Breaking UFO News : Answering reader questions in The Guardian, Australian-born Assange said: "Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules. 1) that the documents not be self-authored; 2) that they be original.
"However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the Cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs."
This statement from Julian is an incredible clue to what will come next. Note that Julian is also a well known hacker just like another UFOlogy hero, Gary McKinnon who was seeking FREE ENERGY, which the US government is hiding due to the loss of revenue if it ever was widely used. Who is Gary Mckinnon who goes by the hacker name "Solo?"
Gary Mckinnon also managed to get access to some Excel spreadsheets of NASA. He says, “One of them had the title, Non-Terrestrial Officers. It contained names and ranks of US Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but I’ve never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.” Can you imagine, US soldiers living on another planet, possibly permanently, to avoid them divulging the militaries programs and objectives to others on Earth? I the writer, have read on the internet about such a situation, it may or may not be legit, I could not confirm its source, but they say that there are over one thousand US Marines living off world and stationed in some alien built (yet abandoned) cities on the dark side of the moon.
Now, this seems unusual, but using the DVD camera technique that I mentioned in the moon chapter, I was able to find many cities, and even an entire craters that were covered in a dark sunglasses black dome. So, I for one am no longer laughing at such stories, but now looking deeper into them.
If Gary McKinnon had hacked into the patent office instead of hacking into NASA’s airbrushing room, he may have been successful at finding the blueprints to create a device for free energy. Photographs of such machines would be much less valuable to the public than blueprints. One man, hacker though he may be, could have actually changed the world for the better. I wish they had a medal of honor for Joe Public when he literally puts his life on the line for not just his country but the entire world. Gary McKinnon holds that great honor for fighting for those who believe in him and for those who do not. You are a modern day John Wayne. I and the world thank you Solo, but Julian Assange will succeed where Solo had failed and he will RAISE HUMANITIES LEVEL OF AWARENESS OF THE REALITY AROUND THEM.
We believe the latest report about how The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to add the Internet to its portfolio of regulated industries is a move to censor the truth about UFOS Extraterrestrials and gov. dirty secrets !
☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯
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