
UFO Matches Speed With Space Station, Then Shoots Off, April 7, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 7, 2016
Location of sighting: International Space Station

This UFO was found by Streetcap1 and shows a solid tubular object that just suddenly appears on the horizon. The object moves toward the space station, then matches speed with it, then zooming away in the opposite direction. Very rare to see how a UFO moves when near the ISS. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. This is more like it Scott!

    1. Indeed.

      If this blog had more things like this it would be taken FAR more seriously...but no...Scott has to post something daily so he makes up garbage about rocks that slightly resemble faces and claims to have personal knowledge about how alien tech works. He has turned this blog into a joke.

      I originally came here in interest because it's a topic I am passionate about, but now I just come by to see the trainwreck and make fun of the lame faces. Sad.

  2. Hello Scoott, what you think of this UFO filmed in Russia.


    Amazing UFO over Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
    Непознанное и необъяснимое явление: НЛО над Нижним Новгородом озадачил пользователей соцсети. В социальной сети бурно обсуждают неопознанный летающий объект, который пролетал в ночном небе над городом.

    Видео опубликовано в группе «Нижний Новгород» в социальной сети. «Загадочный объект пролетает в районе Нижнего Новгорода и исчезает в небе», — подписал видео Саша Бодрый.

  3. Hey scott, when the ufo appears initially, don't you feel it looks like a partially cloaked disc shaped object? It rather seems like the cloak failed just for a while and then retured to normal.

  4. I commented yesterday on this on facebook you should have received it and also some of my moonshots that I sent you weeks ago, but no reply from you! I have several screenshots of this object. I saw it on 25th March but my camera view was different and there was a lot of lens flare around from the sun! When I saw it, it reappeared again , about 8 minutes after fading! It did attract my attention but I forgot about it untill I saw it yesterday on dailymail.co.uk. Lens flare by the space station is incredible and wierd, an amateur astronomer could not tell me what is what when I showed him some of the screenshots that I have! It is so easy to think things are ufo's and this is so frustrating for us people wanting to proof alien existence! I also feel it looks real but I have seen lens flare objects similar to this and I think I found other screenshots of this object where it is totally blue, but because it was lying parallel to the lens flare the amateur astrophotographer suggested it was related to the lens flare. I could send you some of the shots on facebook but it looks like you are ignoring me and I have no proof that you are opening my mail!

  5. I commented yesterday on this on facebook you should have received it and also some of my moonshots that I sent you weeks ago, but no reply from you! I have several screenshots of this object. I saw it on 25th March but my camera view was different and there was a lot of lens flare around from the sun! When I saw it, it reappeared again , about 8 minutes after fading! It did attract my attention but I forgot about it untill I saw it yesterday on dailymail.co.uk. Lens flare by the space station is incredible and wierd, an amateur astronomer could not tell me what is what when I showed him some of the screenshots that I have! It is so easy to think things are ufo's and this is so frustrating for us people wanting to proof alien existence! I also feel it looks real but I have seen lens flare objects similar to this and I think I found other screenshots of this object where it is totally blue, but because it was lying parallel to the lens flare the amateur astrophotographer suggested it was related to the lens flare. I could send you some of the shots on facebook but it looks like you are ignoring me and I have no proof that you are opening my mail!

  6. Check the similar object on the right hand side of the ufo in question its the same shape and size just on the horizon and it also fades out but before the other object.

  7. Check the similar object on the right hand side of the ufo in question its the same shape and size just on the horizon and it also fades out but before the other object.

  8. Guysthis is my video!!! Its been stolen from me i made world widenews over this. Some guy from russia got my video added fake people talking im background which did NOT happem amd sent it you not happy

    1. Maybe, but you need to understand that often many people others are looking at the same cam at the same time, and since you and I and others look at the video archives...which is easier, so many people will see it and upload the video.

      I remember a time back when Streetcap1 and I both caught the same UFO and uploaded similar videos on Youtube of it. We didn't copy one another, it just happens, because we both look at the same cam.


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