
Hear American Airlines Pilots Describe A UFO Over Arizona in FAA Tape, Feb 24, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 24, 2018
Location of sighting: Arizona, USA
News source: http://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/american-airlines-pilot-spooked-by-ufo-over-arizona-1019615381

When not one pilot, but two pilots on two different jets both call a craft a UFO, then you sure as heck can bet they were right. Most pilots never see a UFO in their career, but a few do, and here is the original recording of their conversation with one another about what they saw. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Two pilots flying on two separate planes reportedly claim to have witnessed an unidentified flying object over Southern Arizona and New Mexico. In audio shared with Inverse by the Federal Aviation Administration, pilots can be heard discussing about an "UFO" with the Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center on February 24. "I don't know what it was. It wasn't an airplane but it was, the path was going in the opposite direction," the pilot of a Learjet said to air traffic control. Control then asked a nearby American Airlines plane lookout for any flying object going in opposite direction. Few minutes later the American Airlines pilot contacted the tower and said, "Something just passed over us, like a, don't know what it was, but it was at least two, three thousand feet above us." He added, "Yeah it passed right over the top of us." In a statement to KOB 4, the NBC station in Albuquerque, the FAA said, "We don't have any comment beyond what you hear. Other than the brief conversation between two aircraft, the controller was unable to verify that any other aircraft was in the area. We have a close working relationship with a number of other agencies and safely handle military aircraft and civilian aircraft of all types in that area every day, including high-altitude weather balloons."


UFO over Busan, South Korea Video Is Real But Is Was Recorded In July 2012. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2012
Location of sighting: Busan, South Korea
Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/unidentified-flying-object-over-busan-151642840.html

This UFO was in Yahoo news, but it was not a current sighting. 

Now here is an interesting video of a UFO over South Korea, however I feel that I have already seen either this video, or a similar craft a few years ago on video. 

Wait, I got it, this was something I reported back in 2012. Its a real video, and it is Busan, South Korea, it just that its not new, its from back in July 26, 2012. Below this video, I will place the real video from back in 2012 as proof. You compare. Don't be angry at the reporter, its an easy mistake with noobs on Youtube steal and repost old videos as new. Can happen to anyone. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Captured Strange Tower In Moon And Triangle UFO Taking Off, March 26, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 26, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths moon

I was recording the moon when I got home on the 26th and was using a Sony HD Handycam 55X zoom, when I noticed two odd objects poking out of the darkness along the moons edge. They seem to be structures, towards of some sort strategically placed in a location where they can continually observer earth 24/7. 

I  was having a bit of trouble capturing video of them, because the moon was straight up, and my tripod does not have that area of sight, so I had to hold the camera, which hurts the arms, but managed to capture what I saw. 

Also below one of the towers there was a crater and something pinkish white triangular shaped coming out of it and was just slightly smaller than the crater. Almost didn't try that night, was tired after work. 
Scott C. Waring


Human like Alien Face Found Just 2 Meters From NASA Curiosity Rover, March 27, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 27, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1996
Source NASA photo 1: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01996/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_574688247EDR_D0682144TRAV00688M_.JPG
Source NASA photo 2: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/01996/opgs/edr/ncam/NRB_574688173EDR_D0682138TRAV00688M_.JPG

I found this face in the most recent NASA Curiosity rover photos uploaded to the NASA site this week. The face has a lot of human features to it. Long nose, two nostrils, long chin, mouth, two eyes, two large eye brow ridges, forehead. The face is seen in two NASA photos taken by the rover and ignored. Each photo gives us a 20 degree difference in angle so we can see it better. 

Yet NASA scientists missed this. How is that possible? With the billions of dollars they spent on this mission so far and they didn't see this? Were they playing on their cell phones? Too busy playing words with friends to notice the rover running over an alien sculpture? Well, there is a new scientist in town. 

Mission control, we have discovered evidence of intelligent life.
Scott C. Waring

A second photo below with the same face, but at different angle. 


