
UFO Sighting Photo On Yahoo News Today, at Volcano in Iceland, see before taken down.

UFO Sighting Photo On Yahoo News Today, at Volcano in Iceland, see before taken down.

UFO Sighting Date: November 4, 2004
Discovery Date: November 1, 2010

UFO Sighting Location:Grimsvotn, Iceland Volcano

I was reading the Yahoo.com news when I noticed this UFO flying over the volcano in the photo that they use. This happened this morning so if you check real quickly, you will find it too. I included the URL address so that you can see it. For some odd reason, no one has ever brought this up.

Below photo I altered the contrast & exposure only.

The photo shows a volcano with a large plume of smoke erupting out and a black classic flying saucer leaving the volcano. It is not possible for it to be a plane or helicopter, because all aircraft were grounded in Iceland at this time not to mention that being that close with a helicopter is suicidal at the least.

Amazing all around photo, plz take a look.
Source: http://is.gd/gAQIi

Perhaps you remember the UFO sighting at the same Iceland volcano back in April 2010, watch this amazing news video.

Also, I SC Waring have see such UFOs hovering near volcanos on many occasions. Take a look at this video below that I recorded when looking a volcano live web cam. Many small dark orbs flying in its plume.

*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ***