
Battle Axe Found On Martian Surface Near Spirit Rover, Nov 27, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 27, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Spirit Rover, Sol 1921
Source 1: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/1921/tn/2P296907788EFFB1DQP2290L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html
Source 2:  http://areo.info/mer/spirit/1921/tn/2P296908687EFFB1DQP2290L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html

This week I found a battle axe on a hillside near the Spirit Rover. The long thin handle really gives it away. The blade on both sides, the sharp edges of the upper front and lower front of the axe blade also easily reveal itself on the hillside. 

Honestly we don't know on what evolutionary level these aliens once were, but we have found other tools like war helmets, guns, and swords before, so this does fall into that genre. Some might ask, why did they need a battle axe? But thats too easy to answer, since it was once a weapon used in battle here on earth. This is one more piece of evidence that a battle once raged on the surface of Mars. 
Scott C. Waring


NASA releases New Apollo 16 Footage, Which Is Proof They Faked The Missions, UFO Sighting News.

NASA just released a few minutes of footage from the Apollo 16 mission and guess what? Its been edited! At 3 seconds into the video, a whole 4 or more seconds were cut out as the rover was turning. What I think is that the rover got stuck turning and a lot of guys ran out onto the stage set and pushed it to turn it fully. That cut is 100% proof they used photoshop to remove worrisome footage from the publics view. 

Also note the dirt flying up from the tires. The speed at which it moves from the tires and the speed at which it falls is not equal to the 1/6 that of here on Earth. So why does the dirt fall and shoot back at normal Earth-like gravity speed? That dirt should be flying 6 times longer, but its not. It should be much slower to fall, and there should be some continuous dust clouds from smaller particles that should not fall for a few minutes, yet, all the dirt particles are on the ground in just a few seconds. 

Check out the video below they released today and judge for yourself. Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. 
Scott C. Waring

Three UFOs watch plane flying in Australia, Nov 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 10, 2017
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia
Source: MUFON #88261

The eyewitness is correct, there are UFOs hiding in the clouds. There are actually three. Two are so close to one another that they appear as one. Australia does have several underground alien bases in its uninhabited locations of its outback. Too many people have farmers on the outback have witnessed these UFO, some even say they are weekly or even nightly events. 

However, if these aliens were not born on another planet, if they were born on Earth in the underground base. Then they are no longer aliens, but instead are a new intelligent species of our own planet. I guess we would have to call them by their own species name...until then, lets go with aliens. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was north of Sydney airport visiting a friend in the park when I noticed a plane coming in to land, just above the plane in a cloud I witnessed 3 black balls flying in and out of the clouds. At first I thought they must have been military planes but on closer inspection there is no way they could fly like that. The objects hide in the cloud In my photo you can see the plane on the left and the black balls were in the cloud on the right I used an iPhone 7 with the zoom function.


Hunter Records UFO Over Missouri River On Nov 20, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 20, 2017
Location of sighting: Missouri River, Missouri, USA
Source: MUFON #88240

I have reported a UFO like this before, it was a UFO photoed over the ocean near a very rich diamond mine in the arctic. That 2012 sighting was forcibly taken down from my site by unknown hackers, but I soon replaced it again. (Click here to see that old post). This again is 100% the same type of UFO, again over the water, again with the beams of light below it. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I received this pic from a friend of a friend that was deer hunting up on the Missouri River. The attached pic I received from my friend was so intriguing I felt compelled to post it to MUFON to see if anyone else witnessed these objects. According to the person I received the pic from, his friend and another guy were making their way back to the boat ramp after a day of deer hunting along the Missouri River. The sun had set approx. 15 mins. earlier. Looking at the bottom of the clouds in the pic you can tell that the sun is reflecting off the bottom of the cloud. This may be just a very cool sun dog-type reflection, but I was having a hard time explaining the chevron shaped group of lights above the cloud, and the 'way too evenly spaced' beams of light coming off what appears to be the sun shining down from the cloud. Notice that the beams are apparently reflecting off the River. Apparently the event only lasted seconds and was gone, but I haven't talked to the person that took the pic personally. The "orange orb" events I mentioned earlier were witnessed by multiple people, but are not documented with pictures, and a completely different event[s]. I'm unsure if the person that took the pic would be willing to talk to anyone about it, but I could ask if you'd like to get more details about the event.
Above photo has added darkness to see the detail better, below are all normal untouched. 


Unique Structure Found On Mars Near Spirit Rover, Nov 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 22, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1898, Spirit Rover
Source: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/1898/tn/2P294860320EFFB1CUP2377L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html

I found this structure in a old Spirit Rover photo today. Its actually similar to others I have reported in the past in the fact that it seems to have a dark opening area on it. The entire object is only about two meters across, and on a hillside, yet its still horizontally balanced so that there is no sloping. So the structure is not tilted on the slope, but perfect for people living in and walking in it. 

Remember the figures we have reported on Mars? Most are just a few cm tall. This is just another piece of that puzzle, which is almost complete. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO over Heathrow Airport buzzes between passenger jets with perfect timing, Nov 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 21, 2017
Location of sighting: Heathrow Airport, Longford, UK

Check out this amazing video taken in infrared at night at the Heathrow airport, UK. A UFO waits until its clear, and with perfect timing shoots across the airport narrowly missing several passenger jets coming from both directions just seconds later. You can't tell me that air traffic control didn't see this on radar baby! Its huge and has distinct lines as you can see in the close ups below. This is not a meteor, its a UFO with absolutely amazing precision. 

Scott C. Waring


Three aliens walking on UFO cloud over Lijiang, China Nov 15, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 15, 2017
Location of sighting: Lijiang, China
Source: https://share.iclient.ifeng.com/shareNews?aid=cmpp_034470053353600

I was enlarging a UFO cloud photo over China, when I noticed that there were three figures at its top center. I also saw that there was a green square area that was the top of the ship poking through the clouds. The largest of the figures has his hand on his hips and seems to be the leader. A smaller person stands behind his shoulder and another person is seen from the chest up at the very center of the cloud, which is probably the pilot of the craft. 

Its a well known fact among UFO researchers that aliens do use clouds to hide within. The UFO can make its own cloud within seconds. In this way, they don't cause anyone below to feel fear of aliens. People see just a cloud below...and clouds are soft, fluffy and relaxing. Exactly what the aliens want you to believe. 
Scott C. Waring