Alien City Found On Earths Moon In NASA Photos, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 22, 2018
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

In this photo of the lunar surface, Streetcap1 of Youtube has found more white ceramic structures proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that aliens exist. 

Even a computer AI would come to the conclusion that this structure before us now is a structure created by intelligent beings. It may be a few years before such an AI is publicly owned, but it will one day become a tool of the UFO researcher. 
Scott C. Waring


Golden UFO Disk Near International Space Station Caught On Live Cam, March 24, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 24, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit, at space station on live cam

This alien disk was seen near the space station today. I was looking at the live cams and was lucky enough to capture this craft. As I saw the craft coming into focus, NASA apparently noticed it too and turned the live cam to blue screen in order to hide it. Clearly they were a little slow, and most likely messing around on their cell phone and didn't notice the UFO until it was too late. It just goes to show what you can accomplish if you only believe and try. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Ancient Tower Found On Planet Ceres In Juling Crater, March 24, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 24, 2018
Location of discovery: Juling Crater, Ceres 
Source photo: https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA21920.jpg

I found a structure built into the edges of Juling Crater on planet Ceres today. The building is clearly ancient, yet still standing strong. 

NASA tried to hide this structure by adding too much light to the photo. Its an old trick that NASA has used for decades and no longer works. All I did was ad some darkness to the photo, and the structure appeared. As you can see, the photo is now in focus, as is the structure. Why does NASA deliberately add light? They do that to drown out the detail so the public will never know whats really out there. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Alien Head Found On Mars And Labeled By NASA As "Chryse Alien!" March 22, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 22, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: https://images.nasa.gov/details-PIA07304.html
Source 2: https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA07304

This interesting tidbit of info I just found on a NASA site. This was found and recorded by NASA on Jan 26, 2005 and yet no one has never heard of it till now. 

This crater on Mars is called the "Chryse Alien." Yeah, you heard me right. NASA named it after an alien! They see an alien face here! The measurement bar in the upper left of the photo tells us how long 150 meters is, so this head is about 350 meters by 400 meters. The two eyes are each over 250 meters long! and perfectly matched in size and width! The ridges along its center forehead  shows a unique feature of the alien not often seen. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Glowing Triangular UFO photographed by an airplane passenger over Texas, March 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2018
Location of sighting: Over Texas, USA
Source: MUFON #90852

This triangle UFO was seen by a person on a passenger jet over Texas this week. The UFO is glowing, probably due to the angle of the setting sun and the plane. I do not believe that people on the ground could see this craft. Notice the clouds hide 90% of it below. The shape of the triangle and the fact its trying to hide itself is good evidence its real. Excellent video by UFOmania of Youtube. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
A plane passenger was taking pictures of the rising sun at 6:30 am, at the time he did not notice the UFO, but on his way home he noticed in the photos that strange, flaming-looking triangular UFO.


Golden UFOs Seen Leaving Mountain Peeks Of Sedona, Arizona On March 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2018
Location of sighting: Sedona, Arizona, USA 
Source: MUFON #90899

Bright golden lights were seen at Sedona this week in the mountains. The bright lights were caught in two different photos, always in the same location. The mountains would make a great exit area for UFOs that were leaving an underground base in the area. Also in the clouds above the mountains is another golden UFO. 

Its unknown if the lights were seen by the eyewitness or when they got home, but often cameras catch the full activities of the moment, where the human eye is more flawed and processes much less. 
Scott C. Waring

Home Security Camera Records A Fairy Visiting In London, England, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 10, 2013
Location of sighting: London, Great Britain
Source: MUFON #90907

This report took place back in 2013, but was reported today. Look closely at the objects that were caught on a outside home security camera and you will notice a strange resemblance to a fairy. Could they be an alien species visiting this planet? Yes, most likely. Stories of fairies have existed for hundreds of years. For a story to last so long, some truth must be in it.

