
UFO sighting in New Albany, Ohio on April 11, 2014, Email Report.

Date of sighting: April 11, 2014
Location of sighting: New Albany, Ohio, USA

The possibility exists that this is a UFO. Such UFOs have been seen around the world...for instance the UFO that defended over Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem which was recorded by not one but 7-9 eyewitnesses from different tour groups and different vantage points. However, we need closer confirmation to insure its not a LED RC toy. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
Here is a copy of ufo sighting....my roomie and I both stopped to record. We spotted and saw this UFO tonight after work. Between 9-10pm... I don't really believe in UFO's, but this looks pretty much like one..LOL by standard said it was a toy airplane, but.. we don't think so.