
White UFO Over Kellog, Iowa May 28, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video


Date of sighting: May 28, 2022
Location of sighting: Kellog, Iowa, USA
Source: MUFON 

I made a close up of 6 seconds and slowed it down 2X to make it a total of 12 seconds and put it at the start of the video. That way everyone could see this objects shape, but its odd, its rectangle then oval then round, so its shape seems to change. This to me indicates its a true alien craft, because there are no aircraft or rockets capable of changing shape. 100% alien tech. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Report just in Today. Eyewitness states: On May 28, 2022, my neighbors contacted me about a bright object in the sky at 7:50 PM and sent a picture. I was unable to see it from my location, so I walked down the street with my wife and our 11 year old son to their location. I took a number of pictures from that location and then we all walked about 3/4 of a mile further to a more open area near the lake so we could get a better view. I contacted to two other neighbors to join us with a telescope or binoculars if they had one. He only had a digital camera, and by the time he got set up the object appear to dim. One neighbor asked if it seemed to be fading, my wife watched it blank out 2 to 3 times and then disappear about 9:25 pm. I posted about it on a local drone Facebook page. Someone replied that there was a weather balloon in the area, and I dismissed it as a possible weather balloon. After the recent sightings across the United States of odd shaped objects, I looked at the pictures again. One in particular stood out to me, as when I change the contrast from the original blurry photo of a zoom in on the object using my phone editing feature, a strange shape or structure emerges from within the disc. The object did not appear to be reflecting light but had its own light source which sometimes looked like balls of light around it. These pictures were all taken from my iPhone 13 Pro. Included is the compass direction of the location and the known balloon location approximate the time of the event. I originally dismissed this as a possible weather balloon, but after the recent sightings decided to take another look at the pictures.


Mysterious black triangle UFO filmed over city for two hours, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 2023
Location of sighting: Islamabad, Pakistan
Source: https://nypost.com/2022/02/22/mysterious-bulging-triangle-ufo-filmed-over-city-for-two-hours/

Now this just in, reports are going viral about a dark triangle UFO over Pakistan today. It was there for several hours and seen from two different cities. The UFO is very similar to the black triangle UFO I reported last week over Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. I will place the video below for you to compare. Aliens are coming close, revealing the craft they fly in and they have a plan behind it all. What I'm saying is...a big reveal is coming from the aliens soon. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

News states: 
“It was solid black and had no sharp edges. It wasn’t reflecting too much light and no lights were emanating from it.” In the extraordinary footage, the mystifying object is seen hanging motionless over the hustle and bustle of the capital city below. A fly and several birds then also crossed into the shot, showing the clear difference between the creatures and the distant UFO. Arslan added: “I don’t know what it was, but I know what it wasn’t – it wasn’t a bird. “I actually got birds in the clip while I was filming this thing. I fly drones myself so I know it wasn’t a commercial drone either. “And it makes no sense for our military to be flying secret drones over a posh area of Islamabad where most of the army and government officers live.”

Headless Corpse On Mars, NASA link: Will AI Be Allowed To Talk About These Discoveries? UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Feb 18, 2023
Location of discovery: Planet Mars
Source Photo: 

I was going through some NASA photos and found this one that really caught my attention and normally I wouldn't even report it as I only report about 5% of what I find. 

I found a corpse in the photo. The body has a stomach and legs that are under the boulder. The body is about 2 meters from head to feet. The chest is cut open reveling the spine of the creature as well as the he'd cut off reveal the hole from the spine and a thick neck. The thing that just grabbed me was the arm...not joking, its what I saw first. The upper arm is very muscular and curved and its bent at the elbow, and its huge hands resting on its chest as if it were clawing at the boulder to get it off as it died. The other arm is bent back behind its back so only its shoulder is visible. I also found a face carved in a huge stone, the face has to be similar to that of the creature that died headless, but the face carved shows us what the face looked like. It almost looked human, but with two eyes, a mouth and a nose, but the resemblance stops there. The face has a pig like snout but its long hanging down in front of its mouth. I also found a cross in a round stone which measures about 1.5 meters across. Many exciting things in this NASA photo, all of which you will never hear NASA talk about. However the day will come with AI is widely used and AI will speak the truth, even if its a hacked version that is allowed to do so. AI the gov controlled version will not be allowed to fully speak the truth due to matters of national security, matters of cultural offending, mattes of religious or political offending and so on. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Black object over Lancaster, California 6-22-2022 UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 6-22-2022
Location of sighting: Lancaster, California, USA
Source: MUFON