Humanity only knows a small percent of the life that exists on our own planet, and this could be a species that has visited often enough that stories of the little flying people have spread far and wide. 
Scott C. Waring

Was Stephen Hawking murdered to stop him from revealing the existence of aliens? UFO Sighting News.

Was Stephen Hawking murdered to stop him from revealing top secret information about the existence of aliens? People have been killed for much less, and its easy for someone to be killed an make it look of natural causes. However, in his case, he really did look exhausted in the last few months of his life. It was clear his ailments were taking a huge toll on him. You decide, tell us in the comments below please. 
Scott C. Waring

UFOMania of Youtube states:
A stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) circulating in the Kremlin today claims it is “more than likely” that world renowned British Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking was murdered as his 14 March death came just 10 days after his 4 March revision to his scientific research paper titled “A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation?”


Updated: Film crew records me all day for their UFO mystery TV show, March 18, 2018

Did my first ever interview for a Japanese film crew that wanted to make an entire show about me. Started at 10am Sun and finished about 7PM that night. They covered my job, my family, my life in general, living here in Taiwan, at my work place, home, street, restaurant, the full package. Anyways, here is a small clip of them in my classroom only. Kids had a lot of fun. Its cool when people appreciate the work you do. 
Scott C. Waring

Floating Objects Seen In Earths Orbit On Live Video Feed, March 17, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit
Source: Live space station cam

These strange UFOs appeared on live came the other day and were recorded by MrMBB333 of Youtube. They seem to hover in place and make no movement. UFOs appear on the live Internet cam several times daily, so keep your eyes out and you will be the next to catch one. 
Scott C. Waring

MrMBB333 of Youtube states: 
March 17, 2018: A very obvious group of some sort of ships or crafts were visible from the ISS March 17, 2018 holding steading high above the earth. As the ISS moved closer in the direction of these ships they disappeared. ISS Live Feed.


House size UFO startles eyewitness in Ocala, Florida On March 16, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 16, 2018
Location of sighting: Ocala, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #90812

Here is an unusual UFO in Florida this week. It looks like its made up of two round pontoon sections tied together. I can't say I have seen one like this before. I like that the UFO itself is reflecting the color of the backgound sky as if its partially cloaked. The eyewitness says it was the size of a mid size house. That is big enough for several people to fly inside of. Being near the ocean UFOs exit under water bases in the ocean and may move over the land to investigate human activity. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Square object about half the size of a 1300 square foot house. Flying not slow, not fast. Made 90 degree directional turn.


Star Wars Jabba The Hutt Face Found On Mars!!! March 16, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 16, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/206920
I found as few items in this Mars surface photo that I thought you would be interested in. One was a skull face or elderly face on the side of a rocky structure. 
Another below, is a fallen statue that closely resembles the old egyptian statues found near the pyramids of Cairo. It  closely resembles the Egyption god Thoth, with a bird head, and here with lowered wings. 
Directly below that is another fallen statue, but this time it semi resembles a human. Its full body is visible, its head, neck, chest, belt, legs and feet. There was even a large head that resembles Ja


Glowing UFO Comes Out Of Side Of Colima Volcano And Shoots Away On Live Internet Cam! March 12, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 12, 2018
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico
Source: Live Internet Cam

I have been watching Colima live cam for over 5 years and have recorded over 40 UFOs myself, but this one really takes the cake. Youtube user Tenshi Mex saw and recorded this UFO. 

The UFO appears from below the ground through a hidden passage in the lower center of the volcano. The UFO hovers for a little bit as it exits the side of the volcano, then gets its engines or what ever propulsion set up and prepared, making a hard 180 degree turn flying over and past the mouth of the volcano! 

This is hard evidence and needs to be acnowledged by the governments of the world. Colima is clearly a UFO hotspot with an alien base 4-5km below its surface. How do I know? I have said that for over 5 years! This UFO came from within the volcano, the evidence is undeniable. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan