
Blue Disk Seen Over Ocean, Recorded From Plane, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 12, 2019 
Location of sighting: Ocean, 1 hour from Taiwan 

This was sent to me by a friend who saw this blue disk over the cloud during sunset. They were about one hour away from Taiwan when they noticed this glowing blue disk over the dark clouds. The disk seems to be hiding behind the darker cloud. The person said they kept it in sight as long as they could, but soon it was behind the plane. This is great raw footage of a rare glowing blue UFO over the ocean. The best time to see a UFO is during sunset, because the suns angle cuts through any cloaked craft in the sky revealing it for a few minutes. 
Scott C. Waring


Proof That NASA Is Still Editing The Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 16, 2019
Location of discovery: Moon Neptune and Triton
Source Photo:  https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA01491

Guys this really makes me angry. Its one thing to see those Instagramers using photoshop for selfies, but its another to catch NASA using it for photo that they make public. 

I wanted to have a better look at this photo, so I downloaded it and added light to it. Suddenly I saw a mess all around the edges of the photo and across its surface. The photo looks grainy and sandy. Its got scratches and brush marks on it, as if someone used a paint brush to wipe off the dirt from a camera lens. I'm really not sure what NASA did. Did they paint this scene and pretend its a photo? Or did they turn this horrible photo into a HD perfection by using photoshop to fool the public? That original photo was literally garbage! And the used photoshop to make it acceptable by the public. Thats like feeding people recycled food when they thought they were eating freshly made food. It sickens me. 

One thing is certain, we cannot trust NASA to release unedited photo to the public. This is 100% proof they edit photos and if they do that, they also will edit out alien structures and ships. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Ancient Mythological Weapon Found On Moon Near Writing! UFO Sighting News.

Guys, I found the letters VEL with an arrow after it pointing up. I believe that this is referring to the ancient holy mythological spear VEL in which a goddess embodied all her powers into the spear so that it can protect her son in battle. Its an ancient religious holy relic which is still worshiped and celebrated in countries today. I believe that this holy relic spear has powers that were given not by a goddess, but by an advanced alien race that were god-like and the mother made this weapon to protect her son in battle. Much like Thor was given a hammer from his father. 

I also believe that the arrow at the end of the word VEL is a spear, pointing to where the ancient spear is hidden. This is in Jackson Crater on Earths moon. What better way to hide a relic from humanity than to place it on a moon orbiting the planet? VEL is real and it could be a dangers weapon in the wrong hands. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Source moon photo: Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/206927

Glowing UFO Seen Over Dirt Road As Video Camera Battery Dies, Aug 9, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 9, 2019
Location of sighting: Unknown

This UFO glowed brightly during sunset as they were driving down the dirt road. However the camera battery suddenly died, making the video very short. UFOs often cause electronic disruption...as seen with the camera cutting out. The person is speaking Spanish and you can clearly hear their astonishment at what they were seeing. Many times the outer hull of UFOs will appear to be bright light. Maybe its the propulsion that causes that or maybe they think appearing as light is less frightening for eyewitnesses. Either way, many UFO reports do report of glowing objects. This looks 100% real. I believe the area has a high chance of being Mexico from its appearance. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

UFO Drops Drone Out Over Jackson On Security Cam, Wyoming Video, Aug 11, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 11, 2019
Location of sighting: Jackson, Wyoming, USA
Source: https://buckrail.com/strange-light-captured-flying-over-jackson-hole/

This is a great video of a UFO over Jackson, Wyoming last weekend. This is not just a disk, but an orb maker. Its planting orb drones every so often to cover and record an area. At 2:36 it becomes very bright...and produces a drone...which you can see below it. This is a rare catch. I only see a video of a seeding event every few years. This video is teaching us why the UFO came. To gather intel. Also, it will come back for the mini drones in a few weeks. Till then the mini drones fly around from cloud to cloud, usually cloaked, but can be easily seen with an infrared camera. They will follow birds, planes and explore while recording everything.
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
The reader who sent in the video, who wishes to remain anonymous for her job’s sake, was working a night shift and decided to keep an eye on the webcam at Spring Creek Ranch, from SeeJH because she knew the Perseid Meteor Shower was active and she might catch a glimpse. Then, at right around 3:41 a.m., she saw something on the screen that caught her eye. “My coworker thought something was broken on the camera,” she said. It could have been a meteor, but it was moving too slowly and seemingly too close to the ground. A plane, perhaps? “I checked online, there weren’t any flights that I could find at that time.” Buckrail also checked the flight log database on US Department of Transportation website and no flights are recorded in that airspace at that time. (more at source)


Alien Orb Caught On Wildlife Cam Landing On Water! Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 31, 2019
Location of sighting: Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
Source: MUFON #102694

A persons wildlife cam caught something interesting two weeks ago. An aliens orb was caught touching the waters surface. Proof that this is not just a light reflection is that the orb is making a reflection of itself in the water. That is 100% proof that it is a real object, not an photo artifact or glitch. These orbs are interested in all forms of life from the biggest to the smallest. They can only be seen if they want to be seen, but usually are cloaked so the human eye cannot detect them, however an infrared night camera can. IR cameras cut through the cloak and can see the outline of the object really well, although the detail of the object inside is still hard to see. 
Scott C. Waring

Ancient Face Found On Mars, Looking Up At The Sky, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 13, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source:  http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/211977
Stone face North Carolina:  https://www.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article233079322.html

I found some faces in a Mars photo today. I think the faces are literally the most important discovery a person can make next to actually finding a living alien life form. The faces tell us what they saw, what they looked like, what they feared. It shows us the character of the person, are they forgiving, kind, thoughtful, cruel, angry, mean, feared. A single face tells us so many things its unbelievable.

