
UFOs Over LAX Airport Caught On Live Cam, Check Out Cam Now To See!

Date of sighting: Aug 9, 2012
Location of sighting: LAX Airport, Los Angeles, California, USA

The lights are back. These glowing lights are visible right now on live ABC cam. I saw these glowing UFOs once before and posted a video to Youtube but its been a long time since they came back. If you check right now, you may see them and if you do please leave a comment below. These change positions and are not airplanes. Planes do not travel so close together and in such hover in position.

Cam: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/feature?section=weather/photos&id=5790342 


  1. I saw three balls of flames last year in erith kent and we had bad snow too they were in tight V formation and one went to search while others stayed still .they all regrouped and then shot up the thames to the sea.they returned twice more within that month

  2. Thanks, Scott. It's 11:32 am ET. No signs of them. I'll try tonight again.

  3. I work at LAX, these shots look like they're taken from the 105 FWY and the "ufo's" appear to be coming in from the east, which is the normal flight landing path to LAX. The planes come in together and they appear pretty close in the evenings when it's very busy at the airport, and funny thing is, my daughter thought they were UFO's too for many years until I explained what the objects were to her. On some mornings, you will see these same lights flying in from the west into the airport and far away they too look like UFO's.


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