
UFO over Ballinger, Texas 9/14/2011 VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 14, 2011
Location of sighting: Ballinger, Texas

Eyewitness states:

"I usually only use this channel to post wrestling videos but this one is an exception. Around 9 pm on September 14th, 2011 in the small town of Ballinger, Tx a loud explosion-type sound shook the town's residents. Everyone went outside to see if there was a fire somewhere or if it was thunder but the skies were clear. To the south mysterious lights appeared. Very hard to explain how they looked but one light would appear then it seemed another would come out of that light until there was light eight lights total. Then the lights just disappeared. My friends and I were standing outside in total disbelief when we saw it. Immediately dozens of posts on Facebook were made by many different people who saw the same thing, wondering what the hell it was. My friend was at home when she saw the lights then ran in to grab her camera. This video is from her tape. I captured it to my PC and made this video. Talked to the cops and sheriff, all of whom saw the lights, said they have no clue what the 'explosion' was. Nor do they know what the lights were. They said there was over 20 calls to the police department after the 'explosion'. After checking around, there was no signs of any kind of explosion anywhere in the area even though it was heard 8 miles away by firemen in Rowena, Tx. I don't know what this is, but it is was crazy and I'll never forget seeing it."

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