artifacts will be discussed when available.

USS Enterprise UFO Seen Near Earths Sun On NASA Images Jan 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 3, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This UFO was near the sun this week and something amazing about it is that not only is it huge, but it has a visible steam of energy leaving its bottom. The craft silhouette looks similar to the side view of the USS Enterprise. This ship is as big as Earths moon. Compare the size of it with the size of the radius of the sun...I'm being conservative here. The size indicates its several times bigger than Earth, but I believe that the distance is closer to the SOHO satellite and that his craft is being used to harvest a rare energy particle from our sun. Awesome catch by TheWatcher252 of Youtube. 
Scott C. Waring



Mayan-Like Face Near Jesus Found On Mars In NASA Photos, Jan 5, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 5, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/194674

I found some more ancient ruins from the tiny alien race that lived in this area of Mars. In the photos above, you can see some sculptures. They are very reminiscent of ancient mayan carving. The photos above has two sculptures in it. One is a bird face with a matching upsidedown bird face below it...mirroring it. Then just below the bird faces there is the more Mayan face. The face has rigid lines. The Jesus-like face below is difficult to see. It looks similar to the Shroud of Turin. Its clear that a very primitive civilization lived in this area of Mars long ago, but its still unclear how thousands of archeologists around the world could not take a moment away from their books to spend a few minutes looking at such discoveries. These discoveries should change the entire way we see ourselves as humans. So many opportunities in human history that aliens could have and probably did influence. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO over the Kampinos Forest in Poland Jan 1, 2017, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 1, 2017
Location of sighting: Kampinos Forest, Warsaw, Poland

This UFO in just under two minutes moves across the sky becoming smaller in the distance. The UFO is mimicking the suns coloration in order to fool those who might see the craft. Remember, UFOs will attempt to blend into the environment any way they can. Any effort by them would create doubt about it being a UFO in the mind of a human, but as we know, the sun doesn't travel that far that fast. It it were the sun, it would take over an hour to make it that far. 
Scott C. Waring

Angel UFO Appears over Brooklyn, NY Church, But Lets Dig Deeper. Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 2017
Location of sighting: Brooklyn, New York, USA

I see this a lot, a reflection off a window is not seen by the person filming, but is caught by the camera, because the digital eye is near perfect and misses less. It happens most often in airplanes where the interior is dark and the LEDs are turned on, or from a tall building where the lights behind the person actually reflect off the inside of the window and get caught on camera. This is a valuable lesson from UFO Planet of Youtube, and great presentation so that people can avoid this mistake in the future. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
"This was taken from a bus that was moving very slowly during a tour of Brooklyn, NY. I did not have my flash on my iPhone when I took the photos. Also, I only took a photo of this because I knew what the building was but was not mentioned by the tour guide so there would probably not be others taking photos." 

"I saw the light after the fact when I was looking at my photos. If anyone has the knowledge to judge if this is a reflection, I would welcome that. I took many photos from the bus that day and that particular image did not appear in any of others."



UFO Disguised As Jet Over Newton Abbot, England On Jan 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Above is original, below is added darkness to make the UFO stand out. 

Date of sighting: Jan 3, 2017
Location of sighting: Newton Abbot, England
News source: http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/first-ufo-of-2017-spotted-by-world-ufo-expert-over-newton-abbot/story-30027444-detail/story.html

UFOs do make trails behind them sometimes, but they do it on purpose. UFOs make cloud tunnels for others to follow safely inside without being seen, but here its trying to look like a jet. Such antics by aliens works more often than not, so its difficult to laugh at them when the majority of the world is still in the dark about the existence aliens. When looking at the UFO, you see its bottom is in the shape of an alien face, the face of the species flying it. 

This sighting is right next to the English Channel where only a few km away is Guernsey...an island where two planes recorded several yellow mile long disks over the ocean...an area of French military airspace, which shows the French have allotted a area of ocean to the aliens. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A PROFESSIONAL UFO spotter has captured pictures of his first UFO of 2017. John Mooner, from Newton Abbot, who calls himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, snapped the strange object when he was 'sky watching' on Monday at around 1.30pm.

Mr Mooner said: "I decided to go out sky watching and I had my trusty Nikon P900 camera at the ready. "After about an hour of sky watching I spotted a faint contrail and began to zoom in. "At a higher magnification I could clearly see that this contrail was not coming from a plane, but was in fact coming from a round object that appeared to be glowing. "The round glowing object was at a very high altitude and I doubt that many people would be able to see this without a telephoto lens or a pair of high zoom binoculars. "The object was moving at a high rate of speed across the sky and I had real trouble stabilizing it in the camera's viewfinder. "I began taking photographs of this strange object and I managed to take six photographs that show the movement of this object."
Mr Mooner, who call himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, said it was a good start to the year for UFO spotters. "This is my first UFO photographs of 2017 and I can't wait to photograph more UFOs over Devon," he added.