
Triangle UFO Seen Near Moon in Reading, Pennsylvania On Oct 14, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 14, 2020
Location of sighting: Reading, Pennsylvania, USA

To see this UFO, you really need to make the video full screen. At that point you will notice when he zooms in...the UFO sometimes is a triangle, oval and diamond shape. You will also notice one and two thin propulsion lines on the bottom sometimes and also two on the right side of the craft. That is 100% a sign that this is an alien shape shifting ship. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
I woke up to look outside the window & looking up at the stars noticed this light so I started recording in my eyes I could see a diamond shape it was just staying still but you can see it's fading away but in the camera lens it's a bright light as you see I point the camera at the moon it's bright yellow and the light bring white also you can see in the video that a star won't be to close to the earth and near the buildings that's a strange thing. What do y'all think?


White UFO Over Airport in South Plattsburgh, New York On Oct 11, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 11, 2020
Location of sighting: Plattsburgh, New York, USA

A couple noticed a bright white light in the sky and began recording. The light moves slightly as if its watching something below. Its definatly not a plane or helicopter, because there are no wings, tail or propellers. She said it was silent, as many glowing white orbs are...matching past reports. UFOs love visiting airports...if you remember the O'hare incident...the UFO was seen for over 15 minutes diverting planes before it shot up and away, and the China UFO was so big it closed the whole airport. Aliens are highly interested in human transportation technology. It can tell them how close we are to being able to leave this planet to make cities on other planets. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
This was staying still in the sky, blinking lights and no noise. Although this was near an airport it began its decent far from the runway and it went behind the trees and never came back up. Obviously planes cannot hover in place but there was no sound to determine a possible helicopter. Any thoughts? 

Mysterious Light Shoots Across Zhubei City, China, Oct 15, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 15, 2020
Location of sighting: Zhubei, China

A person was looking out the 13th floor of their apartment building and recording when a bright white glow suddenly appeared and shot to the right. The cloud like object is seen resting below a much larger cloud when the person focuses on it and it shoots away. Almost as if the UFO detected a human noticing it. It looks like the UFO may have been monitoring the covid19 virus in Taiyan city. Covid is still rampant in China even though they don't report its true numbers. Aliens monitor true stats of countries to make an accurate prediction of where the world is headed in the future due to Covid19. Aliens love using data to make predictions. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 2020/10/15 11.36 in the morning at 13th Floor, No. 5, Taiyuan Science and Technology Park, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, filming a movie while waiting for the elevator, and viewing the movie in the afternoon Only found the suspicious light spot...


UFO Over St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Aliens May Have Met With Pope Francis! Rome, Italy On Oct 16, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 16, 2020
Location of sighting: Vatican City, Rome, Italy 

Hey I was watching the live cam at Vatican city, Rome the other day and I noticed a dark oval UFO hovering over the main building...Saint Peters Church. Saint Peters Basilica was built in the Renaissance period back in 1506. Its believed Saint Peter himself is buried in the catacombs below the church. 

This UFO may have been visiting the main building so that the crew of the craft could explore the most holy site in all of Europe. Millions of people flock to Vatican city each year to explore its magnificent buildings. I was there two years ago and St Peters church has hundreds of carved statues 2-4X bigger than life with magnificent marble floors and stain glass windows. None of which you notice on the outside so much. 

I believe aliens were exploring, learning and gathering information in the main building in order to learn more about the beliefs of the Catholic church and they may have even met secretly with Pope Francis himself that day. This is 100% proof that aliens visit the Vatican.

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Kangaroo Nazca Lines 2,000 Years Old Found In Peru. Proof Of Alien Abduction. Oct 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Oct 2020
Location of discovery: Peru

This is the newest Nazca lines discovery in Peru this week. The people reporting it says is a cat, but it has very little resemblance to a cat. I think its a kangaroo. Made 2,000 years ago there were no kangaroos in Peru, but I believe some of the people were allowed into a UFO and taken to other places on Earth to observe and learn...one of them being Australia. Fossils of kangaroos go back 20 million years in Australia and I think this is proof that aliens not only visited people in Peru, but took them to other continents to see how the humans react and learn. This would also explain why pyramids are all over the world and yet, they had no ways of visiting the other continents. Aliens abducted them and helped them see the world, other continents, animals, plant life and even structure of other cultures. This Nazca line drawing is 100% proof that aliens abducted humans even 2,000 years ago. The humans tried to draw the kangaroo for the aliens to see to show them that they will remember what they had learned and seen in Australia. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

News states: The Nazca lines, a Unesco World Heritage site, is home to designs on the ground - known as geoglyphs - created some 2,000 years ago. Scientists believe the cat, as with other Nazca animal figures, was created by making depressions in the desert floor, leaving coloured earth exposed. The cat then went unnoticed until plans were recently drawn up for a new path leading to an observation platform.

Ground View Of Alien Tech On USAF B-1 Bomber! Google Earth, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 17, 2020
Location of discovery: Dyess AFB, Texas, USA

Guys I found this the other day and one of my subscribers notified me that if I go to ground view it will be more visible. I tried it and yes it does give a better view of the USAF B1 bomber. It stands out very well and its clear that there really is a military B1 parked there. Very strange and absolutely amazing to see a US military plane with stealth technology. Why would they turn the cloaking on while its on the ground? Easy, maintenance crews and pilots often test every single area of the plane before its allowed to go back up in the air. Its best to do that in order to make the flight the safest possible. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Alien Tech On USAF B-1 Bomber! Google Earth, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 17, 2020
Location of discovery: Dyess AFB, Texas, USA 

Hey everyone. I was looking for UFOs and alien bases using Google Earth today and came across something that just blew me away. I found something at Dyess AFB in Texas. Its a B1 bomber base. I use to work on B1 bombers back in Ellsworth AFB a Stratigic Air Command high security base. I found something at Dyess that I had never seen before...a single cloaked B1 bomber. If you rotate the map in a 360 degree angle, you will easily see the second B1 that is cloaked. It makes sense, you see the black paint already on the B1 is clocking technology that absorbs radar so it wont reflect a signal back and be seen, thus its nearly invisible. It really makes sense to use alien technology on a B1 and create the most perfect aircraft ever. This B1 has alien tech making it capable of becoming invisible. 
Scott C. Waring