
Strange little creature found in Russia along river bank, Aug 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2015
Location of discover: Sosnovy Bor, Russia

This tiny alien body was found near a river in Russia and has no resemblance to any animal known. Russian scientists are confused over what it could be and said they need to wait for the results of the tests, which are probably DNA I assume. I will update this as soon as I hear about it. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
They found a strange and mysterious creature in a river in Sosnovy Bor, Russia A strange and mysterious creature was accidentally captured by two residents of Sosnovy Bor. The mysterious creature was found on the banks of a river near the town of Sosnovy Bor, Russia. The strange creature has resivido Kensha name, the creature been examined by several experts and so far have been unable to identify it. This is a video extracted from the Russian TV. Initially, local residents thought that Kesha - was a mutant chicken embryo. But the strange phenomena expert researcher Andrew comments: It seems neither fish nor fowl - This creature has a strange skull, without peak, without fins. The baby was delivered by an expert Tamara strange phenomena for investigation. Tamara says she does not know how I managed to catch her relative. The mysterious creature was taken to experts from the Institute of Biophysics in Krasnoyarsk The expert from the Institute of Biophysics in Krasnoyarsk. Biologist Yegor Zadereev skeptical after analyzing the creature, says it is impossible identifiar the creature that fast, extensive studies are needed to determine what kind of creature or organism is. Local residents are not consistent so geneticists have called Moscow.


  1. Now they are showing in Australia....www.smh.com.au...its real happening...

    Good work

  2. Guys, this just made it to Yahoo News. I was just reading todays news and pow, it hit me in the face. http://news.yahoo.com/alien-corpse-discovered-near-nuclear-power-plant-132241429.html


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