
4 alien faces found in Same Mars photo as woman figure!

I am (Scott C. waring, its in my ufo book) releasing this info to the world now, May 23, 2010 after careful study of it, and i find it to be real.

2008 Three Human-Like Figures on Mars, One Giant Reptilian Head With Crown & Three Carved Faces In Side of Mountain.

Please click image to enlarge.

On January 3, 2008, NASA posted a photograph taken by the Mars Spirit Rover on their web site that bloggers around the world began scanning over carefully in order to catch anything that NASA may have accidentally let slip through. To everyone’s amazement some anonymous person in Asia did and posted it on the Internet causing widespread excitement over the possibilities of life existing on Mars. This led me to new discoveries of a male and a possible child figure near the female figure. I also found a statue like face (head only), in high detail of a reptilian looking skyward and wearing a crown with a jewel in it. I found a three carved faces in the side of the mountain of three unknown species, which can only be compared to Mt. Rushmore.

When I found the NASA photograph at http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA10216.jpg , I was amazed at the quality. The figures themselves were in the far left side center of the photo. I realized NASA labeled it ‘False Color’ so I decided to change the color back to its original state to see what NASA was hiding. When I used auto balance for color adjustment from Photoshop, the colors changed slightly. The color of the tunic like cloths turned from brown to a dark olive green, the faces from brown to pinkish. I say faces because although news reports only one figure in the photo, there are actually two or possibly a third (that of a child). That’s right, there is a second figure lying on the ground very close to the first figure. That’s a little tidbit that you wont hear from news agencies around the world, but if you look at the original NASA photograph, you will see the first figure is actually looking down from the rock its sitting on, as it seems to glare at the second figure lying on the ground. When looking at the original photo, I was surprised that news agencies laughed and joked about the figure. The skeptics blew off this photo as wind shaped rock mixed with the vivid imaginations of the public. Perhaps that caused less people to actually look into the photograph itself for fear of being ridiculed or embarrassed in front of the scientific community. That is called disinformation, when the governments release (using media as their proxy) wrong information to counter the real UFO information in order to confuse the facts.

--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring