Showing posts with label TV show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV show. Show all posts


Updated: Film crew records me all day for their UFO mystery TV show, March 18, 2018

Did my first ever interview for a Japanese film crew that wanted to make an entire show about me. Started at 10am Sun and finished about 7PM that night. They covered my job, my family, my life in general, living here in Taiwan, at my work place, home, street, restaurant, the full package. Anyways, here is a small clip of them in my classroom only. Kids had a lot of fun. Its cool when people appreciate the work you do. 
Scott C. Waring


Two UFOs Show Up On National TV Show 48 Hours, March 4, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 4, 2017
Location of sighting: Unknown (48 hours show)

The eyewitness was watching the TV news show 48 Hours when they noticed the two UFOs over the building on the far right of the TV screen. UFO often show up on TV shows. Just last week we showed one showing up on the famous Walking Dead show. They like to show up so that your subconscious will begin to accept UFOs more easily and they can also insert mind manipulation schemes that they may have to control the publics way of thinking. 
Scott C. Waring

Jimmy Kimmel Asks George Bush The Big Question, Do Aliens Exist? March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: March 4, 2017
Location of video: Jimmy Kimmel Show

Watch this unique video as Jimmy Kimmel asked former President Bush the big question, do aliens exist? And of course, Bush responded as any former president would...refusing to answer the question. 

I don't however feel that President Trump would refuse to answer the question. I believe that he would be very upfront and maybe even take Jimmy to a military base to actually meet an alien or a DNA copy of one that works for the USAF. 
Scott C. Waring


Very Unique Alien Structure Found In NASA Photo By WhatsUpInTheSky37 On Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Mars, Sol 1610
Source NASA photo:

Hey guys, this is an awesome find by WhatsUpInTheSky37, please click here to subscribe to him as a show of support. He makes some great videos and finds some head scratching discoveries. For instance, this odd statue he found actually has a long neck and head at its top. There is also a doorway between its legs...if you can call those walls legs. This would allow a creature 3-6cm to enter. It is a structure that is about 1.4 feet tall. Very baffling structure, because it doenst look religious, nor detailed, but resembles a exhausted sitting down individual. 
Scott C. Waring

WhatsUpInTheSky37 states:
This image is absolutely amazing. Keith Laney sent it to me earlier this week. I should you how its sitting by itself so curious. I would love to see the rest of the areas around it. I am hoping they are hiding in another SOL (day) or will show up later on the same page. That does happen sometimes. This area had so much what look to have been Art and remnants of cords / cables / piping that would all go in to a modern building. I have some more good ones coming up soon as well as a new WUITS Mars News! Take care and hit LIKE for me! Make sure you point out what you see that I am missing with the time stamp if you can! Otherwise make sure you check out the enhanced images over at the website and the nasa 70% JPG quality images over at NASA.GOV.


Glowing Disk Seen Over Cloud Observing People Below, Singapore, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Singapore

A UFO hid above the clouds in Singapore yesterday. You can see its disk lit up easily and a rainbow reflection coming from it. If the person had a infrared camera, 100% detail would be visible and infrared cameras are capable of cutting out the reflecting light and only seeing the UFO and cloud under it. IR is the one sure way to view these kinds of hiding UFOs I mean. 
Scott C. Waring

BBC News States:
A rare cloud phenomenon over Singapore has delighted people in the city-state. The multi-coloured glow appeared in the sky on Monday in the late afternoon, lasting for about 15 minutes, and was seen across the island. Media reports said it was likely a fire rainbow, which occurs when sunlight refracts through ice-crystal clouds. Others have also said it could have been cloud iridescence, which happens when water droplets or crystals scatter light. "It started as a small orange circle and then grew bigger and bigger till all the colours came out... It lasted for about 15 minutes and it slowly went off. She said "all the children in the school, some parents, and other staff were very excited and commenting that it was very, very rare to see such a beautiful and unique rainbow". The phenomenon prompted jokes online, with many comparing it to a Paddle Pop, a rainbow-coloured frozen dessert popular in Australia and Asia. "The rainbow bridge is broken," joked one Facebook user, while another person asked: "Is this a case of Monday Rainbows?!"


UFO Recorded In This Weeks The Walking Dead TV Show, S07E10, Feb 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 21, 2017
Location of sighting: Walking Dead S07E10

Here is the last place you would expect to find a UFO...on The Walking Dead set from this weeks episode. The UFO is at 28:27 minutes into the show. It was found by Lampicka PSN of Youtube and shows a dark object that moves from the right to the left of the screen. The UFO is a dark disk and showed up on purpose. UFOs have have mind control, especially good for making you temporarily forget what you saw, and even make you remember things. Its even possible this UFO showed up to get caught on the scene on purpose so that it could use its mind control methods on the most popular TV show in America...which may reach a lot of viewers out there. 

It was Elon Musk that stated last week, "if there are super intelligent aliens out there, they probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely and we are just not smart enough to realise it."

In other words, aliens are everywhere, but we have to put the effort into uncovering the evidence before us. Scott C. Waring