For some people its nothing, they fear that someone will label them as crazy. But when a stone ancient face was found on Earth in North Carolina last month...everyone could see it...even though its characteristics were less defining and less detailed than the faces I show you here today. Just because I found it on Mars...people are afraid...because if they say....yes...then they are literally changing everything they were ever taught and programed to think about life.  That...is a frightening thing for anyone to encounter. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Ancient City Of Atlantis Finally Found, Seen From Space Station On Live Cam! UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 12, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths orbit 
Source: NASA space station cam

I was watching the space station live cam when I noticed the same structures under the ocean many times. What I mean is that the cam was not live at all but playing the same video all week. I saw these buildings and decide to record them. Once I enlarged them I became confident that these were ancient ruins under the ocean. Watch in the video how you can see the reflection of the sun off the surface of the water on the upper right part of the video. The long white trail...is a contrail from a jet. often seen from orbit, not a river as some suggested. This may be the lost city of Atlantis. I see no other known city of such size. Those buildings are hundreds of miles across! 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Alien Orb Follows Deer Caught On Forest Cam, Aug 8, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 8, 2019

This orb was recorded on a deer cam a few nights ago. The orb is seen near the animals, observing and following them as they eat the grass. These orbs are thought to be alien drones which enable aliens to see, hear and even feel the things around the orb drone. Most aliens cannot live with our air, gravity, bacteria and other elements that may be fatal to them. Each species adapts to their own planets environment and each planet has a different environment in which life sprung forth. For instance we often make the mistake that all life must breath air...but its not true. For instance two years ago Russian astronauts cleaning the space stations solar panels found reported finding giant plankton living on the solar panels in space without air. Of course NASA ignored this and never reported anything about it, but Russia got credit for finding the first alien life on that day. 

Humans are not the only interest to aliens, our whole planet and every living thing on it is of interest to them. This camera has an infrared filter on it and flashes an IR light allowing it to see anything in the area, even if it was cloaked. A normal camera might not pick up this orb in the daytime. 

Scott C. Waring

US President Kennedy Was Killed To hide Existence Of Aliens, Sen. Bernie Sanders Says He Will Try, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: August 2019

Sen. Bernie Sanders promises to reveal the truth about aliens if he ever becomes president in the 2020 presidential election. Now the problem here is that most people believe the president can just say what they want and do what they want when it comes to aliens. Thats not true at all. President Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA or MIB in order to stop him from releasing information about the existence of aliens. Its true, I was first to publish it in my book "UFO Sightings of 2006-2008." Where I first publish a document that I had found that revealed a memo from president Kennedy to NASA telling them to reveal all information NASA has learned about space to the public...less than a week later he was dead. Now many people tried to take credit for my hard work by saying they discovered the document...all were published after my book. But I'm use to that happening. 

What I'm saying is any president who thinks he can reveal the truth...will be killed by the CIA. No president not even Trump has the courage or the power to reveal the existence of intelligent aliens. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Statue On Mars Reveals What They Looked Like, NASA Source Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 2019
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 1296
Source photo: https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=1296ML0061540090405348E01_DXXX&s=1296

 This alien statue is 100% evidence that intelligent aliens once lived and thrived on Mars. I can easily make out the feet, legs, upper legs and thinner waist, shoulders, neck and extraordinary detailed head with extended cranium. 

This is a fantastic discovery by Youtube Art Alien who finds some really incredible alien artefacts on Mars. This find is one that allows us to see what the aliens that lived here once looked like, how tall they were and how they had a larger cranium. Undeniable evidence that is proof that NASA true purpose is to hide the truth from the public. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Blue Space Station Found Near Orion constellation, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 2019
Location of discovery: Orion Constellation

I have been using this map program a few years now and have kept loads of things I have found in a file, this object being one of them. This giant blue crystal-like space station is out there near the Orion Constellation near the back foot. In the video I thought it was the head are, my bad. 

Clearly aliens can build a space station any way they want and this one seems to have a very artistic appearance to it. If your species is so advanced that their technology is millions of years ahead of our own, then they wont need planets any longer. They literally can chose to create their own planet size space stations and move from place to place in the universe. I would love to meet this species. It looks like a very creative species. 

If you can help me out by liking my video and subscribing, I sure would appreciate it. Thanks, 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan