
UFO Flying Near Moon And Orb Near Jet Contrails, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit and moon.
Eyewitness states:
The objects in this clip were shot during daytime filming of the moon. I was panning the scope to track chemplanes as I saw them and that was how I filmed the second object in this clip. The first object may be one of those white orbs I film near chemtrails but it is hard to know for sure. Also, if you wish to follow my articles on the Examiner.com click the links below to my articles and subscribe to the author.



  1. Wow. That second object is very interesting. It seemed as if it had lights or thrusters that glow. Nice catch.

  2. Wow great catch...that 2nd object is definitely a ship with thrusters.

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