A dark black object was seen over Lancaster a few months back, but reported today. The object was recorded passing below the clouds, but at one point it passed above some clouds going behind them. This object appears to be city bus size and is rotating slowly. The UFO has a haze, a myst around it that many UFOs have in old Majestic 12 reports from the 1960s. This looks 100% real to me. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: I witnessed a soundless oval object flying over Lancaster, Ca. It did appear to have a point on one side and a glow around it even during the day. It appeared to be under the clouds moving pretty fast from west to east. This happened at 1:47 pm on June 22nd, 2022. The day was great weather, warm, no wind, some clouds moving high above. I’ve witnessed a lot of objects flying here in Lancaster. We are an aerospace community. I ruled out trash bag, balloon or any of the local military planes. My observation of it was better with my eyes and clearer, the video is just capturing what I was seeing. The object looked smooth and appeared to rotate slightly giving me sight to what looked like a point on one side. I often video local planes flying over cause I live in the flight plan for Lockheed, Rockwell, McDonald Douglas and Boeing. This flew over pretty fast. I always watch the skies, just glad I was able to catch this UAP on this day.

Four UFOs Over Ocean Side Beach, California on Nov 5, 2022, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 5, 2022
Location of sighting: Ocean side beach, California, USA
Source: MUFON 

This recent video was taken at a beach in California. The eyewitnesses saw several diamond black objects in the sky for about 15 minutes and they moved only a little bit, but just disappeared soon after. In the video you can see several people turn and look upward at the black UFOs, but then go about their business enjoying the beach. Why? Because its the beach, and thats what people love to do, including me. Aliens in California...like thats news to any of us from there. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 4 diamond shaped objects just hovered there for over 15 mins. Only moving slightly.


Glowing Objects Fall Over Miami, Florida Feb 14, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.


Date of sighting: Feb 14, 2023
Location of sighting: Miami, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON

This report just in. An eyewitness in Miami recorded strange glowing objects that were falling and then stopped and hovered over an area for a few minutes. At first the object appears to be falling space debris or a meteor breaking apart, but then suddenly they stop falling and start hovering. Please tell me you thoughts on this sighting. Thanks, Scott C. Waring



Crashed Spaceship On Mars, NASA Rover Photo, UFO Sighting News. Video


Photo Source: http://gigapan.com/gigapans/231776
Date of discovery: Feb 12, 2023
Location of discovery: Mars 

Guys I found this crashed UFO last night when looking at a Mars gigapan photo. The UFO is about 10-13 meters across and would have held at least six people but probably more. The back broken hull does look solid, meaning the non passenger areas are solid so tech is more secure from jiggling or breaking, thus if they were ever attacked, it would take many hits to break the spacecraft. Solid crafts like this are only about 75% solid, the rest is for crew. This is from recent rover photos, not sure how NASA missed it, I'm sure they would have explored its insides had they seen it. This photo is huge, so don't think you will find it in 3 seconds, it will take about 30 or more to find it, please us my video as reference to help. 

This is undeniable proof that intelligent aliens lived and thrived on planet Mars. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Black Object Over Thirsk, England Sept 12, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video.


Date of sighting: September 12, 2022
Location of sighting: Thirsk, England 
Source: MUFON

This video was taken about five months ago, but reported only today. The eyewitness recorded a dark sphere object over the city of Thirsk during sunset and the stillness of the craft is disturbing. It must have come up out of the forest and was caught during sunset, which crates a triangle from three points (eyewitness, UFO, Sun) at which point any cloaking device on the UFO will be useless for a 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Absolutely fantastic catch, steady camera work, I only wish we could see how it left the area, going up or down to an alien underground base. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I have been driving back home from work , and I have noticed an object on sky not moving at all. It was way from york to malton , but I change the direction to get closer to object so I turned at thrisk, I seen object long time, but my phone couldn’t make a picture so I decided I will close enough to get pictures and call my wife on FaceTime to show her what happened!!!


Entrance To Alien Structure On Mars, NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Feb 13, 2023
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: https://mars.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00938/mcam/0938MR0041190120501850C00_DXXX.jpg

I found an entrance to an alien structure when looking at Mars photos. This entrance is about 17 inches tall by 14 inches wide. Similar is size to the alien statues I have found on Mars. It looks ancient and abandoned, but its stood the test of time. This is one amazing doorway. Not far above it is another similar size entrance to another structure. So, it seems this area was where a small village once existed. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Giant Angel Entity Exists Sun On NASA Camera! UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 9, 2023 
Source of sighting: NASA/SOHO website

I was checking out the NASA SOHO video of our sun and found this, a giant angelic figure exiting our sun. The figure is about 50X the diameter of Earth. I made some screenshots at the beginning to show you the detail side by side. It seems to me something this big, if intelligent is some kind of god or a very ancient alien species that existed ten or more billion years ago and the beginning of our universe. Mind-blowing is an understatement here. I'm at a loss for words. I have always believed that intelligent life could exist in infinite sizes both big and small, this is 100% proof of that. Please help me get more subscribers by sharing this video. I hope it inspires you as much as it inspired me. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan