
1km UFO Heads Towards Nellis AFB At Las Vegas, Nevada, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 29, 2020
Location of sighting: 45 Miles From Baker, Nevada

This video was taken on the extraterrestrial highway. An area famous for its UFO sightings in the middle of nowhere. This video is an awesome capture of an actual alien craft in the Nevada area. This object is 40 miles from Baker city and 132 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada...which is easy to find out by looking at the road sign at the 14 second mark in the video. Las Vegas has Nellis AFB which has given some land behind the old firing range to the Tall White Species, in exchange for friendship and technology. But this is also not far from Area 51. This UFO is about 1km across using the mountains to determine its size. Thats a mothership...and its following the mountain range...and guess what? The mountain range leads directly to behind Nellis AFB...the Tall White location. This is 100% proof that alien activity is still happening in Nevada. I love the detail on this one. It has an open payload door area at its top, lower center has a white shiny half dome...classic disk shape. 
Scott C. Waring 

Pilot Records UFO Pass Commercial Jet, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 26, 2020
Location of sighting: unknown
Original video: https://www.tiktok.com/@cesarinmp/video/6785921462571126021

Commercial pilot César Murillo Pérez, who flies for Colombian airline company Viva Air, recorded a video of what appears to be a metallic, roughly spherical object while in the air over Medellín, the capital of Colombia’s Antioquia province. He immediately posted the video to Tiktok site and it began to go viral with over 820,000 views. The object is clearly not a balloon since its sides are not round but actually more cube with protruding edges. This UFO looks very similar to the UFO that was released by accident by the government in infrared. Also the person really is a pilot who has posted other videos of aircraft, and sunsets above places around the globe. He flies from South America to Europe. This is absolutly a UFO and its the most legitimate and close up focused view of a UFO of 2020 so far. 
Scott C. Waring 

Ancient Structures On Mars In NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Febv 2020
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://archive.is/9uWH5

There are some ancient structures in this NASA photo of Mars. They look abandoned and partly buried under the surface. Some are placed at the center of craters which seems to be a favorite place for many aliens to build structures, but makes it easy for us to find them. 
Scott C Waring -Taiwan


Alien City Found On Earths Moon In NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 9, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo: http://ser.sese.asu.edu/LO/lo3-112-h2a.tif

We live in world of technology and innovation, yet political leaders have caused the whole world to stop trusting our fellow man. Telling us that nothing is true and all is fake. But I'm here to tell you that psychology would say that those people are actually projecting how they see themselves onto others...as one would look into the mirror yelling fake. We UFO researchers around the world have dedicated ourselves to an area that few are brave enough to fully cover the facts. 

I know the people visiting this site already believe intelligent beings exist out there, but would you trust me when I say that alien structures are on the surface and below the surface of every planet and moon in our solar system? Would you give me that? I speak from years of searching and from own UFO sightings I personally witnessed. I found the famous face at Cydnia 43 years ago and have been searching ever since. 

Why don't they come down and introduce themselves right? They have asked world governments for that permission on several occasions and yet each time the response was...not yet. Most aliens follow the rules, but a few aliens...scientists and researchers are allowed to get close and even visit, walk among us, even abduct and then return people. 

But our governments lie to us and tell us that they are searching for intelligent life out there, but never have they purposely given any evidence to the people. So I search...for me, for you, for all of us that NASA lies too, in hope that our evidence will crack and break the wall of lies of the governments. To do so we must unite as a people. Stop hating each other and open hearts and minds to new possibilities. Change is hard, because its a door to somewhere new. A door with a frame of fears of the unknown. The other side of that door is where you will find your true potential.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Ancient Alien Face On Hillside On Mars, Sol 2334, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2020
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2334
Source: http://gigapan.com/gigapans/217112

I was looking at some mars photos when I found this highly detailed face on the hilltop. I actually noticed the huge fallen statue in front of it first, then the face after. The face looks human like, because of the shape of its face and hair. The face has a human like eyebrow ridge, closed eyes, nose, check wrinkles, lips, and mouth. The detail is remarkable. The only visible difference in the face is that the head is more circle shaped rather than oval shaped. I find that detail in most the faces I find. 

These discoveries should not come as a surprise. The universe is full of intelligent life. Each rose and fell in their own time not ours. This face above, is the face of their entire species. Its a clue...its what we have to go on, so lets use the clues we find more often. We will find the answer faster this way.
Scott C. Waring 


Alien Structures and 75km Ship On Ceres, UFO Sighting News.

Above is a spaceship in a crater on ceres that google ruler says is 75km long!

Below is an alien structure within a crater. 


I found a 75km long ship in a crater on planet ceres yesterday. The ship is in the photo above and clearly shows a craft landed inside the crater, but still hovering without touching the bottom. Also its seems to be held by its wing attached to the crater wall which I assume is a structure for loading and unloading. Its in the video, jump to the 3:20 mark to see it.
Scott C. Waring

Alien Buildings Along Crater On Mercury, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 6, 2020
Location of discovery: Mercury
Source photo: https://www.google.com/maps/space/mercury/@77.7048773,-16.8610788,1924357m/data=!3m1!1e3

I found a building foundation along the edge of a crater. The walls of the structure are still there but it looks slightly covered in dust and sand from the ages. Still the right angles are very obvious and any archeologist would easily identify the ancient structure on Mercury. 
Scott C. Waring