
Alien Face Discovered By Curiosity Rover, March 2013.

Date of sighting: March 2013
Location of sighting: Surface of Mars

Eyewitness states:
Photograph taken by Curiosity appears to show a reptilian type skull. I have also pointed out two other artefacts, a car (small so possibly a childs sports type car) and the cockpit of a plane, again possibly model sized. Remember what we are seeing are not rocks as NASA would have us believe. What we are seeing are objects that have been buried in the mud and a thin sandy concretion has formed on top over hundreds of thousands of years. You can see all over the main picture that it has cracked and broken exposing artefacts. There is a whole planet there that was once inhabited by a civilisation that was much more advanced than we are now. We shouldn't be surprised at 'anything' we may find. It could be that human life originated on Mars and a small number came to Earth prior to the Martian nuclear catastrophe. If that is the case it may explain why many of us instinctively know of past life on Mars, why many of the artefacts appear so familiar to us and also, the technology we are trying to obtain to travel to and from Mars may be waiting for us right where we left it.