
Mystery 4 meter UFO Disc found near Volgograd in Russia, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 9, 2015
Location of discovery: Volgograd, Russia
Source: http://bloknot-volgograd.ru/news/unikalnyy-4-metrovyy-disk-nlo-obnaruzhili-ufologi--628420

Do you see the whitish parts on this disk? Thats the metal tungsten that he describes. It has been found at some alleged UFO crash sites. Also this disk was measured to be over 1 million years old. It looks to me like the stone disks I've seen in Mars NASA photos, which leads me to conclude that this UFO is a military drone, but it was probably damaged during the Mars attack and got off course, crashing on Earth. This one is also big enough it might not be a drone, but a manned vessel. Remember alien have the power to make anything fly, regardless of weight. This disk is special, DARPA will want it, because its the perfect drone. How many times would Russia have to shoot at one of these to knock it out of the sky? A lot. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Expedition "Kosmopoisk" headed by Vadim went to Zhirnovsky district on September 9. Just a couple of hours ago, about 8-9 pm September 9, the first day of excavation ended in Medveditskaya ridge zhirnovsky district in the Volgograd region.  The place long ago became a famous because of mystical phenomenon.  It justifies its reputation at this time. Experts "Kosmopoisk" managed to find a giant disk, the first-ever 4-meter-high stone disc. UFOlogists have no doubt that it is from space. We managed to find a dozen of these stone disks, he told the "Notepad Volgograd," a famous Russian UFO researcher Vadim Chernobrov.  However, this is such a unique one. 

Other disks have diameters of not more than 1 meter. Previously, we have been able to publish the findings of these alien objects, but the biggest of them found in the Kuzbass was a diameter of 2 meters. The stone disc UFOs really made waves. A man said that in the area they are something mystical. Ufologists are expected to know the age of the discovery and the purpose of the metallic inclusions. The results were quite controversial. Judging by geoporodam on the subject, its age is about one million years. Meanwhile, the metal inclusions in it, in particular, tungsten, has not been understood. Examinations will continue. Now the disc is in Zhirnovsky museum. Work on the ground will be resumed tomorrow. UFOlogists expect to continue to look for traces of the UFO in the Volgograd region.
 Above is a smaller disk being lifted up. 2 meters across.