
Elon Musk Tweets "Aliens Built They Pyramids," Heres Seven Reasons Why He is 100% Correct, UFO Sighting News.

Date of tweet: July 31, 2020
Maker of tweet: Elon Musk
Source tweet: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1289051795763769345

On Friday, Elon Musk got on Twitter and states bluntly..."Aliens built the pyramids, obv." That tweet got over 533K likes and 93K retweets. 

I have to say, he is of course...correct. Located in Giza, Egypt are three huge pyramids, almost untouched by time and estimate to have been built over 5,000 years ago. 

Its an easy answer to come to because its the logical one. Even today, with our advanced technology and inventions...Giza is too poor to be able to afford such equipment necessary to create the great pyramid, let alone get the money to pay the workers for years of labor thats obviously needed. Let me explain seven facts that prove aliens built the pyramids.

1. The stones were 2 tons to 50 tons, and Egyptians had not learned of the wheel and the boats they used could not possible carry such weight across the Nile river. But aliens could. 

2. The three pyramids were all built directly facing true magnetic north. The compass was not yet created, so this should be impossible. But aliens could do it. 

3. The three pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex are aligned exactly with the position of three stars of the Belt of Orion. As the science of astronomy would not have been that developed thousands of years back, but aliens could do this. 

4. The perimeter of the Great Pyramid when divided by two times the height of the monument gives a number which exactly equal to pi, and it is matching till the 15th decimal place. But aliens could do it. 

5. There are hieroglyphs present in the wall carvings in the Temple of Seti I at Abydos that resembles the helicopter exactly. There are cravings of other modern day vehicles on the same wall carving as well. The hieroglyphic carving includes a submarine, and a spaceship. Aliens could predict the future, since they have seen such evolution on other worlds. 

6. To build a structure which has blocks weighing up to 50 tons on top of the sand, and not have it sink in 5,000 years...is impossible for humans, even the humans of today. But aliens could do it. 

7. The Great Pyramid at Giza's latitude, 29.9792458°N, perfectly matches up to the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters per second.

For any scientist to say that Egyptians have the ability to make a great pyramid today...I say prove it. They neither have the focus, the unity, they finances, equipment nor to engineering skills to successfully achieve such a remarkable structure today. The Egyptians can talk the talk, anyone can, but they cannot walk the walk, no human can. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Black Alien Ship Landed In Crater On Moon, NASA Ruler Says 25 Miles Across! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 1, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths moon, LROC map.

I found this black structure today. I often report such black structures, but this one can is a ship and flat on its bottom so it can land in different locations...this one has landed inside of a crater on the moon. Because of its location...surrounded by white...the black object stands out even more powerfully. 

The URL I give you is NASA working with ASU link and it will take you to the exact location I found this at on the moon map. 

The measurement at the bottom right of the map says 50 miles. Therefore the UFO I am reporting today also is 25 miles across according to the NASA measurement made in the map photo system. Screenshot of the landed UFO near the 50M ruler is seen below. Aliens hide the structures and NASA often overlooks them since they have little training to find them. Undeniable proof of aliens on our moon!
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

White Orb Fleet Over Melipilla, Chile On May 15, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 15, 2020
Location of sighting: Melipilla, Chile

A fleet of cloud orbs were seen in the sky over Melipilla, Chile last month. The objects are orbs produced by a larger disk or sometimes a slightly larger orb. It looks like they were produced recently because they are waiting in the area for instructions before leaving to scan areas of Chile. I will put a video of an mother orb making smaller orbs...such videos are rare but have been recorded several times worldwide. 

100% real and absolute mesmerizing to watch them. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
On the morning of Thursday, May 14, I was able to witness the sighting of around 15 sphere-like objects over the sky in Melipilla, Chile. The event lasted approximately 5 minutes, the objects moved independently of each other, remained suspended, or changed directions, indicating the possibility that they are not terrestrial objects.

Huge UFO Seen During Sunset Over Minas Gerais, Brazil, Shocks Driver, May 25, 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Below is at 38 second mark of the video it becomes focus when the camera alternated filters to try to focus. Then I added more contracts and the focused UFO appeared (below).

Date of sighting: May 25, 2020
Location of sighting: Minas Gerais, Brazil

Imagine a guy waiting in his car for some friends to arrive and a glowing whitish object floats past in the distance. Well, thats exactly what happened to this guy and he wan none too pleased that his friends were late to see it. Lucky for us he caught the whole thing on his cell phone. If you noticed that at 38 seconds into the video, the camera loses focus, adds shadows to try to bring the object into focus and the UFO comes into great focus (above screenshot-dark) to reveal a four section craft. The focusing of the video...that is 100% proof that this video is authentic. Its a small glitch, but its nevertheless proof of it being real raw footage. 
Scott C. Waring. 


UFO Shoots Across New Mexico, July 28, 2020, Raw Video! UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 28, 2020
Location of sighting: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

A night security camera caught a glowing object in New Mexico two days ago. The glowing object was immediately labeled a meteor, but all of its characteristics in this video scream out UFO. For instance, the object is 5X slower than a meteor. The object is changing shape from round, to disk, to oval, meteors have a constant shape. This object even speeds up as it goes behind the hill...which meteors cannot do. But above all, this object flew over a building on the hill, and its shape changed, flashing brightly right above it...I mean EXACTLY ABOVE IT! Then the object triples its speed and shoots off. That has UFO written all over. Just the facts guys, thats all I'm reporting...and this without a doubt...an alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring


Glowing Orange Lights Come From Mist Along Japan, July 17, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 17, 2020
Location of sighting: Coast of Japan

A fisherman was waiting for a catch when he noticed an usual orange glowing light coming from the mist ahead of him. The light came closer, but then went lower and disappeared below the tree level. The eyewitness says the closest airports are 75km and 100km away. So these lights are not jets coming in to an airport. Perhaps drones used by the fishermen in order to see competing fishing boats? Hard to say, but I do know that the Japanese military often have helicopters and jets buzzing around its boarders, so its possible this is a military flare, but...it moves at an angle I would not expect a flare to move...also flares burn out...this light doesn't seem too. Defiantly and unidentified flying object. 
Scott C. Waring

Mudskipper Fish Fossil Found On Mars, Ocean Life! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 30, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 924
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/galleries/13476/gigapans/196701

Looks like Gigapan is up again. Last time it went down within 8 hours of me posting the last discovery in it. Came back up yesterday, down a whole week! 

I found this mud skipper fish in one of the Mars gigapan photos today. The mud skipper is a fish that often choses to live on land, mud, rocks and sand, but when startled it flips in the air and dives into the nearest water area for safety. This looks like an ancient fossil of just such a fish. This fossil is absolute proof that large bodies of water did once exist on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring