
Two Human-like Faces Found On Mars With Google Earth, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars Coordinates: 10°12'53.08"N 157° 9'51.54"E

These are some great faces along a ridge in Mars. An Argentine researcher Marcelo Iranzusta sent this into me and its just mind blowing. The first face is looking left, the second smaller face is looking right. 

Why are faces important? They tell us what that particular species looks like. These two have similar facial features to humans...a nose, chin, two eyes, forehead, two nostrils, mouth under nose...protruding eyebrow ridge. What more could you ask for?
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
TWO FACES CARVED IN ROCK Mars were discovered by Argentine researcher Marcelo Irazusta. This interesting finding adds to other similar that are being discovered by leading researchers on the planet Mars. The faces have an area of approximately 26 meters in length and Google Mars coordinates to locate are: 10° 12'.53.13 "N 157 ° 9'51.53" E 

DOS ROSTROS TALLADOS EN LA ROCA DE Marte fueron descubiertos por el investigador argentino, Marcelo Irazusta. Este interesante hallazgo se suma a otros parecidos que estan siendo descubiertos por importantes investigadores del planeta Marte. Los rostros tienen una superficie aproximada de 26 metros de longitud y las coordenadas de Google Mars para ubicarlas son: 10°12'.53.13"N 157°9'51.53"E