
US Military Jet Intercepts UFO Over George Town, Kentucky, USA On Dec 21, 2020.

Date of sighting: Dec 21, 2020
Location of sighting: George Town, Kentucky, USA  

This is a great video of a military jet intercepting a UFO over Kentucky this week. The UFO is accelerating and leaving a contrail, however the UFO has no trail and is going the same speed. The UFO obviously did not fear the jet or it would have shot away. When enlarged it does look like thick disk, otherwise known as a tictac. 100% proof the US military intercepts UFOs but can do nothing to stop them. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: Looked up to see a plane with vapour trail and under it a white object hover directly underneath it. It was going at exactly the same speed as the plane, maintained the same distance apart from the plane and the same direction for as long as I could see it. There was no noise but the plane was very high. 

UFO Seen Over Cemetery Over Netishyn, Ukraine June 10, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 10, 2018
Location of sighting: Netishyn, Ukraine

I thought this video was amazing and it demonstrated a lot of what I find in MAJESTIC and Project Blue Book reports. For instance the UFO appears white when far away. The UFO is silent although its clear its moving very fast. The UFO has a glow around it...almost like a fuzzy fog but probably due to the propulsion systems. This is a real UFO, even though its two years old, I have never seen it and needed to post it here for all to view. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


UFO Presses Down Into Cloud Ceiling Over South Yorkshire UK, Dec 9, 2020, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 9, 2020
Location of sighting: South Yorkshire, UK

Someone on twitter caught this amazing photo of a UFO pressed down into the clouds. The UFO presses down from above and slowly pushes the clouds around it which allows us to see its true shape, but since it cloaked we cannot actually see the craft itself. This is one way we have of telling its shape, size and location. Aliens try to outsmart humans...its like you going to a zoo run by monkeys...would you really  respect the inferior species? Because not everyone would, most would not. So aliens too are arrogant and full of themselves. So much so, they think you a mere human could never detect their ships in the sky watching us. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

UFOs Over Parking Lot Of Berwyn, Illinois, USA Dec 15, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 15, 2020
Location of sighting: Berwyn, Illinois, USA

This video is a great catch from Illinois this week. However the glare from the parking lot lights are a bit irritating. You do have to separate the glares from the UFOs. So be careful when watching. It looks like a whole UFO fleet is passing overhead. Absolutely silent and they are not glowing, but instead we see them because the lights from the ground are reflecting off them. Very fascination sighting. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

UFO Seen Over Yuma, Arizona, USA On Dec 16, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 16, 2020
Location of sighting: Yuma, Arizona, USA

I love this video, because he didn't just record through his car window, but instead pulled over to the side of the road so he could record the UFO more clearly. This is appropriate behavior when witnessing a UFO. This UFO is a white disk and probably came from Area 51 which is 300 miles north of Yuma. The white disk is just hovering in place, not going anywhere, but its sitting in a clear blue sky with no clouds anywhere. Absolute amazing and cool catch! 100% proof that UFOs are not only seen in the hot desert locations, but are so relaxed about it...they don't care if they are seen and are in no hurry to leave. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Thirty meter UFO in Area 51, still there! At Airport Hanger! Google Earth Map, UFO Sighting News.


I found this 30 meter UFO parked under a hanger about 12 years ago and wanted to check on it to see if its still there. It is still there. So thats good to know. The disk actually had a hanger being built all around it. Its clear that they wanted to hide it inside a structure from prying eyes, but the google satellite caught sight of it in 2006 and took this map photo of it. Super cool, but does take an understanding of how to use the history button. 

This is 100% proof that the USAF had UFOs way back in 2006. Talking about it is one thing...seeing satellite evidence is 100% proof. 

People can figure out every single thing on Facebook, poking you, hitting you with pillows, messaging you even spying on your life, yet something as easy as the year button in lower left to view history...bewilders people. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan




Huge Face Found On Mars That Looks Human, Dec 20, 2020, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 20, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars

I found an interesting human-like face on the side of a hill on Mars in a Mars photo today. The face has features similar to us, forehead, eyes, nose, lips chin, neck. It's made from materials in the hill itself, much how humans have carved faces in Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. It measures about 4 meters tall and is looking out over Mars. Undeniable proof that aliens similar to humanity once walked the surface of Mars long, long ago. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Fireflies Near Sun Today, Also John Glen Tells About Seeing Them In Space 1962, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 12, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths sun
Source: Helioviewer.org and US National Archives

Guys I found a sun photo with lots of these UFOs in it which I believe to be small living lifeforms. Lots of creatures live in water and space is very similar...so similar that astronauts train underwater inside their space suits. Astronaut John Glen made a live feed from space in Feb 1962 from his space capsule orbiting earth. He said he saw "white fireflies" following him slowly and landing on his capsule window and outer hull. He said they were most visible at sunset, but as the sun disappeared  the small fireflies also disappeared. Which tells us that the objects did not glow or light up, but they were only reflecting the light from the sun as they flew around the capsule. Amazing first hand sighting in my video below at the 3:30 mark, before that is my talk about discovery of the Helioview fireflies today. 100% proof that life, even though tiny, exists, thrives in space. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


NEW Evidence NASA Rover Being Fixed On Mars! 100% Proof Of Humans On Mars Now! UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 17, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/press/spirit/20060306a.html

Back in 2012 I found a photo of an astronaut shadow fixing the Mars rover. That photo has been deleted, but I found new evidence today that builds on it. Someone on Mars is repairing the NASA rover and they are doing a real redneck of a job. You know, like I might make using a garden hose to fix my radiator hose in my 4x4 truck. Well this guy used some pink sponge matting and its not even big enough to cover the whole area around the pipe. Then he tied it together with some plastic gold string and tied a knot. It's so poorly done that it looks like someone with zero experience with technology did the repair job. Anyways, you make up your own mind. I sure made up mine! 

This is 100% proof that NASA has someone on Mars fixing the rover. The person living on mars has to have others there too, so there is already a whole colony on Mars. The USA wants to remain a world power and keep other countries off of Mars. Thats why all the Russian probes sent to Mars have been destroyed with in minutes of getting there...except some died on the way. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Orb Over SpaceX Rocket Launch, Camera Guy Zooms In, Stops Launch! Dec 8, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 8, 2020
Location of sighting: Boca Chica, Texas, USA

Watch this video and its going to blow your mind! This was recorded off live cam for SpaceX launch of the prototype of the rocket that will one day carry settlers to Mars to create a new colony. The camera guy picks up the camera (is on tripod) and begins trying to find the UFO he noticed above the rocket. Soon he finds it and zooms in. For about 3-6 seconds its perfectly focused. I took a screenshot and enlarged it and added focus to for you to see it more clearly. And it looks like this UFO caused the launch to be delayed for a while. 

Aliens are highly interested in the latest of human technology...and this rocket has it all. This UFO is 100% aliens and they were seriously checking it out. They probably scanned this thing from head to toe and know very nut, bolt and wire on this whole craft. They probably know more about it now than even Elon Musk himself. Clearly Elon has the support of aliens because they seem to be coming to the SpaceX launches now to do their own observations. They might have even beamed aboard for a few minutes to check out the inside first hand. Aliens...nosey little buggers. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan